163 – This much is okay…

Kwon Soon’s shirt in front of my eyes

Toward this, I slowly stretched out my hand.

Even though she was usually full of rogues, her shirt was half undone,

The feeling and atmosphere I felt then and now were completely different.

The one in front of me is just the same appearance as when I was exuding an atmosphere that fits perfectly with the word tanned blonde.

The contents were literally just a cute girl exuding the feeling of an innocent girl.

‘What should I say… It’s like a sudden change in feeling from Coke to bottled water?

As I thought about it, I began to feel ashamed as well.

Unlike Are, who led the situation by actively taking the initiative, I felt strongly that Kwon Soon was literally entrusting everything to me.

As it has been so far…

While showing emotions as if they were trying to rely on me

like that

Feeling a bit of joy about that fact, I carefully started pulling Kwon Soon’s buttons, one by one, with my hands intact.

“Huh… ”

The next moment, Kwon Soon’s bra began to appear in front of me.

Surprisingly, it was white with a slightly plain feeling that wrapped around the shiny brown skin.

‘In the case of Are, it was black and quite flashy… I guess this also depends on each person’s taste, right?’

To be honest, as I thought she would be wearing a hotter outfit than Are to match her usual atmosphere, I felt quite unexpected.


Aside from that impression, the image of Kwon Soon in front of me was truly beautiful.

While covering her face slightly with her hands as if she was ashamed, she flinched her hands to show me her breasts.

Watching this, I spoke to her in a voice full of kindness with a smile on my lips.

“Don’t be too nervous.”

“… That..that.. no.. this.. this much.. nothing..”

Even in this situation, she seemed to be trying to build something like pride.

Feeling a strange excitement from her appearance, I started taking off her shirt completely as it was.

“laugh… ”

Kwon Soon, wearing nothing on top except for a bra.

A body that makes you feel thin while showing off well-trained muscles.

The shiny brown skin that covers it and the small tattoos in the shape of musical notation symbols are visible here and there.

As I gazed at them, I slowly began to caress her cheeks, which were burning even more red.

“… It’s pretty. really.”

“paddle… Don’t make fun of me…”

“I am not kidding. Really… Joggs, you are a really beautiful person.”

“… I’m really.. as time goes by, flattery only increases..”

Looking at the corners of her mouth that went up slightly while she was talking so uncomfortable, I could feel that she was quite happy about what I had just said.

Then slowly lower the arm that was touching her face

I just started taking off her bra.


Rеаd at ոоbӏеmtӏ.соm

Just like that, Kwon Soon’s breasts began to appear in front of me.

somewhat as expected.

Because that area was not tanned, it was pure white compared to other areas.

Her breasts are whiter because the other parts of her have been browned by tanning.

Watching that, I set aside the bra I was holding in my hand and slowly started to caress her.

“Haaa… I’m sorry!..”

Kwon Soon starts to flinch at my touch.

Although her size was noticeably smaller than Aare, who couldn’t hold it all with her hands.

However, this is an excessively large area that transcends the general level.

As far as Kwon Soon is concerned, it was slightly above the average, so there was nothing that I felt very regretful about.

The soft yet warm feeling that began to wrap around my hand like that.

At the same time, I began to feel more and more power coming from the bottom, and it seemed that Kwon Soon was the same.

“hahahaha… ha..”

Even though she was only caressed once, she was struggling to breathe.

Apparently, it was her first experience, and she seemed to be quite sensitive to this from the beginning.

‘I feel like I’m already very tired with this much… Is there a need to adjust it a bit, unlike the time I was there?’

Even though I wanted to keep doing it in my heart, what was more important than that was the intention of the person involved.

In the first place, I thought that pleasure is important in such an act, but it is not something that can be forced on someone who is having a hard time as affection for the other person should be given priority.

Of course, apart from this thought, since I am also a man, once the engine starts to turn on, I will not be able to control it then. It was a moment when I could still barely control it.

“If it’s too hard, shall we stop here for today? Doing too much is…”

In such a state of barely holding on to reason…

I asked her cautiously with a little sorry feeling.

By the way..

“then… . Don’t talk like that!”

Kwon Soon speaks in a voice that feels a little urgent about my words.

Then she said, looking straight into my face, her face still flushed.

“Ah… did I mention that? do it to the end! Stop midway or continue by saying what you think. This… this much. Because it doesn’t matter.”

No matter how you look at it, she doesn’t seem to be doing anything wrong. As I listened to Kwon Soon’s words, I finally cut off the last bit of self-control.

“All right. Then… I’ll go all the way.”


Kwon Soon swallowed a little dry saliva, probably feeling a bit of a sense of danger as he listened to me.

But even in the midst of this, she still didn’t say anything to stop, just slightly turned her head and said.

“Okay, so… continue quickly. Uh.. come on.. come on make a mess of me!”

With a trembling voice, she tries to appeal her strong image no matter what.

Watching this, I once again got the feeling that she was really cute, and at the same time, I started reaching down toward her.

Right after I completely removed the skirt that was already half off, the white panties that began to appear in my eyes.

This, too, was plain without a special pattern. Apart from that, I was able to recognize one fact.

‘I’m already feeling a little damp. This is probably…’

However, regardless of that fact, I thought that if I said this, I would probably get punched, and I carefully started putting my hand inside her underwear.

“hahahaha! Quit!…”

Despite light hand movements, Kwon Soon begins to react sensitively as it is.

While watching her like this, at the same time recognizing her precious place that is already wet.

I slowly began to take off the last of her underwear.

Like her breasts, the lower part of her body is completely white, unlike other parts.

Seeing that, I carefully started bringing mine to her precious place.

“..I will ask you again. Really… are you okay?”

I ask the last question with a firm voice.

Regarding this, Kwon Soon’s face instantly began to contain complex emotions.

The fear of having a relationship for the first time, more intense than that.. The rich pleasure experienced for the first time in life.

And… the expectation of finally mixing with the man in front of me.

“… Whoa..”

In the midst of those emotions, she took a moment to catch her breath, then told me, trying to control her expression as much as possible.

“Pa..quick.. do it.. something like this.. you said it was really nothing.”

She strives to remain strong until the end.

Seeing that, I acted as it was, feeling that the final brake was released.

“! Wooo!!!!”

At that moment, Kwon Soon let out a tearing scream.

The impact of the first experience, which was stronger than I imagined, wrapped around her, but nevertheless, she held my body tightly as it was, and did not tell me to stop it until the end.

“Hey! Ugh!”

I expected it to some extent. As expected, the size of the pelvis, which was relatively small compared to Are, was that much cramped, and not only I, but also Kwon Soon, who contained mine, had to face considerable pain.

However, despite this, she gritted her teeth and persevered through it.

Even though I let out a scream every time I move,

She accepted mine that was stirring inside her body until the end.

And finally… the very moment I reached my climax…


“Keep it off!!!”

She let out a moan mixed with intense emotions.

Holding onto her half-collapsed body,

I asked the half-disoriented woman by her ear in a slightly playful voice.

“..How is it? This much… is nothing, right?”

“Haaa… That..Rum..this.. this much..ah..nothing.. higuk!..huuugh..”

She sighed heavily in response to my words.

However, as much as I know her face, which is already covered with sweat and tears at this moment.

I just smiled and gave her a gentle pat on the back.

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