I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 267 You Can Call Me... Tom Riddle!

Rove grabs Pete and slams him hard against the glass jar.

His head smashed into the glass in an instant, half of his body went through, a large amount of water poured into his lungs, and the dwarf's body writhed desperately like an eel.

Inside the glass jar, there was still a gray head the size of a Quaffle. He had no body, only on the sides of the head, there were thick arms with severe varicose veins.

This is obviously another deformed species!

The deformed species opened its gray dead fish eyes, suddenly clamped Pete's head with its arms, bit his nose with its wide mouth, and tore it fiercely, with blood oozing out continuously.

Pete was in pain, and just when he was about to suffocate, the hand pulled him out again and fell to the ground.

Pete's nose was bitten off, and it felt as uncomfortable as being burned. He stretched out his hand to stroke it, and his body trembled from the pain, and cold sweat flowed out.

The dwarf turned over with difficulty and tried to open his eyelids. With blurred vision, he looked up and saw a young face that was still fresh in his memory.

Pete's eyes widened suddenly. It was this blond boy who gave him money tonight... Asking if the mermaid is beautiful, he was beaten up by Skender!

Rove looked down at the dwarf who was sitting limply on the ground, twitched the corners of his mouth, and said with a smile: "You are right, this mermaid is really beautiful, so I will take it away."

"Mr. Skander, someone robbed..."

Before Pete finished yelling, Rove kicked his head on the head. His head hit the ground directly, and he fainted on the spot.

The boy walked to the box, he looked over, looked at the mermaid at the bottom of the box, and sighed, "How did you make it look like this?"

Misangla, whose long hair was scattered in the water like a golden lotus blooming, heard a familiar voice, she raised her head in disbelief, and when she saw the boy, she immediately stayed there.

At this moment, the girl burst into tears.

"Okay, it's all right." Rove was silent for a moment, knocked on the box, and said with a smile, "You stay here for a while, and I'll take you out."

The boy closed the lid and put it back into his black leather case. He picked up the case and walked out of the tent.

The tent of the mysterious circus, like his box, also uses the traceless stretching spell to expand countless spaces. At this moment, his position is full of various deformed creatures.

In addition to the little fist-like monster just now, there are also Catwoman and Spider-Man who performed not long ago.

These are not normal magical creatures, they belong to deformed species. They are either produced by magic experiments, or they are born from intercourse and hybridization of magical animals of different species:

A python with a head and two bodies; a centaur with three arms, one leg and two heads; a turtle boy with a turtle shell on its back; a vampire with bark on its skin...

Of course, in addition to these living creatures, there are many conjoined creatures that have been made into specimens and soaked in formalin.

In the corner, Rove also saw two skeletons, one hugging the other in a strange posture.

There was nothing wrong with the skeleton being hugged, it was a normal human skeleton, but the other...his spine was skewed, his head was retracted into his shoulder blades, and one leg was noticeably shorter than the other.

There is also a golden inscription on the underside of the skull:

Quasimodo and Esmeralda at Notre Dame Cathedral.

In addition, there are two finger bones of Galileo; the mummy of Ramses the Great; the encrusted heads of Cromwell and Wang Mang; slices of Einstein's brain...

Skender is obviously not only a freak fanatic, but also likes to collect the remains of various wizards and famous Muggles... His interests are very mixed.

Rove passed through the monstrous species area and soon entered the magical animal area, where there are even more magical creatures:

Hairy rat pigs as big as cows; stinging manticores; giant piranhas; terrifying horned lizards with sickle-like claws...

Many dangerous magical creatures, even the teenagers saw it for the first time.

But compared to the boxes of Rove and Newt, a suitable living environment is specially arranged for magical creatures... The magical creatures of the mysterious circus are all locked in magic cages.

They are all tools for performance!

Rove promised Captain Carlos not to conflict with Skender, and he wanted to leave, but this would...

After finding Myrcella and seeing so many "babies", the boy didn't know why he suddenly didn't want to leave.

After all, he is a person who convinces people with reason, at least he should tell Skander some of his "reasons".

After a moment of silence, Rove quickly walked towards a huge cage.

Inside the cage was a magical creature with black markings behind its ears and a silver-gray back and outside of its limbs, which looked a lot like a cougar.

This is the cat leopard... a magical creature in North America, it can walk upright, and its eyes have the ability of hypnosis and legilimency.

This cat leopard, which was supposed to be running in the Appalachian Mountains, was bruised and malnourished as a whole, with multiple signs of being whipped.

Rove pulled out his wand suddenly, and pointed the tip of the wand at the magic lock. After an explosion, the cage was opened.

The cat leopard came out cautiously. After looking deeply at Luo Fu, it quickly ran to the distance.

There was a noise in the tent, and the magical creatures in the other cages roared excitedly like a swarm of restless bees in a hive.

But at this moment, a scream sounded from inside the tent. It was obvious that the lock was magical, and after it was forcibly opened, an alarm would be triggered.

At this time, the curtain of the tent exit was also automatically sealed.

Rove didn't pay attention, he walked to the second cage and released another horned camel.

As the boy walked towards the third cage, he felt something grab his ankle.

Rove looked down, and saw black fingers tightly clamping his calf, climbing up his thigh.

A goblin's dagger appeared in his hand, and the arm was cut off. The severed arm was wriggling on the ground, and the fingers kept opening and closing.

Soon, a group of dark wizards emerged from the ground. They were wearing cloaks and hoods, and they slid towards him. Under the hoods, their eyes were empty.

This is a group of ghosts!

Rove swung his wand, and a red light landed on an Inferi. The curse split his face in half, blasting a bone-deep gash that ran through his cheek.

But the Yin Corpse didn't shed a single drop of blood, they seemed unconscious, and they still staggered towards the young man.

"Where did the thief come from?" A voice like a bell rang from the tent: "Dare to act wild in my mysterious circus?! I don't want to live anymore!!"

Skander, who was startled after taking a half bath, appeared in the distance wearing a cloak, with terrible anger on his face, staring at the blond boy surrounded by ghost corpses.

"Boy, who are you?!"

Rove turned to look at the middle-aged wizard, he bowed gracefully, smiled and said:

"Mr. Skander, you may call me... Tom Riddle."



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