The fat monk came to speak, but he obviously misunderstood, thinking that Rove was having a... tryst with Ms. Grey.

The love between ghosts and ghosts is over, and the fat monk can only feel that Ms. Gray is very attractive, but he doesn't know that Helena is obviously unilaterally acting passionately.

The dinner had just started when Dumbledore got up and left. Seeing the headmaster leave, the students discussed again eagerly.

People wondered if Harry and Ron were going to be fired, or if they had been in a car accident, or... died.

In just a while, the whole auditorium was spreading the poignant story of Potter and Weasley, staying and flying together, and going to hell together.

But Dumbledore only left for ten minutes before returning to the auditorium, with Professor McGonagall following behind him.

And Snape didn't come back until near the end of the dinner, his face was stern, but he couldn't hide the joy in his eyes.

Rove, who was having dessert after eating, saw a lot of Whomping Willow leaves still sticking to Snape's robe, and his heart skipped a beat.

He was still thinking about secretly picking up the remains of the Whomping Willow in the middle of the night. Could it be that Snape got there first? !

Professor Snape raised his head in a tacit understanding, and his eyes swept over Scamander without stopping, but there was still a contemptuous smile on the corner of his mouth.

Dumbledore stood up, dressed in a gorgeous sky-blue robe with a collar embroidered with silver trim, gold tassels and fine pearls, and feet of hair and beard that were exceptionally clean and glistened in the light of the candles.

"Welcome... welcome to Hogwarts in the new school year!"

"Before the dinner is over, I have a few things to say to everyone... First, the way to get to Hogwarts."

Dumbledore looked around with sharp eyes, and he said in a deep voice:

"Traveling the Express train has been a school tradition for almost two centuries and is a requirement of the Ministry of Magic.

We prohibit students from using any means other than trains to reach the school, including broomsticks, Muggle transport, apparition and more! "

"Today, two students came to school in a Muggle car, and almost got into an accident when they hit the Whomping Willow.

I don't want this kind of behavior to be pursued by you as a kind of glory. On the contrary, this incident violates the secrecy law and a series of other regulations. "

All the little wizards looked at Dumbledore quietly, and it was the first time they saw the headmaster get angry.

"Those two students will of course be punished as they should, but I still want to emphasize..." Dumbledore said with a serious expression:

"If you miss the express train, or cannot enter platform 9... just write to the dean, and the school will send a teacher to the station to pick you up.


Please don't make it your own way to get to the school! ! "

There was no sound in the auditorium, and the students' thoughts of imitating them disappeared in an instant.

"As for the second matter..." Dumbledore cleared his throat, and he said with deep eyes: "

"Not long ago we lost Professor Quirrell, but today we will welcome a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher—Professor Lockhart!"

Dumbledore was still very serious just now, a gratified smile suddenly appeared on his face, as if he was very happy about the arrival of his new colleague, he raised his arm and said:

"Professor Lockhart's resolute dedication to education has moved me immensely. Let us welcome him with the warmest applause."

There was applause and cheers in the auditorium, most of them were girls.

Lockhart has a great reputation and has won the Medal of Merlin. Most importantly, he is very good-looking, and this alone is enough for the little witches to be excited.

His arrival undoubtedly significantly improved the average appearance of the Hogwarts teaching staff.

Of course, this average value is still very low, after all, there are too many people holding back, and the lower limit is too low!

For example, Snape, who has been ranked first in the "Professors I Hate Most" ranking for eleven consecutive years.

"Thank you for your welcome."

Gilderoy Lockhart, who was wearing a water-green robe, stood up, looked around, and smiled with satisfaction.

Back then, when he entered the school, he thought that he would become the object of attention, because in his opinion, he was an out-and-out genius with powerful magic power.

But in the end, he found that he was just an ordinary person, not the best student.

Now after unremitting "hard work", he has returned with honor, and when he sees the old faces of the faculty and staff again, he is indescribably proud!

Lockhart coughed and said enthusiastically:

"Many years ago, I was as young as you, and I was studying at Hogwarts... At that time, I told myself that one day, I would definitely give back to my alma mater for its education and cultivation."

"Today, I have achieved some small achievements... Order of Merlin Third Class, honorary member of the Anti-Dark Arts League, five-time winner of the "Wizard Weekly" Most Charming Smile Award..."

"I don't intend to mention this, but every time I hear others mention it, I'm thinking..." Lockhart said with a satisfied smile, "It's time for me to come back full of honor."

As a well-known writer, Lockhart is still good in literary talent. He carried a well-prepared speech on his back and said:

"I know you've never met a reliable Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, but it doesn't I come!"

"I'm here, your defense against the dark arts will be saved!

Now that I am here, the educational standard of Hogwarts will go up! "

The applause sounded again, Lockhart raised his arms and said:

"Of course, I'm not saying that Professor Snape, who temporarily took over this class before, is no good, but after all, he is just a teacher who brews potions, and the level of Defense Against the Dark Arts may indeed be unsatisfactory."

Everyone looked at Snape, his sallow face turned yellower.

"Speaking of potions..." Lockhart grinned and said:

"I do have some talent in this area. If you have something you don't understand, you can ask me after class. I don't think Professor Snape will mind."

The students were dumbfounded, and looked at Snape again, his face turned from yellow to black, becoming ugly.

"Of course." Lockhart turned his head and said, "I also have to thank Professor Dumbledore for giving me this opportunity. I will use my best ability to help you."

"If you usually don't have energy, you can teach me to deal with some small things. I am young and I am not afraid of being tired!"

Dumbledore raised his eyebrows, and Lockhart almost said clearly:

"You are getting old, this headmaster should abdicate to make way for the virtuous."

Lockhart was still babbling on, Professor Sprout whispered:

"Merlin, how long is he going to talk?"

"You should ask how long he will stay at Hogwarts." Professor McGonagall said softly, "I may not be able to bear him for a month."

"Professor Flitwick, is this a student who graduated from your college?" Professor Sprout turned his head and asked.

"There are always some problematic students in any college, isn't it?" Professor Flitwick sighed.




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