Chapter 489: Even the birds can’t understand what we say. (4 more please customize)

"Wu, you just mentioned the plaque. What is the plaque?"Yanhua only heard this unfamiliar word

"The plaque is something hanging above the gate, telling everyone the name of the building."Su Bai explained simply.

In fact, after ancient buildings in the Chinese Kingdom on Earth were built, plaques were often hung to add the finishing touch to the buildings.

Because people at that time believed that everyone had a name after birth, so the buildings should also have a name. A name serves as a code.

Naturally, the plaque has been passed down to this day, and it will look more beautiful with the plaque.

"Oh, I understand, then when the time comes, should we also hang a plaque of the Yanlong Tribe on the door of the tribe?"Yanhua immediately thought of this.

"Ha ha ha ha......If we talk about this when the time comes, it will definitely fail, but not now."Su Bai smiled heartily.

He didn't expect that Niujiao Niang would think of this immediately, but she would indeed hang one up when the time came.

But all this would have to wait until the row of wooden walls were dismantled and a city wall was built. Got it

"Wu, then write it down and I will ask Uncle Gu Mu to make this plaque now."Yanhua can't wait.

She really wants to see what a plaque will look like in front of the building. It will definitely look good.

"Don't worry, just take a rest first."Su Bai smiled.

"By the way, Wu, when we just came back, we saw the second hunting team coming back. The people of the first hunting team are getting ready and will set off tomorrow. Sha Lan said.

After the cat-eared girls finished their training, they saw hot air balloons flying towards the tribe from a distance. It was obvious that that direction was the direction of the hunting grounds.

"Yeah, but this is a bit not good."Su Bai suddenly pursed his lips and said

"Wu, what's wrong? Did something happen? Sha Lan worriedly said

"The circulation of news is too slow. Just like the last time Qingyan and his friends came back, we didn't even know they had brought someone back."

Su Bai frowned and continued:"Just like when we came back from the sea a few days ago, the people in the tribe also don't know anything."

"Wu, there's nothing we can do about it, because we're so far apart that we can't talk at all. Sha Lan said helplessly.

Although the cat-eared lady has always known about this problem, it is also something that really exists and cannot be solved.

Since the tribe was established for so long, this has been the most fatal communication problem, but it has not been solved until now.

"No, this will seriously affect the development of our tribe. If we had better information circulation when we attacked the Black Snake tribe last time, we would have won it long ago."Su Bai said in a deep voice.

He had always thought this was a problem, but at that time he was only focused on the most stressful things at hand and did not think about this aspect.

"Wu, what should we do? Using a hot air balloon to deliver a message? Sha Lan asked

"No, this is too conspicuous and easily discovered by other tribes, and the speed of the hot air balloon is not very fast."Su Bai shook his head.

He didn't think hot air balloons were a good way. The message must be conveyed inconspicuously and quickly.

"Even a hot air balloon doesn't work, so there's really nothing we can do."Sha Lan frowned.

"No, there is another way, and that is a kind of homing pigeon. If it is delivered in this way, it will not only be fast but also will not be released."Su Bai suddenly thought of a brilliant idea.

"Homing pigeon? Wu, what is a homing pigeon?"Sha Lan doesn't know anything about this vocabulary.

"We use birds to convey information for us."Su Bai explained simply.

"Witch, but we don’t understand what the birds say, and the birds don’t understand what we say, so how can they help us convey the message?"Sha Lan even doubted whether he heard it wrong.

How could he think of using birds to convey messages? This is simply impossible to do unless birds can understand human language.

"They don’t need to understand what we say, they just need to help us bring the letter."Su Bai said softly.

On the other side of the earth, flying pigeons to send messages is a very common method of transmitting information. Of course, this refers to the ancient times, when communications were not developed and there were no modern smart phones. Kind of.

So people at that time thought of using birds to convey information, which was much faster than rushing to convey information.

Because generally speaking, the birds themselves will recognize the way home, just like a tired bird returning home. Like a nest.

The ancients used flying pigeons to send messages. For example, you and I are friends. Of course you and I live in the same place. Later, I went to another place, so I left my hometown with the pigeons from my hometown.

One day I have If I need to contact you about something, I will put the note on the pigeon's foot inside a special thing for letters, and then release the pigeon.

Then the pigeon will fly to my hometown, and you will find the pigeon and my letter. , the same goes for geese, they all take advantage of the habits of birds.

Of course, the premise is that you have raised these birds for a long time and provided them with sufficient living environment and food every day.

In this way, after they leave this place, they will They will want to come back again. If there is not enough food and the living environment is not good, they will leave and never think about coming back.

"Letters are about tying what we write to birds, and then letting those birds help us fly to specific people?"Sha Lan is quite smart.

"Well, you are right, as long as those birds fly to specific people, those people will know what I am going to say if they take off the letter from the birds."Su Bai said

"Wu, there is absolutely no way to do this. Those birds don't know where they are going to fly."Sha Lan still feels that this plan is not feasible.

"It doesn't matter, just do what I say and you will know when the time comes."Su Bai doesn't want to explain too much. It's better to show them the results directly than to explain it to them for a long time.

"Yes, what does the witch want us to do? Sha Lan immediately stood up straight and asked.

"Go and catch some birds for me, but these birds must be docile, and they must be the ones that leave here every year and come back at a specific time."Su Bai said

"Leaving here and coming back every year?"Sha Lan is a little confused at this time.

"For example, if the big ice and snow is coming soon, those birds will definitely fly to other places. Just catch the migrating birds."Su Bai said simply

"oh! I know, there are two kinds of birds that do this, one is the gray finch and the other is the big kudzu. Sha Lan said immediately

"Well, let’s just grab these two."Su Bai smiled and said

"I see. Sha Lan responded softly..........................................

"Fourth update, please support and customize."

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