The first two days in the Wang capital Bestia had passed quickly. I just repeated the Wang Du sightseeing and the simulated battle with Meir.

They lent me the Royal Castle training ground, but the ground and walls are full of holes. I even thought about fixing it with earth magic, but they use special building materials that inhibit magic, and it didn't work.

"Ha ha! Don't let your heart still jump in a mock fight with Fran!


Though they are satisfied with the thick contents of the simulation.

In the first place, you're saying we're training to be able to manipulate our skills, but when we heat up, Meir's about to get serious. Flame magic and skill started banging, and it was pretty hard. If Quina hadn't stopped me, the damage to the royal castle would have been even greater.

Well, thanks to that, I've gained a lot of skill proficiency. It would have improved considerably, especially with regard to physical manipulation methods. Also, I guess you admire how well you cut out for flames and learned the skill of burn resistance.

The biggest event of the second day would have been a trip to the temple of the King's Capital. to change his profession for a long time.

Honestly, I totally forgot until Meir told me, but if you think about it, we've acquired all sorts of skills. There was a possibility that a new profession was emerging.

The last time I checked it was before the militant tournament. At that time, I could not choose a profession more than a demonic warrior. Sometimes what didn't occur to us about the profession in the first place was that the current Demon Warrior was an extremely useful profession.

Magic convergence, an inherent skill, is relatively poor at witchcraft - well, it means compared to me - but for Fran, it was a thankful skill that compensated for his weaknesses. In addition, both physics and witchcraft can be corrected professionally, so it was also a profession that did not find any dissatisfaction for Fran, who manipulates both.

But now that we've grown up in this fierce battle, there's also the possibility that we can choose a higher profession. It didn't hurt to check.

I was able to enter the room to change my profession by offering a gift. The tablet is placed, and by touching it, you are able to choose a profession that is transferable to the tablet. Even the people who manage the temple are not allowed in this room except for cleaning, a creation in which privacy is perfectly preserved.

It may be possible to peek at it with magic and magic props, but there won't be anyone to do it. What a temple. No one would want to imitate badly and devour divine punishment.

"Don't be labeled all sorts."


From a profession I've seen to a first look profession, it would be close to 50. Normally I don't know how much, but I know a lot.

"Touch it and it'll even show you the description of your profession, because you've only paid 3000G for it."

Well, it's in a better state of view, but I was curious about five different things.

The first is the profession I have been after, the Sword King. Thanks to growing up in this battle, I was able to make choices. In addition to increased arm strength, swordsmanship, and sword skill enhancement, you gain the unique skill 'Sword Divination', a profession that is sword-specific - or tracked only by those who have the ultimate sword.

The Beast King was in the profession of Spear King, but it was thought to be equivalent to that. This meant that it was the kind of profession Rank S Adventurers would take. I would say an overwhelming first candidate. But there are other interesting professions.

One of them is a jihadist. Something about a profession that's going to be huge with aura power, but that skill is interesting inside. He learned his unique skill, "Holy Armor", in order to remember his anti-evil skills of strengthening evil and special attack on evil men. I don't even know what the intrinsic skills are, but from the name it would be for the evil guy.

It is a comforting profession to fight powerful evil men in the future, such as when you meet Zero Thread.

"The rest is interesting, too, the Great Demon Mentor, whose magic in general requires correction. It seems to ease the burden on multiple startups. '

There is no inherent skill, but even Fran will be able to handle the multiple activation of sorcery.

"This heavenly ninja is amazing too"

'Right. Agility is greatly elevated and corrected for sensory and covert skills. Moreover, there is also the unique skill' space-time perception '. You'll be able to react to metastases, etc.'

It's compatible with speed-specific flans, and the correction to the perception system, the covert system, is quite thankful to us today, which lacks the stability of our skills.

"So, the last candidate is the Celestial Warrior"


It is a fairly well-balanced profession: elevated all stats, increased intimidation skills effectiveness, correction to martial arts, martial arts, and magic skills. Apparently, it's a profession that emerges as highly suited to warriors, magicians, and both sides. It was also a profession that would bring the overall abilities to a full bottom.

"The Sword King, the Jihadist, the Great Devil's Advisor, the Heavenly Patron, the Heavenly Devil's Warrior? Which one would you prefer, Fran?

"... Sword King!

Well, yeah. If you think about it normally, you're the Sword King. Fran likes swordsmanship more than witchcraft.

"Then let's be sword kings"


It was the moment Fran chose Sword King. Its entire body is wrapped in white light. You're blowing up some awesome magic. I just don't feel bad. It's warm magic like a gentle wrap.


"Are you all right?

"Mm-hmm. There's power coming"

When I appraised him, his profession had been changed exactly to Sword King. Status is also rising. I also learned to deify the sword of unique skills.

There's just the downside, of course. The magic power decreased slightly, forgetting the intrinsic skill magic power convergence. Instead of being greatly enhanced in his ability as a swordsman, Fran's own ability to use magic would surely have been reduced.

Well, should I consider the roles of me and Fran clearer? For the time being, Fran will be physics, and I will be in charge of the magical side.

'Well, I just want to know the effect of sword deification when this happens...'

Sword deification: unloading the power of the God of the Sword on the user

I don't know how powerful sword deification is when I try to appraise it. Is this all of God's skills?

I just have someone I think I can hear more about. Meir. Her father, Rigdis the Beast, possesses spear deification skills. You'll most likely know.

It will take the form of a rose that Fran held the position of sword king, but it won't mind. In the first place, Fran promises to teach Meir his profession. In fact, before Fran, Meir had changed his profession, and he had been proposed and accepted to teach and teach his profession.

Leaving the vocational change room, Meir greeted me with an exciting face.

"Fran! Did you have a good job?

"Mm-hmm. There was the best"

"Oh! That's exciting! Let's just go back to the royal castle!

That wouldn't be exactly what we're going to talk about in a place like this. There are plenty of other people.

Returning to the royal castle, we quickly reveal each other's new vocation. Sounds like you admire the way we teach each other secrets - fun for both of us. Well, the contents are slaughter.

"My profession is that of a knight of annihilation."


"I would! The power of manipulative flames increases, as does my ability as a knight, a profession I deserve!

He was formerly in the top position of Fire Knight. This knight of annihilation seemed to be a higher vocation than that.

Mere brings joy to that face. But in the same calm tone Quina watered the joy.

"But you also need to be careful"


"It's a trait found in a profession with a letter of annihilation, but despite rising aggression, control doesn't keep up. As a result, there is also an increased risk of accidental or suicide bombings"

Wow, it's a super annoying profession. Meir, even though the flame control was a sweet image, you mean it became more unstable, right?

"Lady, please behave more cautiously in the future"

"Wow, I know!

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