In the end, we decided to take a request from Weena. It was more about the pros than the cons.

We leave the day after tomorrow. Even so, it does not suddenly lead us to the Goldician continent.

They have to take the requisition form to the king's capital of this country first. So we're going to cross the Goldician continent with other participants and so on.

"Have you said goodbye to the inn?"



Fran eats with a strange face as she looks at the giant trees that penetrate the centre of the inn. It's supposed to be delicious. What the hell is going on?

"Fran, are you feeling any worse?

(... Spirit, I didn't see him in the end)

"Oh. If you say so, you are."

You couldn't have met the spirits who lived in ancient trees after all. Even with my spirit-sensitive skills, I can't feel the signs.

But Fran accidentally turned his gaze upwards.

"What's up?


"Spirit, I'm here"


I don't know what Fran's whining means.

'Cause I can't feel anything, can I? I guess I don't see anything, either, on the Ursi who's leaning on his neck.

But Fran's eyes held on to a point in the void.


For a few seconds as it is, Fran keeps staring silently at the trunk of the giant tree.

shortly thereafter.

"I see it."

"Oh, me too!

"O, on!

They also looked like Ursi. Forget to eat too, he opens his mouth to poker.


There, a green squirrel floated fluffy. The appearance is a small animal, but I feel a deeper and stronger presence from within.

Definitely, it would be an ancient tree spirit. Even if you quote less, it's the top spirits.

Strange stuff, but as soon as I could see him, I could understand the size of his opponent. He said he couldn't feel anything when he couldn't see it.

Besides, even if you look at the fact that you misled your sensory skills perfectly while in front of you, you can see that this Spirit has considerable power.

"Ho ho. I didn't know the Spirit would show up from him. You seem to like it a lot."



Elf's grandmother stares at Nico, Fran and the Spirit. Was it, after all, an ancient tree spirit?

"Thank your daughter."


"Well? Why bother? I can see it. Why don't you ask him yourself?

"Mm-hmm. Okay."

"Yeah, yeah."

Fran nodded forcefully at his grandmother's words. And slowly approaching the spirits of ancient trees.



Fran and the Spirit keep their eyes shut for a while and somehow nod at each other.

"What's up?

(? Didn't you hear?


What's this all about? Were we having any conversations?

"Spirit, take it, right?

(Mm-hmm. I say thank you for helping Lane)



It doesn't even sound like Ursi.

Apparently, only Fran could hear the Spirit.

I see, maybe this is what compatibility is about. Spirit magic is more important with the Spirit than skill levels and skilled arms, he said.

Polar theory, spiritual witchcraft Even a freshly remembered rush can make a pact with the Great Spirit if the Great Spirit likes it.

Apparently, Furuki Spirit and Fran are compatible and not with me or Ursi.

Or, I just thought, is it compatible with me or something? Because it's a sword. There's a chance even the Spirit didn't notice me, right?

"Mm. I see."



A conversation is formed entirely with the Spirit.

"You know that spirit, Lane?

(Mm. Even Lane's friends. Freed from the Great Warcraft and happy)

There must have been some interaction between the spirits.



If I had thought about that, the figure of the Spirit would have disappeared sooo. It's just that Fran seems to be feeling signs, chasing with his eyes the space where he thinks the Spirit is.

Apparently the Spirit had merely come to convey his gratitude.

But for us, what we got was bigger than words.

Fran has acquired spiritual witchcraft skills through prolonged visibility of highly spiritual spirits

'What? What?

Looks like talent blossomed all at once.

Seriously! Check the status of the franc in a hurry. Sure, I remembered spiritual magic. In fact, as a result of the recent intense fighting, both Fran and Ursi had increased their levels by five.

But I'm sure he didn't get spiritual sorcery or anything by then.

Could the ancient tree spirits have dared show up for this? Anyway, I'm glad Fran got a new skill.

Fran, I remember spiritual magic.


'Oh, what do you say? Can you use it?'


The way Fran was excited, he focused his consciousness. Even magic already works well, Fran. Even if it's a first glance skill, it won't be a problem.

That's what I was thinking, but I stopped concentrating right away. My ears and tail hang down hennyo, and I'm obviously not well.



'Can't you? You mean you don't know how to use your skills?

"Skills can be used. But all I know is the spirit of the tree."

"I've seen it before, you mean the spirits of ancient trees, right? So you're saying you can't feel the signs of any other spirits?

"Mm-hmm. But I can't help the tree spirits."

It seems that Spirit Magic was rejected by the Spirit, even if it did activate. It seemed compatible......

Using spiritual witchcraft seemed harder than imagined.

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