I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 164 Ginny, have you ever seen a diary?

When he came to the Charms classroom, Neville, who had a stomach ache all the way, finally stopped.

Neville seemed silly most of the time, but shrewd at other times.

While sitting in the chair, Rove patted him on the shoulder knowingly.

Good brother, if Hannah asks you in the future, who should be rescued first when both she and Mrs. Longbottom fall into the Black Lake at the same time... I will definitely help you out!

At this time, the classroom was noisy, and everyone gathered around Ron, listening to him tell what he hadn't heard for two minutes... "The story of that night".

Lavender Brown was already a big fan of Ron, and he was very enthusiastic about him, and asked a few questions.

"It's okay, I carry my wand every day now." Ron smiled to Lavender Brown, "As long as I want to, I can catch that monster anytime I want..."

Ron blows a lot, but he let it out during class.

When Professor Flitwick was teaching the spell, Ron's broken wand made a series of crackling crackles, then flew out of his hand and hit Professor Flitwick on the forehead.

Professor Flitwick's eyebrows immediately bulged into a big green bump.

"Mr. Weasley, ten points from Gryffindor!"



The poor performance in the Charms class exposed Ron's exaggerated story, and he had to go back to the original version.

Everyone also regarded him as a little liar like Lockhart.

Speaking of Lockhart, Rove did have some doubts about him.

On the night of the attack, Harry, who was in the Defense Against the Dark Arts office, arrived at the prize room first, and Lockhart was even slower than Snape.

Rove also asked Harry, and his recollection was that Lockhart said that he was a little hungry and went out to get supper.

No one can confirm whether this statement is true, but Lockhart did disappear for a while.

Is Tom's diary really in Lockhart's hands?

Rove hadn't planned to go to the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, but he went patiently.

Lockhart's class was getting boring. After being attacked by goblins in the first class, he decided not to bring magical creatures into class again for his own safety.

Lockhart began to "Quirrellized" and read the textbooks to everyone. The only difference between him and Quirrell was...he didn't stutter.

Lockhart is obviously an acting personality. In addition to reading textbooks, he will also perform some dramatic episodes, as if acting in a play.

It's a shame he doesn't make movies.

Rove was also brought in to perform, playing a vampire, and then he faked it, kicking Lockhart in the stomach with a whip kick.

He lay on the ground for several minutes without getting up.

From then on, Lockhart only asked Neville to perform, because he looked a little dull and wouldn't be as dangerous as Rove.

October came, and the weather suddenly turned cold, and the wet chill permeated the whole castle.

A sudden flu epidemic among professors and students made Madam Pomfrey flustered.

There were too many sick students, and there was not enough medicine. Rove was temporarily requisitioned and went to the school hospital to help brew potions.

After all, Rove is also a doctor. Although he is a veterinarian, he can barely count as half of his colleagues.

Coupled with Snape's 20 points, the teachers at Hogwarts have recognized that Rove is a potion genius... Wouldn't it be easy to make some cold medicine?

Rove is also willing to help, he can use the magic materials in the school hospital to practice, and he can also give Hufflepuff extra points.

Sitting in a hut, Madam Pomfrey placed the cooking ingredients and formula beside the boy, and she quickly said:

"Rove, your task is to brew a large amount of refreshing potion, which is very scarce."

Rove checked the materials and asked curiously, "Where's Professor Snape?"

The potions in the school hospital are prepared by Professor Snape and sent over, so there is usually no shortage of potions.

"Professor Snape has been very busy recently." Madam Pomfrey explained, "It seems to be catching that magical creature that attacked the students."

"If you ask me, it must have come in from the Forbidden Forest, just like the troll on Halloween last year!" Madam Pomfrey complained:

"The school doesn't care about the safety of the students at all. Come on, boy, make it quick."

Rove nodded. He sat in front of the crucible and carefully watched the steps of brewing the refreshing potion.

Refreshment, a cold medicine, caused smoke in the ears of those who drank it for hours, followed by a quick recovery.

But the side effect is drowsiness, and the whole person has no energy.

Rove has made cold medicine for pets, so there is no side effect of drowsiness.

Looking at the steps of the refreshing potion, Rove was going to modify it. With veterinary experience and "Snape's potion talent", he was so willful.

When the potion brewing was about to end, a familiar figure suddenly appeared, and she floated towards Rove.

Rove stirred the cauldron, raised his head and said hello, "Hi, Helena."

"Hmm...you go ahead, I'll talk about it later." Helena hated making potions the most back then, because she didn't have the patience and made mistakes all the time.

But if it was Rove, she would be willing to wait patiently for him to finish his work.

Helena, who was thinking far away, put her mind away and looked at Rove carefully. The boy's appearance was not worse than that of Tom Riddle, and he was even more attractive than the somewhat feminine Tom.

As for Barrow... roll as far as you can.

Rove, who got goosebumps from being stared at by Helena, hurriedly said:

"It's okay, I'm almost done cooking. Helena, what do you want from me?"

"Didn't you ask me to help you find Hufflepuff's house elf last time?"

Rove's eyes lit up suddenly, he stood up abruptly and said, "Any news?"

"Well, there are ghosts who know about that house-elf. She will come to Hogwarts to attend Nick's 500th anniversary." Helena stroked her temple hair, looked at Rove, and said softly:

"When the time comes, you and I will attend the anniversary of death, and I will take you to meet that ghost."

"Okay!" Rove nodded lightly: "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Helena smiled and said, "Your affairs are mine."


"Someone is coming, I'll go first." Helena walked forward suddenly, she passed through the wall and disappeared quickly.

Rove looked up and found two girls walking over.

When the little red-haired girl saw Rove, she tugged on the arm of the little blond girl behind her and ran towards him.

"Rove, why are you here?" Ginny asked.

"Brew the potion for Madam Pomfrey." Rove extinguished the flame of the cauldron, allowing the potion to cool down naturally.

"Who was that just now?" Ginny asked curiously: I looked like a woman from a distance! "

"Ms. Grey." Luna said suddenly: "Our Ravenclaw's ghost, but I've never seen her talk to anyone."

"Wow, Rove, do you still know such an indifferent ghost?" Ginny looked gossiping.

"I don't know Ms. Gray well, she's just passing by." Rove changed the subject and said, "What are you two doing here?"

"I have a cold, see Madam Pomfrey." Ginny sniffled.

"Here, this is it!" Rove scooped up the potion with a cup, handed it to the two, and said with a smile, "I just brewed it, and added some other ingredients."

"Can this be drunk?" Ginny looked disgusted.

Rove raised his glass, took a sip, and said with a smile, "I can't kill you if you drink it. I also added blueberries and mint to counteract side effects such as drowsiness."

Luna stared, and took the cup from Rove. After she finished drinking, puffs of steam came out from under her blond hair, and her whole head seemed to be on fire.

Seeing that the potion was fine, Ginny scooped herself a glass too.

"By the way, Ginny, have you ever seen a diary with a black cover?" Rove asked suddenly:

"It says Tom Riddle. It belongs to a friend of mine. I accidentally lost it at Lihen Bookstore last time."

Ginny shook her head in confusion and said, "No."

Rove nodded slightly and said, "I see."



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