214 – Are you busy?

Rеаd at ոоbӏеmtӏ.соm

Jaehyun Kwak.

He was originally the guild master of the 4th Hunter Guild, and since the 4th Hunter Guild was incorporated into the Central Army, he has been in charge of escorting high-ranking officials and as a secretary.

At this moment, she is a friend she was originally close with, and now a person who has become a ‘high person’ she must protect.

I was feeling quite strange looking at Vice Admiral Song Dana.


Lieutenant General Song Dana sighs deeply with delicacies prepared in front of her eyes.

At this moment, her face was flushed red, and her face was full of worry or worry.

“Hey… Dana? That’s not going to happen, but maybe, doesn’t it suit your mouth?”

“..huh?.. ah.. no. It’s not like that.. just a little bit. I have no appetite…”

“!? Ah… no… I never thought that the day would come when I would hear such a story from you in my life. Could it be that you are sick somewhere?”

“It’s not like that, but…”

Lieutenant General Dana Song has such a voracious appetite that she can clean a whole chicken by herself even when suffering from the flu.

Even so, whenever I see myself not gaining weight, I honestly feel that it is amazing, and personally, as a woman, I feel quite envious.

But at this moment…

Dana Song is literally counting grains of rice while talking about ‘I have no appetite’.

Seeing this, Jehyeon’s head automatically started to feel a deep curiosity as well as a question about the current situation.

‘As for the health problem, the bodyguard has already received a report that there is nothing wrong… Then it means that there is something troubling.

Amid such doubts, Kwak Je-hyeon continues to eat his share.


No matter how much she thought about it, at this moment, in her mind, there was only one thing that could be the answer or clue about Song Dana’s condition.

‘I just met Dreamers’ hunters.. Is it really because of those people?

As they had previously operated together on the Kaesong front, she is also quite close.

In particular, in the case of Adjutant Lee Jin-hyun, he already had respect for his ability to command and collect information.

However, aside from that fact, Kwak Je-hyeon couldn’t figure out why Dana was so drained of energy after seeing them.

‘I already know that Dana also has contact with Dreamers. But it wasn’t such a bad relationship… Rather, I remember that it was a very good relationship. At most, he was the first person to trust and lend power to Adjutant Lee Jin-hyun, and later handed over command authority so that we all could know his skills… .!’

The moment he thought that far, one fact suddenly passed through Kwak Je-hyeon’s head.

Right after that, with a slightly dazed expression on her face, she began to look more closely at the figure of her friend in front of her eyes.

Unlike before, his expression seemed to have lost his will due to something.

In the meantime, a face that was reminded of red that couldn’t be hidden.

And.. the sadness that can’t be hidden in it.

while recognizing what it means.

Kwak Je-hyeon began to feel a slight burning sensation in his face.

‘No way… no… really?..’


The moment I first met him…

Vice Admiral Song Dana began to feel her heart pounding without realizing it.

‘Uh…how… I never thought we’d really meet in a place like this…”

An accidental reunion with the man I wanted to go on this trip with.

Regarding that, Dana suddenly thought that this might be something like so-called fate, and she was automatically seized with a strong feeling of excitement.

But right after that…

After only looking at the man for a while, she was a little late and saw him…

I discovered the existence of women around Jinhyeon Lee’s adjutant.

People who have an off-white color that is not normal.

Among them, especially at this moment, as she watched the two hunters clinging to Adjutant Lee Jin-hyun’s back, Dana’s feelings of excitement began to turn into a bit of disappointment.

‘Surely not all of these people are girlfriends… If my memory is correct, these people are all Dreamers hunters. However, even taking that into consideration, the fact that there are so many beauties around…’

Of course, Dana also had the idea that she was not very good at her appearance.

However… it was not a very good feeling for her to see that there were many beauties of the same level or higher than hers around the man she had a crush on, and the fact that her ‘road ahead’ would not be smooth in many ways. seemed to be informing.

Crucially, the appearance of Lee Jin-hyun leaving her side after exchanging simple greetings immediately after that made her feel deeply regretful in many ways.

However, after being caught in deep disappointment for a while about that fact, she quickly began to recover her spirit.

‘Yes.. No matter how many competitors there are, but we met again in this way, right? This is your chance… to impress the man…’

With that thought in mind, Lieutenant General Song Dana picked up the fork and resumed eating, feeling the lost appetite returning slightly.


“Huh… I was quite surprised, to be honest. I never thought I would meet that person in a place like this…”

“I agree with you. I don’t particularly dislike him, but I rather have a crush on him, but it’s true that he’s an uncomfortable person in many ways.”

“He’s a pretty decent person at work, but meeting him while on vacation is a bit like that.”

“He’s a benefactor from my point of view, but… there’s no need for us to be busy with someone who seems busy.”

After breaking up with Vice Admiral Song Dana,

Me and the hunters didn’t do anything wrong, but feeling scared for nothing, we got out of the hotel as quickly as possible and started moving towards the beach.

That would be the case, no matter what, the other person’s status was not normal, and it seemed like something important was going on.

In this situation, even acquaintances cannot be comfortable.

In addition, strictly speaking, from our point of view, she is like the president of a business partner.

As such, there was no one here who wanted to spend a long time with such an uncomfortable person in a place where they had come to play.

“By the way, did that lieutenant commander come here to play too? Well… there aren’t many places with as good water as here in Hawaii.”

“Could it be? It’s not anyone else, but the Lieutenant General. He must have come because he has something important to do.”

“That’s right, even if you look like that, you’re not the real power of the Republic of Korea, you’re not idle like us.”

Iro resolutely denies Harim’s words, and Roha expresses sympathy.

And about this, we all had similar thoughts, including me.

“I don’t know exactly, but since the timing is right, I think it might have come because there was some kind of close agreement with the US side. Coincidentally, the Abyss’ movements have generally calmed down, and internal problems are probably being sorted out.”

“Perhaps Jinhyun is right. Regardless of this or that, from America’s point of view, Korea is an important ally in the frontline confrontation with the Abyss in the Far East. It would be natural for the two countries to cooperate at a time like this.”

“Then… would someone like the US president be here? That’s pretty awesome too. It means that the President of the United States will come and eat at the place where we were sitting just a moment ago.”

“It’s new, but we’ve also succeeded in our own way?.. Well, I don’t think it’s such a bad feeling.”

Talos speaks in a slightly nervous voice at the words of Kwon Soon, who speaks with strange excitement.

While talking about Lieutenant General Song Dana, who had no choice but to be concerned about for a while, we started heading to the nearby beach.

The change in swimsuit is over, and the situation is full of stomach.

It was the beginning of enjoying the sea in earnest.

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