I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 194 Power Beyond Life

Being fined fifty Galleons was undoubtedly worse for the Weasley family, who were not rich in the first place.

But when you think about it, it's actually not that serious.

Both Bill and Charlie have already worked as adults. Their jobs are difficult, and their wages are correspondingly high.

A fine of fifty Galleons was half a month's salary for the two of them...it was easy to pay.

But the Weasley family still looks very poor, and the reason is very simple... They spend as much as they earn on a daily basis, they don't have any savings, and they are naturally stretched when encountering emergencies.

Just like in the original time and space, Arthur Weasley won the grand prize of 700 Galleons, and the deposit in the treasury was pitifully low, the youngest son couldn't even afford a new wand, and the daughter used second-hand books...

A normal family suddenly has this huge sum of money, not to mention storing it in the treasury, at least they will not squander it lavishly.

But the Weasleys traveled straight to Egypt, and in one summer, quickly spent most of their money, before being reduced to daily cash shortages again.

Their family's difficulties are really more of their own fault!

The brawl between Malfoy and Harry didn't last long. Snape walked in from outside the auditorium. He waved his wand and quickly separated everyone.

"Fight!" Snape grinned, "That's great, Potter, I'll see how many points I should deduct from you... Professor McGonagall will like this Christmas present when he comes back."

"Malfoy caused trouble first, he insulted Ron's family just now." Harry said angrily.

"What I saw was you two beating Malfoy, Goyle, and Crabbe, all three of them in pure self-defense."

"Fifty points deducted from Gryffindor!" Snape said hoarsely, "And you, Scamander..."

Rove raised his eyebrows and said, "Professor Snape, I didn't participate in the fight."

"It's true that you didn't fight, but as a classmate, you didn't take the initiative to stop the conflict, and you didn't report it to the professor..." Snape sneered, "Hufflepuff deducted ten points."


Rove was slanderous, if he went to help, Snape might say that he was involved in the fight... Leaving aside the facts, of course there was always an excuse to deduct points.

"However..." Snape suddenly changed the topic: "If you can give me a bottle of basilisk venom, I don't need to deduct points."


Rove and Snape had a bargain, and finally exchanged a small bottle of venom for an extra 20 points.

Both parties feel that they are not losing money, and even feel that they are making a lot of money.

Malfoy also felt that he had made a lot of money. Although he was beaten and his cheeks were swollen, he walked away proudly as if he had won a big battle.

After all, Snape had deducted points from Gryffindor.


"I'm going to teach him a lesson," Ron said through gritted teeth, looking at Malfoy's back, "One day, I'm going to hold his head down and teach him a lesson.

Why didn't Dumbledore fire this kind of person? Malfoy must have opened the Chamber of Secrets and attacked Mrs. Filch and Pince. "

"How do you know?" Harry asked.

"Does it need to be said?" Ron coughed and said:

"Malfoy hates Muggles the most, calling them mudbloods...their Slytherins have probably held the key to the Chamber of Secrets for centuries!"

Harry also agreed with this statement, and he and Ron began to think of small ideas, preparing to prove that Malfoy was the descendant of Slytherin.

But without Hermione helping to make the Polyjuice Potion, Rove didn't know how the two would act.

Soon, the dinner party began.

Instead of staying in the Hog's Head pub for Christmas Eve, Dumbledore returned to Hogwarts to dine with the remaining students.

Of course, Professor Snape was there too.

Rove also experienced this in the university in his previous life. He stayed at the school during the Chinese New Year, and the school leaders would come to hold condolences.

In addition to making dumplings and talking about homework, hundreds of yuan in lucky money will also be given out, and occasionally students from the city will come to grab red envelopes.

But since the epidemic, the number of students staying in school has suddenly increased, and the school has canceled the link of distributing money... What a pity!

There are not many students staying at Hogwarts this year, but the dinner is still very rich:

Roasted fat chickens, piles of roast meat and boiled potatoes piled up like hills, as well as large plates of sausages, bowls of peas mixed with butter... In addition, there are gifts such as wizard color bags and firecrackers.

This kind of color pack firecracker is similar to a blind box. After the explosion, different items will be exploded.

Rove was unlucky and got a lot of mice, so they left them for Mrs. Norris as a Christmas snack.

After the dinner, the boy left the auditorium alone and went to the principal's office. He came to the gargoyle and said softly:

"Merry Christmas...chilled lemonade!"

"You're happy too, kid!" The gargoyle jumped aside, revealing the entrance.

Rove walked up the spiral stairs, came to the oak door with ease, and knocked on the door.

"Come in." Dumbledore's voice came.

Rove pushed the door open and greeted the portraits on the wall politely:

"Merry Christmas, Headmasters."

Those portraits pretending to be asleep all opened their eyes and greeted Rove, and Phoenix even shouted loudly:

"Scamander, where's the Christmas present?"

"I didn't receive your gift either." Rove smiled and said, "We'll be even at best."

"Hey, how petty!"

Rove ignored Phoenix. He sat down on the chair, his eyes narrowed slightly, and saw a bottle on the principal's desk, which contained a black substance.

Dumbledore turned and walked towards a cabinet. He took out a shallow stone basin and placed it on the desk.

"Rove, do you know what this is?" Dumbledore asked.

Rove read the runes on the stone basin, and he translated it again: "Psyche."

"Yes, I remember that during the summer vacation, Nicole only started to teach you runes." Dumbledore was a little surprised, and he praised: "You learn really fast."

"I'm pretty good at memory, Professor." Rove grinned and pretended.

With the silverfish's magic "Word Devourer", Rove's memory has indeed greatly improved, even better than Hermione.

"My memory is failing." Dumbledore smiled. "There are too many things in my head, and I have to use the Pensieve from time to time."

Dumbledore raised his wand and inserted the tip into his silver hair, near his temple. When he pulled out his wand, it looked like strands of silver hair had stuck to the tip.

Dumbledore threw the memory into the Pensieve, he raised the black bottle and said:

"Rove, I told you earlier that there is a power of fear in it... that man is creating an existence beyond life."

"Next, I will take you to see the whole process of making that kind of thing!"



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