201 – something third

“That… that… what…”

“I know. You are not Seo Ji-yoon. To be precise… he has memories, but he’s different from the Seo Ji-yoon I know.”

“… ”

Seo Ji-yoon remains silent for a moment at Na-sun’s words..

To be precise, something similar to Seo Ji-yoon.

After not being able to say anything for a while, it became a bit difficult after a while.

and quietly,

Averting her gaze from Na-sun, she began to open her mouth.

“… How did know?”

“Because our habits and tastes are so different.”

“… ”

Na-sun, who speaks sternly,

Regarding this, Seo Ji-yoon looked at Na-sun with a slightly dazed expression, and Na-sun continued talking while looking at the empty ramen bowl in front of her.

“The Seo Ji-yoon I know doesn’t go around wearing that kind of outfit in the first place. No matter how hungry you are, you don’t eat food like ramen as if you’re a beggar.”

“… .”

Naji-seon speaks in a voice that feels complicated.

Seo Ji-yoon’s eyes began to tremble at those words, and Na-sun continued to speak.

“If you were really Seo Ji-yoon, no matter how urgent the situation, as soon as you confirmed that you had money, you would go to the department store and change clothes. It was Seo Ji-yoon’s rule of thumb to always make herself perfect no matter what, before going to someone else’s house.”


At that, it began to lower its head as it were.

Then, Na-sun continued to speak.

“And the same goes for meals. If you were really Seo Ji-yoon, you would have filled your stomach at a high-end restaurant in downtown Seoul, even if you were in a hurry. From the fact that you appeared in front of me on an empty stomach in a situation where you had enough money, it is no different than showing that you are not Seo Ji-yoon.”

“… ”

It was Na-sun, who knew every detail of the luxurious taste that a woman named Seo Ji-yoon had.

To her, Seo Ji-yoon’s very ordinary appearance was enough to make her feel a sense of alienation.

“No matter how much you have memories of the past, it won’t be easy to imitate even the elements you instinctively prefer. Even more so in a situation where you feel like there is no surveillance, like now.”


Seo Ji-yoon’s eyes start to tremble at Na-sun’s words.

Regarding this, Naji-seon nodded and showed her the cell phone in her hand.

In it, the steps Seo Ji-yoon showed until he came here.

To be precise, from the moment he woke up in the Han River until he came to this house almost immediately, Seo Ji-yoon’s movements were shown as they were.

“… ”

“I liked that you tried to cheat until the end, but this is the end of the clumsy prank.”

Na-sun speaks in a cold tone.

However… Seo Ji-yoon’s face did not show any emotion of anger at her words.

What is contained in it is…


emotions that can be called

Then, in a small voice, Seo Ji-yoon said to her friend in front of her eyes…

No, to be more precise, he spoke in a voice filled with loneliness to the being who had memories of being a friend.

“.. I didn’t mean to lie.”

“..what are you talking about?”

“… ”

next moment…

Regarding Na-sun’s words, Seo Ji-yoon started to shed tears.

Honestly, at the moment when she told the truth, it was Na-sun who expected that an attack would come.

In this regard, as an S-class hunter, Na-sun always maintained a combat readiness without letting go of her vigilance.

As long as the position of the weapon placed in the back was calculated, it was possible to cut the opponent’s throat as soon as it came in, or even if it was difficult, at least defend and run away.

However… Contrary to her expectations, Seo Ji-yoon in front of her showed only bitter feelings and did not show signs of rebellion in particular.

Her appearance, as if she had sincerely resigned herself.

while questioning this.

Na-sun started to listen to her words, still not relaxed.

“… Did you ask before? Who am I? I’ll be honest… I don’t even know who I am right now.”

“… Abyss spy.. isn’t it the same?”

Na Seon asks a question with a little bit of life.

However, Seo Ji-yoon slowly shook her head and told her about this.

“It would have been better to explain. But… one thing is clear. I can give my all and talk. I… I’m not the human Seo Ji-yoon just because Abys is like that. Rather, it must be something that was born after killing him.”

“That…what does that mean?”

Na-sun starts to feel embarrassed by the unexpected story.

Regarding this, Seo Ji-yoon remained silent for a while,

in a trembling voice.

What she’s been through…

The ‘being’ of her began to tell the facts.


The moment you first have that consciousness…

It came to recognize that something else existed above itself.

Two large and powerful rituals that cannot be handled on their own.

And… like a puppeteer manipulating a thread. Something invisible but exerting an influence towards them.

Pressed under their feet, from the moment it recognized its existence, it simply spent time looking at memories like books in the library lying in front of it.

Without interfering with the actions of the foreign ministry at all.

A small consciousness that is only allowed to see the ‘memories’ that it originally possessed.

Through those memories, it was able to figure out what kind of life the owner of this body had lived and what kind of situation he was living in while he was inside the existence of Seo Ji-yoon.

However, this only comes with the feeling of someone else taking out someone’s memory and reading it.

It was not easily accepted that it was about himself.

Memories that make me feel like I would have done this while reading a book.

Feeling uncomfortable with it…

As time passed, it made me question the subject of myself.

It’s about why he exists.

The consciousness of a human named Seo Ji-yoon was completely fused with the Abyss.

Its consciousness could no longer be called human, and beneath it was the instinctive unconsciousness of the Abyss.

However, I don’t know if it has anything to do with that fact. even lower than that…

He was in a place like a small ant nest under a rock.

has no influence on the outside

The third consciousness, which only possesses consciousness as an ‘object’ and is only rummaging through the library of memories that make up the past and present.

Feeling frustrated with the fact…

At the same time, suffering from the instinct to exercise dominion as a consciousness.

It was just despairing in the dark, like a child in chains.


It just existed without any interference from the outside…

suddenly at some point. Other consciousnesses above him…

He began to feel the forces holding him fast weakening.

Consciousness, which is the main body, is weakened,

As the nature of the Abyss disappears,

As if a huge old tree withered and collapsed, the restraint that was getting weaker day by day.

It, which had been suppressed all this time, at some point began to break the loosened mental bondage, and finally…

Breaking the restraints that have been holding you down… No, if you use the correct expression.

started killing.

Struggling while spitting out screams, struggling to survive until the end…

The consciousness of the being called ‘Seo Ji-yoon’.

The consciousness, which could be called the parents who gave birth to it, struggled to survive until the end, but it completely annihilated it without leaving even the last chance.

Rеаd at ոоbӏеmtӏ.соm

Just the will based on the instinct to survive.


Immediately after killing ‘Seo Ji-yoon’ perfectly,

it has been recognized

That there is nothing left in this body now.

only yourself…

The one who inherited only the memories of the existence of Seo Ji-yoon,

That he has remained as the owner of this body.

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