123 – dkwlr vkffhdn tntwksms dkswnfdjTsp?

“Hey… ”


Kwon Soon, sitting next to me on the sofa, rubbing her head like a cat.

Seeing her like this made me feel quite ashamed, but for now I let her do what she wants.

Immediately after the conversation with Are, I went to see Kwon Soon again and said that I would formally accept her confession.

Even though I wasn’t sure if I could give her the amount of love she wanted now that she had a lover, Arera, at least I had no intention of stopping her from approaching me.

And Kwon Soon was very happy about this and hugged me as it was…

The result was this situation at this moment.

“… Are you that good?”

“Yeah, really good. I’m so happy. It literally feels like you have the whole world.”

“..Haa.. Seriously.. What do you like about a man like me?

“What’s so important about how you look? In the first place, they said it would take 3 days to have a handsome face. The important thing is whether or not you like me overall.”

Along with those words, Kwon Soon grabs my face with something a bit rough.

Then, slowly, she began to bring her face close to mine.



“… ”

Then, Kwon Soon kissed my cheek naturally.

I began to feel even more shame at her behavior, and then Kwon Soon licked her lips lightly and looked at me like a cat and said,

“Adjutant Jinhyun Lee. You are more attractive than you think. No matter what you do, in the end, people are attracted to people who are good to them and who understand their feelings. Just looking at it right now, Areeda and I ended up living with two beauties like this, right?”

“… Yes.. but.. I mean..”

Although she tended to be overshadowed by her sloppy feel and bullying style, Kwon Soon was also quite a beauty just by looking at her face.

A woman with a different charm than Are.

Looking at the fact that such a person was expressing affection like this by my side, I couldn’t help but think that apart from my appearance, there were quite a few women’s blessings in my life.

‘No.. It’s not just a level, but it should be said that it’s a level of blessing..’

As I thought about that, my gaze turned to Kwon Soon, who was still gently caressing my chin…


Seeing me like that, Kwon Soon tugged at the top of the T-shirt she was wearing with her fingers and began to show a sinister smile.

Along with this, her cleavage begins to emerge.

It wasn’t as big as Aare, but I started to feel a little hot when I saw it, which can’t be called small.

“..What do you think? It must have been a lover.. Do you want to do it here and now?”


“Whoa.. you don’t have to put up with it.. although it’s the first time… even if it looks like this, you know very well how to do it because you’ve seen it in many videos.”


With those words, Kwon Soon caressed my thighs slowly.

Then, her hands very little. And very definitely.

I started moving towards my place.

at that time..




The next moment, the door burst open with a loud sound.

At the same time, Iare… and Glass began to rush inside, and Kwon Soon said with a look of deep regret and a little annoyance.

“No.. the atmosphere was good.. what is that rushing in all of a sudden? did something happen?”

“sorry. But.. I came because I felt like I needed to see both of them right now.”

With those words, Are urgently puts down the laptop in front of us.

I focused on the video that was playing on my laptop, leaving behind the regret that I and Kwon Soon were interrupted at a crucial moment by her actions.

Then the scene starts coming out from there.


“!..what.. what is this..”

“What… how… how is Pyongyang…”


A person can be brave without any more the moment he loses his reason and moves.

Even the rain of bullets, even the bombs that devastated the area…

I couldn’t stop the footsteps of the one who lost his reason and ran amok.

At least until its legs were cut off and its breath stopped…

That is, until it is forced to stop by something coercive.

And because of this…

Humans can be said to be scary and dangerous beings.

If you think you’re cornered, from that moment on, you literally start doing things that are out of your control.

The result is not only himself.

It has the worst possibility of dragging everything around it to hell.

And… that’s why.

She is…



He understands this human nature so well and more clearly than anyone else,

At the same time, it also knows a very good target to use it for..

Plan everything according to your will.

I started putting everything into action one by one.

The figures of humans who moved according to their own designs and died innumerable times in the process.

Watching them turn into pieces of rotten meat beneath their feet, slowly whispered in their mouths. A deep smile began to appear.

At first glance, the expression did not differ much from that of the past.

But.. the face with the red eyes that contains that smile.. and the body that forms the lower part,

Never.. it never had the same appearance as it did in the past.

A body similar to that of a human woman covered in skin as white as white snow.

And… the heart of it.

The part that could be called the abdomen had a large incision as if it had undergone open surgery.


What extends from the split abdomen

A black part reminiscent of a twisted grotesque bird.

It is covered with black feathers, and the eyes are white as if they have been bleached.

That part slowly… moved its ‘beak’ and picked up the bloody smartphone off the floor…

Then, the white part that received it skillfully moved its hand and began to search for something.

“..ekgoddl.. dkwlr rPwjddms skadkdlTsp.. vkffhdn tntwkeh dks wnfdjTrh..”

like that,

It muttered in an unknown language and then slowly gave strength to his hand.

– Tick! Ti Dick!

At the same time, the blood-stained phone slowly began to crack.


– Pajik!

In the end, the phone could not withstand the grip and was smashed like chocolate.

As he indifferently threw the wreckage, he slowly looked back at it as it was.

The endless black waves seen behind it.

As she watched the monsters advance in exact order, a smile slowly began to form on her lips.

Excitement and madness…

And to the anticipation and joy of what is to come.

With all those emotions in its mouth, its gaze began to face itself again.

Countless human corpses piled up in front of my eyes.

And.. the mountains visible beyond it and the human camps located everywhere.

But.. even while watching this, it was never in a hurry.

At this moment, what it wanted wasn’t these small puppies.

There is only one existence that he truly wants to acquire.

only one human…

like that..

Burning the desire for something that must be hiding somewhere in the long line of human defense.

It’s just slow…

They started going south with their ‘children’.

“whrmaaksrlekfu… wlrmaaksskfjrkfrp… dltpsk.”

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