116 – There seems to be something…

Two A-class hunters jumped off first, and only then did the B-class hunters begin to descend to the ground one by one while paying attention.

Among them were Talos and her new allies.

‘It’s been a long time since I’ve had an anti-aircraft descent like this?’

A familiar sensation that I experienced almost once every week when I was in the Hunter Guild.

She landed on the ground with a familiar motion while enjoying the refreshing and free feeling of the wind quickly brushing her skin.

“Arrived safely!”

“Well… it’s as simple as this.”

“Are you okay, Talos? Did you have any problems landing?”

“yes. I’m okay.”

Even in this situation, a light smile began to form on Talos’ lips at Iro’s consideration.

Right after they arrived on the ground without any problems, they began to look around them and be wary of any ‘enemies’.

The place she and her friends chose was the northern plains.

It was open in all directions, and it was a place where you could see rocky mountains and abandoned buildings that could be used as cover or defensive positions.

“Now then, let’s go hunting right away… .. but… why did we fall here? And what should I do from now on?”




Once the others jumped, Roha jumped down without thinking.

In response, Harim and Iro sighed, and Talos showed a slightly bitter smile on his lips.

Based on her experience so far, Roha is considered to be the strongest in combat among the three, but lacking in intelligence.

In this regard, she was the only one in the party who did not understand the current situation, so Harim lowered her posture and spoke to Roha.

“Well… I’ll explain the details as we go, so let’s move carefully toward the building over there first.”

“yea, I got it.”

Following Harim’s words, Roha nodded and slowly moved forward.

Harim then briefly told her about the current situation.

They started explaining why they chose this open area.

In general, this place is easy to be discovered by enemies thanks to the open surroundings.

Therefore, in survival games like this, people do not prefer places like this, but this is based on the assumption that they have equal combat power in the game.

As for the current girls, the simpler topography had many advantages.

Easy to find means, conversely, that enemies are easy to find.


As proven in the previous basic test, their combat power was relatively superior to other B-classes here.

From their point of view, rather than creating small variables while fighting across complex terrain, a flat land like this, where they could minimize those factors and demonstrate their fighting power to the maximum, was rather advantageous.

In addition, it could be said that it was advantageous in many ways in that it was easy to find the enemy’s position and it was easy to defend if it occupied the base on the high ground.

“Um… So, to put it simply, I chose this place because I can fight comfortably without getting in the way, right?”

“Yeah, to put it simply, it is. At the same time, even if it’s not that, there are some things that get stuck.”

“What’s the catch?”

“That’s… I’ll let you know when I shut up later. To be honest, it’s something I’m still not sure about.”

While talking like that, the girls arrived at the abandoned building they were aiming for before they knew it.

Immediately after that, the four of them immediately began to search the surroundings cautiously, being alert.

Although they said they were coming in a hurry, it was because there might be someone who landed before them.

Accordingly, each of them started to approach the entrance of the building with their guns and hammers in their hands and the blades of their guard held up.



– Kiki profit..

The four of them slowly open the door.

The building structure itself was a normal family house with a slightly complicated feeling.

Fortunately, there didn’t seem to be any signs of people inside.

“Then… let’s take a look inside for now. If an enemy appears, immediately break the window or shout to let us know.”

“yes. okay.”

Even if this side has the upper hand in personal combat power, in a survival game like this, the advantage of surprise cannot be ignored.

Especially in such a cramped room, I needed to be more careful.

‘Yes, but.. I still can’t seem to feel the presence of people. But what is it?… Somehow, I have a foreboding feeling…’

Talos has a more sensitive sense than normal hunters.

And at this moment, these keen senses were constantly warning her.

For some reason she’s not quite sure…

Talos opened the half-detached door and went inside without relaxing.

Then she

Following his intuition, he immediately pointed the gun in his hand towards the front.


“… ”

Apart from the ominous feeling, there were no human figures in the room.

What you see is a room that is much larger than expected, and the remains of home appliances such as TVs and refrigerators that have been smashed and scattered throughout the room. Other than that, it’s just an unknown pile of broken machines.

They seemed to be items that were probably used by the people who lived here a long time ago.

Confirming that fact, Talos felt a little relieved and lowered the muzzle of his gun, which he had been erecting.

‘Did I overreact? It seemed like there was something…’

With such thoughts in mind, Talos cautiously entered the room.

It was a place that was decided to be used as a defensive position, even if it was a bit messy because there were a lot of scrap metal and the like.

Even if it’s not cleaning, it wouldn’t be bad if there was something that could be used as a barricade.

With that thought in mind, Talos slowly began moving towards the center of the room.

That moment..




Apart from his colleagues who were searching inside the building, he was looking around outside.

As expected at first, no one seemed to have landed in this area, and no one could be seen approaching.

‘Maybe… this could end more blandly than I thought? By now, a battle might be taking place in a place relatively far from people, like in the forest, but there might not be many people who would openly come to a place like this…’

Once you first arrived and settled down, that was an overwhelmingly advantageous place.

Furthermore, considering their combat power in the top ranks, there is little chance of defeat unless a decent number of people arrive.

Thinking about that, Iro started to think that maybe he could get a little bored as he relaxed a little.

at that time..

– Clink!


The next moment, the window shattered with a loud sound.

In response, Iro immediately grabbed the sword he was holding and started running towards the sound.

-Tadadang! Tadadang!

Soon after, a loud gunshot started to ring in her ears.

In this unexpected situation, Iroro was moving as fast as he could, feeling a deep sense of bewilderment.

‘What… Why is there a gunshot all of a sudden? I’m sure I didn’t feel any sign of a person at all, did I?’

He was the one who had confirmed to some extent that no one had fallen in this area as he landed right away, and even after that, he looked around and checked again and again that there was no hunter approaching.

I never thought there would be someone hiding under her surveillance…

From her point of view, along with embarrassment, it was also a secret hurt to her pride.

‘What kind of guy broke through my surveillance? No… In a situation like this, it would be correct to assume that he was hiding inside from the beginning… But if you think about it, that doesn’t even make sense.’

Feeling so confused, Iro arrived just below the broken window.

Right after that, she braced herself with both legs and jumped up to the broken window in one breath.

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