129 – End of a sleepover in the West Village

“Seobang, did you enjoy your sleepover?”

It hurt as if a dagger had been stabbed in my chest.

I was meant to hug you since you were out early in the morning…

“It wasn’t fun…”



“Then I’ll forgive you. Hug me instead.”

“As much as you like.”

Then I put myself in my arms and stroked Stella’s head as she was acting childishly.

This cute person must not be aware that he is fooling around.

It would be similar, as if the puppy didn’t know he was cute.

Anyway, since I succeeded in keeping the peace in my family, I plan to take a good rest today.

Today is a day of rest, once a month in a row.

I went to the west town yesterday and it was because today was also a day off.

My plan for today is to hug Stella and get a good night’s sleep.

Because I have to go back to my busy and busy work from tomorrow.

“Nuna, sleep well with me today.”

“Maybe… I’m a bit tired today too.”

Not to the point of being tired.

At a glance, he’s tired and looks like he’s about to fall asleep.

I’m trying to doze off to the point where I wonder if I didn’t sleep last night.

He smiled and hugged Stella and stroked her hair.

“Come on, let’s go up.”


Seeing that you are already talking in your sleep, it seems that your work has been very difficult lately.

I’m going to go out of the country again, so I’m going to take care of my work as much as possible.

Couldn’t it be that you’re tired from working all night to play with me today?

Then I’m really sorry…

“Sister, wake up.”

“Huh… Heobang…”

“It’s not Heobang, it’s Seobang.”

Of course, Stella, who had already fallen asleep, didn’t answer.

Because once Stella falls asleep, it’s impossible to wake her up.

“But when I take a nap, I wake up well…”

Is there a difference between sleeping during the day and sleeping at night?

I don’t know what’s different, but Stella is always cute, so she pokes her cheek and goes inside her house.

When I entered the house, the maids who were waiting saw Stella sleeping on my shoulder and hurriedly ran to pick her up.

Because they knew that it would be too much for me to lift, they kindly picked up their owner and started carrying them.

If you don’t do anything like this, the place called her husband will shed tears.

Still, to be considerate, I pressed the button on the elevator and made it go up first.

The trap was that the elevator was for three people, so no more than three people could ride it.

The number of people is increasing, so is it okay for 3 people?

I’ll have to suggest to Stella later on changing it to a five-seater.


“Oh, I slept well…”

After that, the maids laid Stella down and I lay down right next to her.

I thought about going to sleep after washing, but I have to wash again when I wake up anyway, so I just sleep like this

I fell asleep after rationalizing myself that it would be better to wash clean later.

I didn’t drool, and I didn’t even sweat.

Is it because the weather is getting colder?

“Your sister is still sleeping…”


I wanted to kiss you on the mouth right away, but do you think I drank milk before going to bed?

I thought it would be better to just wash up and come out later.

By the way, I came home and was going to do something…

Obviously… Bought Cain’s clothes… Bought a watch…

And… Again…

“Oh right. Shige.”

You have to give the watch to Arya and Ether.

In addition, I bought some clothes that seemed to suit me somehow.

On the earth where I was, gifting clothes to the opposite s*x was something that couples or lovers did.

It is said that in this world, seniors at work and friends often give presents.

From what I’ve heard, they don’t mind giving underwear as gifts.

Of course, it was embarrassing and impossible to go that far, so I bought a white dress and a sky blue dress.

It’s not my taste, I bought it because it seemed like it would suit two people.

“Now I have to think about how to deliver this…”

It’s natural that I have to bring it myself, but I don’t know how to deliver it.

Are you two going to be in the room right now?

As soon as I thought about it, I headed to the room for the two of them.

No, is it too big to be called a room?

Since it was the size of a typical 60-pyeong apartment, it could be considered a single-family apartment.

He was smart and knocked on the door, but no sound was heard.

I grabbed the doorknob to make sure no one was there, and grabbed the doorknob from the other side and twisted it.

“…Alvin, hello.”

“Uh. Etheria, by any chance, where did Arya and Aether go?”

“He said he was taking a break with the maids in the front garden.”

“I see… Thank you.”

The figure of Etheria yawning with a white puppy spirit on her head made me laugh.

I hope she doesn’t go out like that.

Of course, I know it because I often go around with a ferry on top of my head or a Ratser Panda.

It is true that the way people stare is a bit ridiculous.

From now on, I won’t…


“Mr. Ether~ Ms. Aria~”

“Father Mama!”

Two people jumped up at the sound of my call and ran towards me.

Even if you don’t run like that, if you don’t listen to me no matter how many times I’ve said it

I wondered if it was people who were stricter than I thought.

“Could you please follow me?”

“No…Of course.”

“What… Did we… Do wrong?”

Ether started to break out in a cold sweat.

It seems like you’re misunderstanding that you’re being called for something wrong.

“No, it’s not like that. I have something I want to give you.”

Two people quietly followed me when I said I had something to give them.

You may already know about it by hearing it from other people.

Looking at that smile, it’s a little hard to say I don’t know.

I arrived at the room where the two and Etheria live.

I took out the bag I had hidden behind.

“This is a present for the two of you.”

The two nodded and gulped.

Eri was like that when she received a present from me before.

It is said that there are very few cases in which a subal priest receives a meaningful gift from the owner.

Usually, a saintess has a strong feeling that she is a noble and holy being, so she doesn’t get along with other priests or priests.

It is said that most of their husbands were sons of foreign aristocrats, high-ranking priests, high priests… Or cardinals…

There won’t be much of a difference.

The first thing I took out of my bag was a beautifully carved wooden box.

I handed it out to the two of them one by one.

It is a very high-tech watch that magically adjusts the straps automatically.

Well, it’s magic, so it’s not high-tech.

“My first gift is a watch. You know I like watches, right?”

“My father-in-law is the kind of person who stops eating when he looks at the clock while eating.”

Mr. Ether was impressed with the watch and told me about it.

She blushed a little bit embarrassed.

“Kuhmm… I hope you’ll save that watch.”

“Of course, Mrs. Ma, I will treasure it for the rest of my life.”

“I will make it a family heirloom, Mrs. Ma.”

She nodded as she got a very satisfying answer and went back to looking inside the bag.

I put out a bundle of gift boxes well wrapped in pretty wrapping paper one by one.

A total of 4 boxes were twisted in the bundle.

Two summer dresses and two winter dresses.

Then he took out two large boxes from his bag and held them out one by one.

A warm coat that can be worn in winter.

It’s a nonsensical piece of clothing that has a warming magic on it, so it can keep the body temperature even when windy clothes get wet.

I bought all of this, even other people’s shares.

“Take one of these coats here too.”

“Boo…Boo Mama… Is it really okay to accept these things?”

“It’s okay, it’s okay. I don’t waste any money I spend on my family.”

In addition, priests and maids will often work in cold places.

It would be right as the owner to provide a set of clothes like this.

“How is it? I don’t have much sense, but I bought it after consulting here and there.”

Laughing, I asked the two for their opinions on the coat.

Since it’s going to be a family look for my family, I wanted to ask for your opinion.

“Your father has a good sense.”

“I’m glad you said that. Try it on.”

As they were urged to try it on, the two opened a large box and started putting it on.

As expected, the hangers for these clothes were fixed.

Stella would also look good in that coat, right?

I want to try it on.

“Adjust your watch slowly. You don’t need to adjust that chain.”

“Then what are you adjusting?”

“If you open it, you will know.”

The fun wasn’t done in front of me, but the two of us were told to try it in the room and went outside.

Ah, I should have given you the Etheria clothes as well.

No, I’ll just give it to you later.

The two of them gave it in advance, but it was like an apology for giving the watch late, so it’s not right to give it to Etheria first.

“Let’s see… Then…”

Is it time to go clean up the watch I bought?

But it seems that there are fewer boxes in the bag…

Did I miss something?

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