I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 264: Tomorrow's Show...Mermaid

Carlos invited Rove to taste the shark meat together, and the young man readily accepted.

But he soon regretted it.

The darkest dish Rove had eaten before, apart from the famous starry sky dish in England, was Hagrid's rock cake.

But the appearance of these two kinds of food is actually okay, at most you can only know what kind of crap it is after you eat it.

The shark meat prepared by Carlos was different, and it was only served. Rove looked at the pale shark meat in a sealed glass jar, and lost his appetite just by looking at it.

Even here, he didn't realize the seriousness of the matter, even looking at the glass cover, he still thought, is this a special method to preserve the aroma?

But as Carlos opened the jar, Rove finally understood why it was sealed because... it stinks!

I have to describe the smell... probably similar to the pungent smell of urine and vomit mixed together in a trash can on a hot summer day.

"Merlin's gift crab!" Rove was about to suffocate, he covered his nose and said, "What did you add to it?"

"Nothing was added, just shark meat, but..." Carlos took a deep breath and said with a smile, "This is the Icelandic method."

"Icelandic approach?!"

"It is to bury the shark meat in the ground and ferment it for a few months. The texture of the shark meat will form and emit the smell of ammonia, and it can be taken out for consumption."


"Of course, we have magic and don't need to be so troublesome for a few months." Carlos said with a look of enjoyment: "It can be successfully fermented in a few hours."

"Is this thing edible?" Rove frowned.

"Rove, it seems that you have never tasted shark meat." Carlos laughed and said:

"Sharks don't have kidneys, the body's uric acid will continue to accumulate, its meat is poisonous, and if you eat it fresh, it will cause problems.

Rotten fermentation is the best way to detoxify shark meat. "

Rove pouted, looking disgusted.

"Try it." Carlos Amway said: "This is my favorite food. Every time I drive the Mayflower and pass by Reykjavik, I will have a full meal."

As Carlos said, he scooped up a piece of shark meat with a spoon, dipped it in mustard, and chewed it in his mouth, with a satisfied smile on his face.

Rove hesitated, is it really so delicious?

"Try it quickly." Carlos took a bottle of rum for himself, he drank it, wiped his mouth, and urged:

"Don't worry, it smells bad, but it tastes good."

Luo Fu thought of the stinky tofu and snail noodles in his hometown. He believed it was true, forked a piece of shark meat, and put it in his mouth.

He... vomit! !

The pungent and throat-choking smell rushed into Rove's throat in an instant. It was more like an unknown object salvaged from the toilet.

"I'm going to the restaurant." Rove spat the shark meat into the trash can, stood up and said, "Go back now, we still have to catch dinner."

"Don't go, I don't like to eat this, and there are other foods." Carlos said hastily.

Soon the house-elves served a rich oyster soup, followed by herring and roast turkey with corn pie.

After the food was normal, Rove sat down again. He used magic to prevent himself from smelling, and began to eat dinner.

Carlos and Rove chatted about interesting things at sea, and of course, they didn't forget to promote his granddaughter who went to school in Ilvermorny.

With dinner over and the tablecloth removed, Carlos picked up a cigar, held the flame close to the end of the cigar, and turned the match to evenly burn the cigar from the edge to the middle.

Rove leaned on the back of the chair, comfortably stretched his back towards the fireplace behind him, and said, "So, what do you want me to do tonight?"

Carlos invited him to dinner, obviously not just to chat, but to have other things.

"I'm worried that you are young and energetic, and you can't get used to the mysterious circus, and you have conflicts with them." Carlos smoked a cigar, and the fragrant and rich blue-gray smoke swirled and stretched in the air.

Rove was silent and didn't speak.

He had heard Newt mention the Mystery Circus, which was owned by the Skander family.

This family is similar to the Scamander family, and they also collect all kinds of magical creatures, but unlike Newt who wants to protect and continue endangered species, Skander wants to make money.

They domesticate magical animals and perform them all over the world, even for the effect of the show, there will be freak shows.

What is a freak show?

Two-headed and three-headed deformed magical creatures are rare and common, and they also have various hybrids of humans and other magical creatures:

Half-breed house elves, half-human trolls, Muggle beasts...all are poor fellows who are not accepted by society.

Nagini, who was tortured by the blood curse, was captured by a mysterious circus and used as an actor.

"Carlos, you think highly of me." Rove suddenly smiled, and said softly, "I'm just a little wizard, and I don't have the ability to conflict with other people's circuses."

"Rove, don't say that." Carlos took the burning cigar out of his mouth, shook his head and said:

"I know you are very powerful. I knew that you were going to deal with Kabuloron that night...but I am still worried that you will suffer."

"Don't worry, I'm not so nosy." Rove said calmly.

Carlos breathed a sigh of relief, his gray eyebrows drooped low, and he sighed, "That's good."

Everyone knows that the mysterious circus has abused it for its performances, and there are even doubts about how those deformed creatures came from.

Scamander and Skander are both engaged in magical creatures, and Carlos does not want the two sides to conflict.

He didn't want to offend Skander, let alone Scamander, especially the talented boy in front of him, who had a bright future.



After Rove left the room, he found that there were no wizards in the first-class cabin, but at this point in time, dinner should have ended.

The boy thought for a while, and walked towards the restaurant. Before he arrived, he heard deafening cheers.

A house elf standing at the door opened the two facing carved wooden doors immediately after seeing Rove.

Rove entered the restaurant, looked up and looked around, and found that the tables had been removed, and everyone gathered around to watch the performance.

Music, laughter, and conversation boomed through the room, and the circus was at its height.

A banner reads:

Mystery Circus - Monsters and Strange People!

A half-human giant stood on a balance beam and made a series of ugly somersaults. It was obviously clumsy, but it never fell off... This contrast won cheers and applause from the audience.

Half-blood elves walk around, holding hats, asking the audience for money.

A middle-aged wizard shouted: "Tomorrow's show... a mermaid!"

Rove raised his head suddenly.



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