hours after Alistair entered the renovation work. Even if I say I'm going to use the system inside me, it's going to take a lot of time to get ready for that startup and control.

As usual, Alistair, who did not leave her eyes slightly moving while meditating, accidentally opened her eyes and raised her face.

"All right, I'm ready. Now we can always get into renovation work."

That's what I say, soak up the sweat on my forehead. He didn't drink or eat for hours. I think it's pretty worn out, but I don't see any great fatigue on that face.

"Hey, don't you have to rest? It's night, huh?

From a small window equipped with only one in this room, I can see the darkness of night at some point. The room was shiny too bright for me to notice at all.

"Atashi is fine. It's hard to feel tired. That said. There's still a long way to go. Let's take a break…"

"Fran's tired too, isn't he?


"I'm tired of Atashi, so stick with me for a break"

I just told you it's a tireless body just before. He's obviously caring for Fran. However, Fran is not a child who can't read the air enough to get rid of that care, so she snorted cocklessly at Alistair's words.


"Then we're going upstairs."

"Can't you do it here?

"I don't eat at work."

That seemed to be a preoccupation as an artisan. Good, Fran from Jalapeco took out the dishes in the middle of the analysis and didn't start eating them. Alistair's concentration would have been a gut mess. Or the analysis work might have been interrupted.

"But then..."

Fran saw me with Chirali. I guess you're worried about leaving me here.

'Fran, it's okay. There's no more pain, and don't worry.'


'Unlike me, Fran is tired, and he needs a break. If I'm cured, if Fran goes down, it doesn't make sense, does it?

How dare you, Alistair normally lifted me up.

"Nothing, the restoration's done, and if you don't fight hard, you can move."

Say it sooner! We had a normal, snug exchange!

"Here, Fran."


Oh, I knew Fran's back would calm down. And Grandpa Garth's special sheath. It just fits me, and it feels like I'm wrapped up? Or did you come home? Anyway, the peace of mind is great.

"This way."

Leading up the stairs by Alistair, it was surprisingly a normal mansion there. Perhaps more luxurious than somewhat luxurious accommodation. Stone, spicy villa-style interior.

At the end of the door where Alistair dived, it was a dining room. In front of a large marble table, there is already a forerunner.

"It's over?

"Not yet. I'm just taking a break."


"Hey, pack more, you idiot"

"Ooh. Sorry."

I knew Earthlers was weak for Alistair, or you feel reluctant. I'm familiar with it, but it feels like Groundlers is pulling a step further than that.

Even that Chiara had an ordered tone. Earthlers' such appearance was intensely uncomfortable. I don't think he's the same person.

Fran seemed to feel the same way, leaning her little neck and voicing doubts.

"Hey, are you two not close?

It was a straight ball question. Alistair frowned and Groundlers is a troubled face. Was that something you weren't supposed to hear?

"It's not like we're not close."


"Then why?

You still have a bad tooth cut. Still, Fran goes gooey. I'm interested, too, and I'm not stopping you here.

"Oh, when this guy first came to Atashi, he was stunned by the silliness of it, and he preached to me a little bit. Ever since, I've just been calling you a dumb ghost."


"Oh, this guy, when we first met, what do you think he said?

Alistair turns her sinister gaze to Groundlers. That sounded like a terrible first meeting. Just remembering that time still seems angry.

"This guy, come visit me and open his mouth best," If you're a divine blacksmith, you can destroy the Divine Sword, right? Break this guy, "he slipped out!

"Oh, well, I'm sorry"

"Naturally! Take it from Atashi and the other divine blacksmiths, the Divine Sword is like a child! If it's something made by another divine blacksmith, it's no different! Or break it? I can't help it if they crack my balls, can I?


Ground Lars strokes his forehead silently. They really cracked my head. Besides, he then sat down the ground lars, who shed blood duckling, and continued to preach for half a day as it was. Well, Earthlers would also be poorly aware of Alistair.

"The Divine Sword Gaia can only be used on that person once the owner is specified. Besides, even if you throw it away, it's coming back. It doesn't seem like there's a free will..."

For a moment, I thought Gaia had a will, too, but she didn't. Maybe it contains the type of artificial soul that made Mr. Annunciation more mechanical.

"I don't know why I was chosen, but I thought it was the worst."

I know what Earthlers feels like. Even though it has mutated into a evil ghost to gain madness, where it was distressed, it is a divine sword. If throwing it away means it will come back on hand, then it means it will definitely be on hand when the madman activates.

Clarify, it would be the birth of the worst ghost to scatter mass destruction. If you can't seal the madness, you must have at least thought of doing something about the divine sword.

"I'm accepting it now."


"So you're hunting warcraft on the border so you don't bother people..."

Sounds like Earthlers is accepting the Divine Sword now, too. I guess that's why Alistair won't kick her out, either, whilst complaining. However, you must not be able to be gentler now.

"... in the end, it bothered you guys."

"... Chiara wasn't killed by you"

"I know. That's not the kind of balls that would kill me. Can I talk to you... okay?


"I'll talk to you"

"Fine. I'll talk. I want to talk."

Alistair cared, but Fran turned it down himself. We could only be together for a few moments, but at the end of the day, my esteemed Chiara. You want to speak with your own mouth. He also thought that was his role in taking care of the end.

It won't be a bad thing. I think it's easier to organize than to hold it alone. Besides, the last thing Fran says about Chiara, it's not a tragedy. Tell me what you heard from me and what you saw yourself. It was the end of a warrior, fighting a mighty enemy, scattered with satisfaction.

Earthlers listened to the story and still doesn't get a sad look on his face. I was rather laughing.

"Well, have you passed away laughing... You fight strong enemies who can't win by bumping into everything you are, cutting lives together, laughing and ending up. It's Chiara-like at the end. And I envy you."

I totally understand the fighter fanatics' thoughts, but I still understand the weight of their whining. One last battle to the satisfaction and die on the battlefield. That's all I just seemed to feel really jealous of Earthlers.

Maybe it's impossible for Earthlers right now. If it's a dying battle, the madman should be activated. If you do, kill the other person without knowing anything, or you die. There is no intention of Earthlers there.

"Atashi doesn't know how you guys feel...... I just couldn't imagine him dying peacefully in the bed of the royal palace surrounded by his disciples."

"Right. Exactly."

"The sword is only on the battlefield...... I guess that means samurai are the same again. I want to know that some of them feel happier to decay on the battlefield than to be decorated on shelves..."

Sounds like Alistair where you don't tell me you know.

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