127 – You can’t die sitting down

Hamhung Frontline Provisional Command Headquarters.

Now, in a place where facilities have been reinforced, which makes me wonder if the word “temporary” can be removed.

She is..

Adjutant Song Dana was alone on the roof, lost in thought.

After the reinforcement of the front line, now not only hunters, but also general soldiers come in and operate the defense facilities.

Fortunately, after the battle two months ago, the Abyss’ offensive was almost non-existent.

In addition, there were no major problems as the power reinforcement was proceeding smoothly.

However.. this is a story limited to the area in which you are in charge.

Currently, the biggest concern she has is not the people in front of her eyes, but the people who are staying in other places.

‘… not good..’

No matter how much you think about it, the words will eventually come out.

In this situation that was happening now, she couldn’t think of the word victory.

The adjutants and hunters in the western region are currently preparing to advance to the Pyeongan-do area.

And, the Abyss who are constantly moving south towards them.

The enemy’s estimated force is close to 40,000, and even at this moment, it seems that the size continues to increase.

Of course, the battle here had annihilated 50,000 enemies in a situation where our troops were inferior.

However, that was the result of using their self-restraint column to the fullest.

This time, there was not the slightest hint of such an aspect, and it was even said that the deceitful movement was more than before.

That means…

Nine out of ten enemies are similar to the ‘it’ they slain.

in human form..

No, to be precise, it meant that the Abyss created by fusion with humans existed.

‘That’s also with a very high probability… he must be stronger than the guy before.’

It was too early to make a hasty decision in the absence of accurate information.

However, simply looking at the size of the troops he was controlling, the possibility was very high.

And, considering that, the combat power he possesses is…

Dana didn’t want to fantasize too much.

‘That guy… was strong. It’s really unbelievable…’

It was a humanoid Abyss who fought on equal footing against the guild masters single-handedly, even after a bloody battle between tens of thousands of Abyss.

Even one of them, Yuna, the guild master of the 6th guild, was one of the strongest among Korean hunters in terms of combat power.

The monster that even she couldn’t even dare to face 1:1 was a fusion of an abyss and a human, and if someone stronger than that guy was active on the front line, it really wasn’t a serious problem.

‘It’s a shame because Adjutant Lee Jin-hyeon had fraudulent command. In fact, it wouldn’t be strange even if half of the guild masters died.. If such a guy was in the west…’

60,000 Abyss, and the leader of those who are estimated to be able to generate a legion-level power alone.

In order to deal with it, at least 100,000 troops were needed, but Adjutant Song Dana knew very well that it was almost impossible to gather that amount of troops under the current situation on the Western Front.

If you do well, 5 to 6 thousand.

Among them, the number of hunters is at most 7000.

If you gather these troops as much as possible and make a defensive battle, there will be no big problem, but it was literally crazy to attack with this.

‘Certainly, the damage suffered in the last offensive was too great. But now the guys from the upper echelons of the military believe in the culprit that caused the damage and are doing it again…’

Even if she wasn’t the person involved, Dana Song knew exactly what the basis for such a reckless offensive was at this moment.


All of this was happening for that one person.

The daughter of Vice Minister Lee Jae-min, who held military power, and a symbol of victory that has never been defeated in recent years.

In fact, among the hunters and soldiers who do not know the situation, there are even those who blindly worship her. Certainly, she was bringing only victories to an odd degree.

And…now, this was working as a practical factor that eventually confirmed this reckless offensive.

Regarding this set of circumstances…

Adjutant Song Dana was feeling ominous because of the speculation that kept running through her head.

‘No way… can it really be that the Abyss are aiming for this and deliberately plotting something like this…?’

It was a story that was not very impossible in terms of strategy.

However, whenever such a thought came to mind, Adjutant Song Dana could only shake her head.

‘Ah..No.. But anyways.. That must be too much speculation.. Although they say they are intelligent, there’s no way they know the complicated dynamics like the military internal affairs.’

The information about Lee Se-na Hunter, Vice Minister Lee Jae-min, and the generals of the Lee family behind them were not well known even among the general public.

The fact that Abyss is aware of such a fact and is using it tactically is too much of an overestimation.

However.. even if you leave out the realm of such speculation, this battle was not really the case.

I didn’t know it, but I was sure that there would be great damage.

And in the aftermath, Pyongyang.. In the worst case, it may endanger even the mainland of South Korea beyond Kaesong.

Like that, thoughts that she didn’t even want to imagine came to her mind one after another, and she couldn’t just ignore them.

‘… Is it okay?

To be honest, there were some parts that took a while.

Not a business issue, but a personal one.

Feelings that prevent her from easily contacting him even in a crisis like this.

However… Soon, Adjutant Dana calmed herself that now was not the time to worry about trivial things like this, and carefully pressed the cell phone button.

Thinking that I can’t just sit there and die.


-ddu… ddu…

A call that starts coming slowly.

Momentarily, Dana began to feel nervous, as if this sound continued uninterrupted.


Apart from this sense of hers, the time she waited wasn’t too long.

-“hello? This is Jinhyun Lee.”-

“Ah..Jinhyeon.. Um..um.. Adjutant Lee Jinhyeon? I’m Song Dana’s lieutenant…”

– “Oh yes, hello Deputy Dana. How were you?”-

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Jinhyun’s voice calling his name in a bright voice.

In response, she bit her lips slightly at the strange feeling of happiness she felt for a moment, but she suppressed this feeling as much as possible before continuing.

“For now, there’s no problem here, so I should say I’m doing well.”

-“Is that so? If so, you’re lucky. I was a little worried when I heard that the atmosphere on the Western Front was unusual.”

“That… is it? That.. for worrying.. thank you.. um.. that’s not it, actually, I contacted you because I wanted to talk to you about the matter.”

-“What are you talking about?”-

Adjutant Lee Jin-hyun asks Dana’s story with questions.

That would also be the case, the story of the current offensive shift was only talked about inside the military.. That was also an issue that was only being talked about within the hunters assigned to the Western Front, and it was hardly reported to soldiers in other regions as well as the media.

In the case of Adjutant Song Dana, the story was heard one step ahead through the Adjutant community.

In response, she began to briefly convey the current situation to Adjutant Lee Jin-hyun in a tone full of seriousness.

Isena Hunter’s performance, and a large-scale offensive based on it.

The number of Abyss you have to deal with in the process and their attributes.

And even the approximate strength of the allies against it..

Immediately after hearing about the current situation inside the military,

A short word came out of Adjutant Lee Jin-hyun’s mouth.

-“just… That’s crazy. I really can’t express it that way.”

“..I also… think so.”

I was expecting…

And because of that, to a word that touched me even more clearly and deeply, Adjutant Song Dana replied in a voice filled with bitterness.

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