I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 143 The Mysterious Organization That Operates the Magic World

A battle that has been grudged for a long time, just like this, comes and goes in a hurry.

Male×Male, in public, without horses, hand to hand.

The parties involved were middle-aged British wizards with a head, a face and a family. Afterwards, Lockhart even claimed that the fight was for him...

The resentment and hatred of the three men, the emotional entanglement between the two generations... almost gathered all the news breaking points, and this incident made the headlines of the "Daily Prophet" that day.

During the last period of the summer vacation, the newspapers reported this matter at length all day long, deeply analyzing the reasons for the hostility between Weasley and Malfoy.

There is also the wizard "Brick House", who attributes it to the epitome of the Anglo-French feud.

The Weasley family is red-haired, freckled, typical Celtic, and belongs to the British Aboriginal wizards;

The Malfoy family is Germanic. At that time, the ancestor Armand Malfoy followed William I, Duke of Normandy, to "enter the customs" and completed the conquest of England by the French feudal lord.

Thanks to the achievements of the dragon, Armand Malfoy was able to allocate a large piece of land in England, and then took root from generation to generation and passed it down to this day.

It is understandable that the ancestors of Arthur Weasley and Lucius Malfoy might have fought and had feuds for generations.

This statement is not without reason.

But the real trigger of this hand-to-hand combat was that Arthur Weasley participated in the drafting of the "Muggle Protection Act" not long ago.

A law designed to protect Muggles from magical objects.

By virtue of this ordinance, Arthur, as Director of the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office, has the power to search Malfoy Manor.

Forced to do nothing, Lucius went to Bokin Burke's shop overnight to get rid of the black magic items at home.

The contradiction also intensified.

Of course, Lucius was so disrespectful to fight Arthur in public, besides the anger in his heart, he also wanted to take advantage of the chaos and slip Tom Riddle's diary to Ginny.

He hopes to use this to open the secret room and ruin Arthur's career.

If Arthur's children are found to be persecuting Muggle-born students, he himself will inevitably be condemned and questioned by public opinion, and he will even be suspended for investigation.

Lucius made a good calculation, but what puzzled Rove was that he didn't find the diary in Ginny's book!

This does not conform to the "memory" of his previous life!

Had Malfoy changed his mind temporarily, or was there some other accident?

In short, Rove's influence on the so-called "plot" is already very serious, and the "plot advantage of the traverser" is also dissipating little by little.

This is also something that can't be helped, he is a living person after all, any subjective initiative will bring about a butterfly effect.

Since the diary was not found, Rove's focus was not on it.

In the last few days of the summer vacation, Shirley took him to wander around London and visit various places of interest.

They also visited Hermione's house, where Mr Granger gave them both dental care.

Not only was there no charge, but before leaving, Hermione also presented the most expensive mouthwash and a lot of protective gear related to teeth.

Mr. Granger can only sigh with emotion... Why doesn't this prodigal daughter send herself out!

On the last night of summer vacation, Rove and Shirley didn't go out to eat, but bought a lot of ingredients and prepared to cook by themselves.

But the two had a disagreement over who would cook, so Shirley proposed wizard chess to decide the winner.

Rove was full of confidence, because he had often beaten Newt before, and according to the old man, he had an amateur nine-dan in wizard chess.

As a result, Rove was killed by Shirley, who had never played a few games of Wizard Chess, and lost to doubt his life.

It shouldn't be... Could it be that Newt is actually a bad chess basket? !

Losing, Rove had to go to cook, and the fire-breathing performance of the fire dragon Noble made the night more perfect.

After having fun, Rove and Shirley went back to their respective rooms to sleep.



September 1st,

early morning,

Rove and Shirley drove to King's Cross station.

It was still sunny when we set off, but it started to rain heavily when we were sitting in the car. When the two arrived at the station, the sky started to clear again... I can only say that the weather in Britain is like a woman's temper, which makes you elusive.

They walked through the wall to platform 9. There were already many wizard parents who were seeing off their children on the platform. The Hogwarts Express train stopped not far away, and the scarlet locomotive was belching smoke.

Carrying a small black suitcase, Luo Fu shuttled through the crowds. When many students saw him, they suddenly muttered in a low voice...their eyes were strange.

The young man was a little strange. When he won the 'Special Contribution Award to the School' last school year, everyone didn't see him that way.

A brown-haired girl stood at the window, waving her arms, and shouted, "Rove, Shirley, here!"

Rove ignored those eyes, and led Shirley quickly onto the train, walked along the carriage, and walked into a carriage.

Hermione was the only one in the carriage. She was reading a newspaper when she saw the boy walk in and said impatiently:

"Rove, did you read yesterday's Daily Prophet?"

"No." Rove sat down on the chair, he shook his head and said, "Recently there are reports from Malfoy and Weasley, so I haven't read them.

What, what happened? "

"The newspaper mentioned you!" Hermione raised the "Daily Prophet" in her hand, raised her eyebrows and said:

"It's still the headline!"

Rove was slightly surprised. He and Shirley approached, and what caught his eye was a large photo with a title written underneath:

Photo of the century.

It was a group photo, with Nicole LeMay and his wife Perenal sitting in the middle.

On the right are Dumbledore, Newt Scamander, former Hogwarts headmaster Armando Dippet, and Griselda Marchban of the Wizengamot...

On the left are Faris Spavin, the former Minister of Magic of the United Kingdom, Miranda Gosack, the famous charm scientist, Bathilda Bagshot, the historian of magic...

The photos are full of legendary wizards who have left their names in the history of magic and are famous!

Of course... except Rove.

He's in the picture too, without a seat, standing next to Nico... standing like a minion.

In a group of gray-haired old people, he is so eye-catching!

"Our special correspondent Rita Skeeter reported that Mr. Nicole Flamel, the famous alchemist and sole owner of the Philosopher's Stone, held a secret meeting in August.

Attendees are the world's most prominent and distinguished wizards, who have profound influence in many fields.

Among them, including four former ministers of the Ministry of Magic,

Five magic school principals,

Seven recipients of the Order of Merlin,

There are also many leaders who hold important positions in the Ministry of Magic of various countries... well-known magizoologists... charm scientists... historians of magic... famous wizards...

According to the reporter's interview and investigation, these wizards who are enough to be among the great ranks all belong to a mysterious organization called the Order of the Phoenix.

The leader is Dumbledore, the president of the International Federation of Magic, the president of the Wizarding Association, and the first-class magician of the Merlin Order!

Some people say that the Order of the Phoenix is ​​a mysterious organization almost all over the world. Its members are organized and efficient. They use their magic and power to try to establish a new order in the wizarding world. They are called a group of people who control the world..."

Rove: "..."



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