Yuying was a little scared looking at the bicycle, and she was a little at a loss where she was.

"Don't worry, I'm protecting you from behind and you won't fall down."Su Bai said very gently.

He suddenly remembered that when he first started to learn to ride a bicycle, he heard the same words.

It also made him ride with confidence in the front, and someone was watching him with peace of mind from behind, but in fact it was just Just talking.

When Su Bai actually started riding, the man let go of his hands. As you can imagine, he fell down after just two kicks.

But it was precisely because of this that he slowly Once you learn how to ride a bicycle, you just have to fall a few times to master it. Otherwise, you will never learn how to ride a bicycle if you are always supported by someone behind you.

"Really?"Yu Ying innocently blinked her pink eyes.

"Why don't Xiaoyu wait a moment and let me learn it first, and then I'll teach you after I've learned it." Yanhua asked with a smile.

She couldn't wait. After seeing the completion of the bicycle, she really wanted to try it.

It's just that the horned lady didn't know how to ride a bicycle. She just saw Su Bai After riding a lap, I feel a little bit excited inside.

"Okay, then Sister Ahua comes first."Yu Ying breathed a sigh of relief. She was originally worried about how to ride without falling.

After all, there are only two wheels, and there seems to be no balance at all.

And when it is placed on the ground, it has to lean on a shelf on one side. to support it, without that stand the bike would be lying on the ground

"Okay, A-hua can come first. A-hua should be able to learn to ride a bicycle soon."Su Bai accepted it happily.

He originally wanted to teach Yu Ying first, after all, she was timid and looked very scared.

It was precisely because of the fox-eared lady that she inspired Su Bai's protective desire, so I thought about teaching her how to ride a bicycle first.

After all, I only have enough time now, and I might not have that much time in the future.

But it’s okay for Yanhua to suddenly want to learn, after all, the other party’s character has always been It's so exciting.

And she is an ordinary soldier. It must be very simple to learn to ride a bicycle.

The reason why it is simple is because the opponent is not afraid of pain, and it is not a problem if she falls a few times. Originally, she could only learn to ride a bicycle after falling a few times.

"Wu, what should I do? Are there any tricks?"Yanhua looked expectant.

"First sit on the seat, then grab the handle with both hands. There are brakes on both sides of the handle. If you feel that your speed is too fast or you want to stop, gently grab the brake, but don't grab it all at once. This will be very dangerous. It's easy to fall down."

Su Bai taught patiently step by step, and said softly:"These two pedals are where your feet are placed. You can ride forward by pushing hard. The most important thing is to keep your body and hands balanced, otherwise It's easy to fall to one side......"

He patiently explained while starting to practice, and the overall movements were very smooth.

Yanhua looked on with admiration, her red eyes widened, and she didn't dare to look anywhere for fear that she wouldn't remember.

She swallowed her saliva subconsciously and said softly:"Wu, let me give it a try first. You can check next to me to see if I'm right.""

"There is no problem at all. Don’t worry about falling. Learning to ride a bicycle requires the courage to try."Su Bai encouraged him very gently.

He could already predict the next scene, but he still had to give the other party enough encouragement.

"good."Yanhua turned over and sat on the stool without hesitation, and began to hold the bicycle handlebars with both hands.

She put one foot on the pedal and the other foot on the ground, and then began to Cheer yourself up.

After the Niujiao Niang pedaled hard, the bicycle began to sway forward for a short distance.

But it was only a short distance, and soon the bicycle began to sway exaggeratedly left and right.

Su Bai got on immediately Stabilizing the front, he supported the rear seat with one hand and used force to straighten the rickety bicycle.

He never let go of his hand, and said very patiently:"Be steady, don't be too nervous, ride slowly, The most important thing is to maintain balance."

If Su Bai hadn't taken action in time just now, the horned lady must have fallen to the ground now.

After all, the degree of swaying just now was really exaggerated, and it would still be a bit painful if she fell like that.

Su Bai originally wanted to You'll know after the opponent falls twice. He's still a little reluctant to let go.

"good." Yanhua breathed a sigh of relief. She was ready to fall just now.

Unexpectedly, she stabilized herself again. When she turned around, she saw Su Bai's handsome face, and she instantly felt very relieved.

Yanhua started to step on the pedals slowly as Su Bai said, without holding on to the handlebars with both hands.

Because if you use too much force and tension, you will lose your balance. With Su Bai behind to help stabilize Maintaining balance and using skills in front, the bicycle began to ride forward steadily.

"Witch, I learned it, I learned it!"Yanhua shouted very happily, her red eyes full of excitement.

"Have you really learned that you won’t know until I let go? Then am I ready to let go?"Su Bai asked

"Okay, Wu can let me have a try."Yanhua nodded very firmly.

"Well."Su Bai began to slowly retract his hand.

Not long after he retracted his hand, probably only a few seconds, the flame flower began to shake violently again.


With the sound of falling to the ground, Yanhua touched her thigh and fell.

She showed pitiful eyes and muttered:"It turns out that riding a bicycle is not an easy thing. I thought I had learned it just now."

Just after Su Bai let go, she couldn't hold on for long. She shook twice and fell to the ground again.

"Riding a bicycle requires learning skills and practicing frequently. It cannot be learned at once."Su Bai stepped forward very patiently and pulled her up.

He remembered that when he was learning to ride a bicycle, he also spent a lot of time and energy. He also fell down countless times, and the most important thing was that he had to learn it for a whole day. He learned how to ride a bicycle.

But he was practicing from morning to night, otherwise it would have taken him several days to learn.

"I decided that I must learn to ride a bicycle within today."Yanhua immediately regained her composure.

She picked up the fallen bicycle, turned over and sat on the bicycle again.

"Well, have perseverance."Su Bai smiled faintly..........................................

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