I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 323: The Big Bang has its own national conditions here!

There have been countless conflicts at Hogwarts, ranging from conflicts between students to violent violence between houses...

But those conflicts are mostly limited to the student level, and rarely rise to the professor.

After all, the teachers were not too young, and they were all colleagues. They looked down and saw each other. Except for Snape, everyone felt embarrassed.

Therefore, the two professors were standing at the gate of the castle, confronting each other at the beginning of the semester, even before the division of schools had begun... It was really rare.

The little wizards were too addicted to their eyes, and they just waved their flags and shouted, and supported the two of them to shoot it on the spot with real sticks and guns.

Everyone has long been tired of watching the hand-to-hand fight between Potter and Malfoy, and now there is an urgent need for more exciting new tricks.

Unfortunately, the sudden appearance of Professor McGonagall abruptly interrupted the foreplay of the two single old men, which disappointed the students.

But the enthusiasm of the students remained undiminished. Even when they arrived at the auditorium, they were still discussing this matter, speculating on the grievances between Snape and Black.

So much so that the Sorting Hat's annual "concert" has become the most inconspicuous thing.

After the song ended, the Sorting Hat found that there were only sparse and perfunctory applause, and protested dissatisfiedly:

"What's going on? Why can't everyone listen to my song quietly?"

Professor Flitwick, who presides over the branch, stood beside the triangular stool and said in a low voice:

"It may be that the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher is here, which makes everyone a little excited."

"Aren't there new teachers every year?" The Sorting Hat asked puzzled, "It hasn't been like this in the past, has it?"

"It seems that there was a conflict with Professor Snape." Professor Flitwick explained.

"Who? So bold?" The Sorting Hat asked interestedly, "How dare you mess with that cheapskate Snape?"

The Sorting Hat really doesn't know who the new professor is...in the first few years, it still cares about it, but after this position is rotated every year...it doesn't care anymore.

Who cares about a consumable?

"Sirius Black." Professor Flitwick lowered his voice, "He went to school here more than ten years ago, do you remember?"

"It turned out to be that guy, how could I forget!" The Sorting Hat gritted its teeth and cursed:

"Blake stole me from the principal's office back then, and took me to the Black Lake to wash... This bad bastard is so bad that it oozes pus."

Professor Flitwick didn't expect that there was such a grievance between the two sides. He glanced at the dirty sorting hat and said cautiously:

"It's okay to wash it, right?"

"My thousand-year-old hat can't stand the washing of the lake." The Sorting Hat said angrily, "Dampness and cold have soaked into my cloth. I still have a fever and my throat hurts!"

"..." Your illusion is strong enough?

"Also... I was worn by Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw back then." The Sorting Hat muttered, "The smell has been washed away, and I am no longer the original hat."


Professor Flitwick was speechless. As the saying goes, the hat is like a person, and the Sorting Hat looks like this. What should Gryffindor look like?

Seeing that Professor Flitwick was silent, the Sorting Hat felt bored. It sighed:

"Felius, why did you come to the sorting house, Little Leva?"

Professor Flitwick picked up the parchment and explained, "Professor McGonagall has something to do."

"That's a pity." The Sorting Hat sighed. "She missed the most beautiful song of the year. I really feel sorry for her."

Professor Flitwick raised his eyebrows, but he felt that Professor McGonagall did not look regretful when he entrusted this job to him, but was indescribably happy and relieved.

"How did I sing just now?" The Sorting Hat asked again: "Are the lyrics beautiful and the voice pure and flawless?"

Professor Flitwick wanted to say it was like noise, but if he was so direct, he might hurt the Sorting Hat's heart. He is an honest man, and he is not good at telling lies, so he said implicitly:

"Ni's songs... are as delicious as fermented shark meat."

"Shark meat?" The Sorting Hat had never eaten shark, but it knew it was a high-end product.

"Filius, although you are short, you speak really nicely."


Professor Flitwick coughed, quickly read the list, and let the little wizards start sorting.

At the same time as sorting, Hufflepuff students began to make up their summer homework on a daily basis.

Usually at this time, Hannah and Susan are the most active, but tonight they got together, looking through something, extremely fascinated.

Rove asked curiously, "What are you looking at?"

Hannah glanced around, lowered her voice, and said, "It's the follow-up to the conflict between Snape and Professor Black just now... Someone else wrote it, and I just bought it."

"Is there anyone else who writes stuff?" Rove leaned over with a look of surprise, and just glanced at a few lines of words, and suddenly his eyes went dark.

The parchment was filled with words such as "Black cornered Snape and gently stroked his hair", "Snape gently hugged Black from behind" and other...words.

This is too fast, not long after the conflict ended, Hogwarts has already spread the small theater and cp text of the two of them?

Sure enough, Fuying has its own national conditions here!

Rove seemed to think of something, his expression changed suddenly, and he said, "There are no articles about me, right?"

"Why not." Hannah covered her mouth with a smile and said, "After you entered school, the articles with you as the protagonist were the most, and the girls were secretly circulating them."


"Rove, if you want to blame you, you are too good-looking." Susan teased, "Better than many girls."


At this time, the sorting was over, and Professor Dumbledore stood up. He was wearing a gorgeous blue velvet robe with stars embroidered with gold thread on his chest.

The old man's hair and beard were several feet long, and he wore half-circle glasses and his nose was hooked badly.

"Welcome!" said Professor Dumbledore, his waxed beard glistening in the light of the candles.

"Welcome everyone to Hogwarts in the new school year! Before the dinner starts, I have a few things I want to tell you.

First...and most important. "

Dumbledore cleared his throat and continued:

"The dementors of Azkaban, in order to carry out the official business of the Ministry of Magic, captured Peter Pettigrew, and they will be stationed at all entrances to the school."

"During their stay, it is strictly forbidden for any student to leave the school quietly without permission, especially not to go to the Forbidden Forest, Hogsmeade and other places."

Having said that, Dumbledore's eyes swept across the four tables without stopping, but he did not stop at Rove.

Luo Fu raised his head as if nothing had happened. He was as thick-skinned as a city wall, but he thought in his heart... If he didn't call the name, he didn't mention me.

"The second thing..." Dumbledore continued: "After Professor Lockhart left, we found a new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor...Professor Black!"

Sirius stood up, he smiled and said:

"People say that the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts is cursed... I heard this horrible school legend when I was your age.

I have also experienced the replacement of some teachers on a whim. "

"Then it's time for one of you to ask... 'Professor Black, why did you come here when you knew the danger?'"

Not long after Sirius' words fell, someone among the students seemed to be joking and shouted:

"Professor Black, since you know the danger, why did you come here?"

Everyone turned to look at the Gryffindor table and burst out laughing.

"Fred Weasley and George Weasley, right?" Sirius looked at the two students and said with a smile, "Good question."

"The reason is very simple... As you may know, I just came out of Azkaban." Sirius said with a wry smile:

"A middle-aged man who has just been released from prison, oh...he has been wronged, has no work experience, and is about to turn 35...it is difficult to find a job to support his family.

I went to apply for a position, they looked at my resume, then looked at my age...they asked me to go home and wait for news, and then...there was no more news. "

The little wizards knew it was a joke, but they couldn't help laughing again.

"Then, I asked myself a question." Sirius paused for a moment, and continued: "Azkaban and Dementors are more terrifying, or are curses more terrifying?"

"I told me...the former is more terrifying. Since I didn't die in Azkaban, what curse am I afraid of?"

"I know, some people will call me stupid, and some will say I'm brave...it doesn't matter what you think. After all, there is often a thin line between bravery and stupidity."

The corner of Sirius raised his mouth and said:

"In short, no matter what curse this position is, I hope that a hard-fated guy like me can escape its clutches.

Thank you all. "

At this moment, everyone applauded desperately, including the Slytherin students.



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