After the magic flow from Weena Lane to Lane stopped, there was a figure of Weena Lane and Lane, who looked the same as before.

But if you look behind it, you'll see.

The transformation of the signs was such that I thought it might be someone else. It doesn't mean I'm stronger, I'm weaker. The wavelengths of magic and signs themselves were changing.

I guess the broken edge meant that the presence of the lane that was inside the Weena Lane separated and returned to the lane.

Understandably, in this case, the signs of Weena Lane will change, but why would they even change to Lane?

No, is it natural that the change will come with the undoing of the beings that were splitting? It feels like the missing part was repaired and restored to its original appearance.

However, it seems that Weena Lane has worn out so much that it can't stand. Shortly afterwards, he was falling on the spot.

"Weena Lane? Tajibu?

"It's not Weena Lane anymore. I'm Weena..."

Weena Lane - No, that's what Weena says and she loses consciousness.


I was almost out of power, too, but I activated the memories only for a moment. Weena Lane's momentum is only marginally killed and Fran manages to take that body.


Even if Fran shakes gently, there's no sign of waking up. I guess the various depletions overlap and are exhausting.

"You're losing a lot of vitality......"

"Now, let him sleep"

"Mm-hmm. Okay."

Following Lane's words, we laid Weena down gently.

"Daijibu no?

"I'll wake up in a while. The power will be greatly diminished..."

I guess that means I'm not going to die.

Unlike Weena, Lane is very energetic. It seemed like he regained his strength and completely undressed his dangerous condition.

"... thanks. Thanks to you, Weena was saved."

That's what Lane says and bows deeply.

"Of course, me too..."

"Hey, Lane, how far did you know?

At this point, I decided to ask what I had always cared about.

'Before, Lane said he didn't see the future... Still, you've been working a lot to change the future, haven't you?

When I made contact with Fran over there. There must have been a lane aid for sure.

If Lane hadn't told Mr. Annunciation something, I wouldn't have used my potential liberation. And then I didn't even meet the Frans over there, and I never got any new skills. And the Weenas wouldn't have helped.

In the first place, if Lane over there hadn't sent Sierra, Zero Thread, and Zelaisse this way, I could have been a complete sword.

I don't think all of them are coincidences, etc. It's just, how far is it a coincidence and how far is it on the hands of the Lanes? I didn't get that.

No, even if it was all on the palm of my hand, I'm not complaining about it. Anyway, thanks to that, you saved my life. I'd rather be thankful. It just bothers me.

"... God forbid, I cannot foresee the future. You said that before, didn't you?


Besides, I'm saying that God wouldn't, but the goddess of chaos I've met before would have said that even God doesn't know the future.

Given that, it would be impossible, for example, to predict the full future.

'But you have the power to choose better options, don't you?

"It's not that big of a deal. Just how does your behavior affect you? I can see that somehow. If you say so, look."

With a few seconds of immediate future, predictability seems possible.

But if I wanted to explore farther and farther ahead, I would use tremendous force. In case you want to feel ahead on a yearly basis, he says Lane himself could disappear.

This is just my guess, but isn't Lane unconsciously doing advanced arithmetic? What if the results of using your abilities as the Spirit of Time, simulating the various possibilities instantly, and unconsciously predicting the future appear on the table as a consideration?

Well, the more you predict a distant future, the more draining it will be. We're multiplying the amount of information we process. I also know my simultaneous arithmetic skills because they are close to it.

"But I'm sure this conjecture has helped me a lot... Well, it all started with an encounter."

Send your gaze to the Sierra's as Lane growls so.

"At one point, a tremendous evil appeared on the banks of the lake. Naturally, I went to check on the subject. So I found one boy and a sword that exasperated evil."

Definitely. It would be Sierra and the Devil's Sword/Zero Thread. When they showed up at this hour, Lane already seemed to recognize its existence.

"Even if you can't see the future, it's easy to see the past. Anyway, it just reads what's already happened."

Future and past visibility seem equally difficult for us, but for Lane, past visibility seems to be an extremely easy act.

As a result, she encounters inexplicable facts.

"Whatever you think, boy and sword lived the future."

Lane, who looked at the Sierra's past, got a lot of information.

"And I got a silent message from myself. That this boy is the beginning of our hope."

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