"Thank you for your help. I'm Chelsea, the warrior chief. I'm leading this unit."

"I am Orfalv, king of Snorabit. The West Coast warriors, then?

"Yes, it is."

What a woman dragon man leading a dragon man. Because I was a warrior chief, I unconsciously thought of him as a man.

It was a dragon woman who produced the same dark blue scale as her hair. Chocolate-like glossy brown skin with a very blue scale.

He is close to 2 meters tall. As a dragon man, it seems to be slightly larger than average. The refreshing atmosphere combined with the hair braided in cornrows was very handsome.

It seems not uncommon for a female warrior to be a dragon man, and it is not uncommon for a woman who handles magic better to be stronger. In fact, she's strong. At least it would be more than equal to Colbert.

They also say blue scale dragon men like her specialize in hydromagic and are respected. Because in the Goldician continent of harsh environments, the power to produce water can be a great advantage.

We talked about how many dragon men are magnificent, but Chelsea doesn't have any such bare hands. It sounds great because it's a warlord-style word, but my attitude toward Orfalv was very respectful.

They treat Hilt and Fran with care. The moderates seem to be true.

When Fran asked me a question about the dragon man, he answered me politely.

Warrior Leader, the first aid for the wounded is over.

"Right. Then hurry up and get ready to withdraw."


"And call Lord Tsalutta."

This unit is not made up of dragon men alone. The current decree was a half-dragon man, and the figure of a human soldier is mixed. Dragon men, half dragon men and humans have different emblems depicted on armor, so maybe they belonged differently.

The magician Chelsea called me here, he's human too. They wear robes with floral emblems, just like the human soldiers.

A woman with a sleepy expression somewhere, with brown crumbs in her shortcut. I know it's about 155cm, but alongside Chelsea, she looked great and small.

Hello, Lord Chelsea.

"Um. This is Lady Orfalv, Queen of Snorabit, and Lord Brunen, Admiral of the Navy of the Kingdom of Verios. Lord Hiltoria, the current head of the Demitris stream. And Lord Fran, alias Princess Black Thunder."

I guess Chelsea is eye-catching around introducing these four first. I guess I instantly spotted the power relationship of the rescue forces and more, not just strength.

"Master O'Falve, it's been a long time."

"Mm-hmm. You used to offer me good liquor!

"That happens. Haven't they met before? I'm Zerutta Camelia, head of the Camelia Mercenary Corps."

"I see, is it a mercenary regiment? Are you employed by all the dragon men?

Hilt seems to have taken an interest in them, too, listening.

The Camelia Mercenary Corps, as its name suggests, is based on a house named Camelia. It was originally in Goldicia, he said, a house like a nobleman.

When the continent of Gordicia perished, he said he was launching a mercenary regiment with his ministers and was continuing to fight to regain his homeland.

But Fran seemed to question the story. Same goes for me.

'Cause it's the Camelias. Alongside the Magnolia family in Romeo, it should have been one of the three Goldicians.

I don't know how, but it is a house that had the protection of the evil man. Well, it seems that somewhere that faith has changed and has become a preservation of the seal of the Evil God.

And they were supposed to have been attacked and destroyed by dragon men seeking evil god shards.

"A Camelian man fighting with a dragon man? Why?"

"Perhaps you are familiar with the three Goldicians?

"Mm-hmm. I've just heard of it"

I don't know everything, but I also know that their blood muscles have special powers. If it was the Magnolia family, it was the ability to absorb the power of the evil man: the 'Communion of the Evil God'.

Just whether it's something I can honestly tell you about here......

But I didn't have to worry.

"So you also know about the power of living in our blood?

I've been talking from the other side.

"I know that you have strange powers. And I also heard that the dragon man destroyed me."

"Well, there's such a story."

Hilt is also interesting.

"Really? So say those words...... Sure, it would be strange from the people you know."

Of course, he said his ancestors had feelings for resenting dragon men. But more than that, he regretted that he had been deprived of the shards of the Evil God and that it was considered a material that would create abyss eating.

He said he pushed his grudge to death and was determined to fight along with some decent dragon men.

However, it seemed that the descendants had long faded resentment of the dragon man and continued to mercenarize him with half a sense of duty and half a job.

"Because the power flowing into the blood of the Camelia family is also effective in the fight against demons"

"Even if you're not an evil man, does it work?

"The shards of the Evil God are used in the abyss eating, which is the basis for creating antidemons. Therefore, the antidemons contain little evil."

Because the evil of lower antidemons is weaker than goblins, it is so hard to detect, distracted by the evil of the abyss eater that covers this continent.

However, when you are more than a chivalrous type, you have quite a strong evil. Sure, I could feel the evil from that chivalrous type, too.

"My power is very effective against large groups of opponents because it has the effect of blunting the movement of the evil ones"

"Blunt the evil man? I didn't know a bloodline existed that conveyed such power..."

"Sure, you'd be surprised to hear it the first time. From what I can tell, it's like a stunt you can use from a very young age."

Even with them, it seems that this continent, where the power to dwell in the blood of the captain can be used effectively, is an incredibly good hunting ground.

The Camelia Mercenaries didn't feel anything like grief. It's not like I like it, but I don't seem to be forced to mercenarize my ancestors for the purpose of clearing their minds.

I guess he continues to work as a mercenary to the business lyke.

"Does Lord Fran know of any descendants of houses other than Camelia?


"Where are those people?

"... I can't tell you because I don't know if I can tell you"

"Uh, that's right. We didn't hide anything in particular, so we lost sight of it. If you go to other continents, it's not strange to be persecuted as an abominable blood"

Well, I'm sure it's not good information to say at will.

"Sorry on the way up the story, but it's time to withdraw"

"Oh, yes, Lord Chelsea."

Apparently, the dragon men have finished collecting the magic props they used to build the simple position.

"We're going back to Brunen too."


Still, is it the Camelia family? I said blunt the evil man's movements, but he would be stronger if he really used them. The same was true of the Communion of the Evil God.

I could not tell you my name...... Well, I guess I was told to say what a nasty skill name 'of the evil god' is in some places, Hilt.

What kind of power is that?

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