I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 320 Master's Mission

The dementors checked the carriages one by one, and one of the dementors soon arrived at the room where Rove was.

After it entered the carriage, it felt the happiness of this group of people, and it couldn't help taking a deep breath, long and slow, with a gesture like a cat meeting catnip.

So cool!

The temperature in the compartment dropped suddenly, and a thick chill surrounded the bodies of several people, as if seeping through the bone marrow, and every muscle in the body was tense.

After the dementor finished "scanning", it didn't turn around and leave the carriage. Instead, it stayed where it was, sucking non-stop, and its throat kept making clucking sounds of satisfaction.

Rove blew lightly towards the flame beside him, and the flame suddenly jumped to a high level, but the swaying heat did not dispel the coldness. He said:

"There is no one you are looking for here, leave quickly."

The dementor didn't leave, but seemed to notice something. It suddenly fixed its "eyes" on Rove's black leather case.

A gray, scabbed hand protruded from the cloak, the rotting hand shimmering, and groped towards the black box.

Rove sat calmly on the chair and reminded: "I advise you not to touch my box...it is very dangerous."

The dementor ignored the boy, but stretched out its arm to open the box. It saw a passage, and then stuck its head in.


The dementor suddenly seemed to be hit by a heavy hammer, and its whole body flew upside down. Not only did it hit the door, it broke through the door and fell on the aisle, scaring the little wizard in the opposite carriage into silence.

Even the dementors dare to fight... do you want to die?

Rove got up and walked out of the room. He looked at the dementor, tilted his head, stretched out two fingers to wipe off the dust on his shoulders and said:

"I told you not to touch my box, why are you disobedient? Did it hurt from the fall?"

The dementor floated up, and it was furious after being attacked, and rushed towards Rove, but it was knocked out again, fell behind the train corridor, and slipped back more than one meter.

The corners of Rove's mouth curled up, hehe smiled.

Next to the boy stood a girl with ponytails.

Beside Shirley, stood a white magical creature.

The magical creature had silver-white hair, so dazzlingly white, it seemed to exude a holy light, dispelling the cold in the air.

When the little wizards heard the movement, they poked their heads out of their compartments one after another. Many students quickly recognized the magical creature...


That's right, a unicorn indeed!

Two years ago, Voldemort possessed the back of Quirrell's head, killed many unicorns in the Forbidden Forest, sucked their blood, and extended his life.

This unicorn was the one that Rove rescued in the Forbidden Forest at that time, and he was rewarded with the magic of "Hand of Healing" from the system.

The effect is that the wound can be healed only by touching.

Unicorns are the purest life in the wizarding world. If you kill them, you will be cursed and will never live again.

And this holy creature, like the Patronus, can drive away dark creatures like dementors and voldebats.

It can only be said that a magical animal dares to touch a magizoologist's box casually... it is really brave.

"It's up to you, Unicorn!" Rove ordered, "Quickly use... the rocket head hammer!"

However, the unicorn ignored Rove's order, tilted its head instead, and glanced at Shirley beside him.

A unicorn is such a strange creature. It is extremely shy and afraid of humans...but this "human" is limited to men.

When meeting a pure girl, the unicorn is no longer afraid, but feels close to it, and is willing to let the girl touch and ride it.

This nature can't be said to be good, but it can't be said to be bad either. After all, Rove also has this nature, so he can't scold himself.

However, this unicorn really has no conscience. Obviously Rove saved its life, but after Shirley fed it a few times, she ignored Rove and only listened to Shirley's words.

Rove is not embarrassed if he can't order the unicorn. After all, it obeys Shirley's orders, isn't it the same as obeying Rove's orders?

This is the master... Ah bah, the mission of the boss!

Rove just glanced over, and the ponytailed girl understood, and she shouted imitatively:

"Arrietty, quickly use the rocket head mallet!"

The unicorn scratched the ground with one hoof, neighing loudly, and then, its limbs bounced off the ground, like an off-string arrow, whizzing towards the dementor.

The unicorn and the dementor collided head-on, and the golden horn on top of its head pierced deeply into its writhing body.

The dementor's stomach hurt like a knife, and he groaned and curled up.

The unicorn pulled out its sharp horn and stomped hard on the dementor's body with its front hooves. With a loud "bang", the tall and gloomy body flew up and spun like a dead leaf fluttering in the wind. ……come down!

The other dementors were alarmed, and they all floated over, trying to besiege Rove and Shirley.

I saw the unicorn raised its front hooves and galloped in the corridor, stabbing the dementors in the shoulder like lightning, and the powerful impact forced them back.

It can only be said... a natural enemy is a natural enemy, the existence of complete restraint!

"Get off the train quickly, this is not the place for you to stay." Rove raised his voice.

He really wanted to catch a dementor and use it for research.

However, the dementors are well-equipped prison guards in Azkaban, and they are surrounded by students. How can they be caught in full view?

Let's wait until these guys are alone!

The students all walked out of the carriage, looked at the scene with shock on their faces, and then talked a lot.

Even Malfoy squeezed over, wanting to see the scene of the battle.

However, Malfoy's attention was quickly attracted by Harry in the crowd, and he was more attractive than the unicorn.

Malfoy looked around, but didn't see the big black dog beside Harry.

A good chance...a good chance for revenge!

Malfoy pushed towards Harry.

The dementors were not reconciled. They felt the breath of happiness and wanted to have a full meal, but the unicorn stepped on its hoof lightly, so they had no choice but to float towards the car door.

Harry watched the dementors drifting by, and suddenly felt a chill run through his body, up his arms, and around his heart.

For a few seconds, Harry's spirits were lifted by the cold stimulation, but then everything shook and his fingers couldn't hold on...

Then Harry rolled his eyes upwards and fell backwards into the arms of the man behind him.

Malfoy was standing behind Harry, and he had just raised his wand when he saw Harry fall into his arms.

Everyone looked at the two of them.


Malfoy looked confused, he held up his wand in one hand, hugged Harry in the other, and cried out:

"It wasn't about me, I didn't do it! It wasn't about me! As you can see, Potter fell by himself...I didn't touch him!"



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