Side chiara

If you think you've avoided the worst, it looks like the worst has struck you again.

Fran's sword slammed on its own. Besides, when I say the strength of that power, isn't there a slight color compared to Earthlers? Maybe more than that.

Groundlers had a combative judgment, albeit rampant. For that reason, I couldn't be serious for fear of getting caught in the collapse of the dungeon. His sword is destined for widespread annihilation. Conversely, they cannot show true value in narrow places.

No, even without it, this sword was unusual. It's not decent, such as activating five great magic tricks at the same time and unleashing sword king moves. Besides, he flew, deformed himself, and even had the ability to take Earthlers' skills. Even one of them was an ability that was not an exaggeration to say that it was the highest demon sword.

"Besides, I still can't see the bottom."

It wouldn't be strange to have the power to line up with a divine sword or an abandoned divine sword. What the hell is this land? Do you even say that near a divine blacksmith, there will be a collection of divine and demonic swords?

Fran's sword, transformed into a wolf-like figure made of steel, emits a more awesome magic. The red-black, vicious magic that rises from the steel wolf has a sense of oppression that makes this one anxious just by looking from afar. There was also no need for Meir to be unable to move.

Meir was whining about Fenrill and the like, but I may not even be wrong though. At least, of all the werewolf warcraft I've ever seen, I'm pretty sure it's the strongest.


You staunchly prevented an attack aimed at Meir, but you took a lot of damage in one shot, your whole body is screaming. Still, you can't let me fall. The wolves are not the only enemies.

"Come on, grandma. That's a motivational face, huh?

"Do you have to buy the kids time to escape?

Yes, I wish these guys could have been a match, but it was horrible if they hadn't. If one of you chases me, there's no way to escape. Someone has to stop here. Let Meir get away with it, and I'll pull out my sword.

"He's gonna die, huh?

"Old-fashioned, short lived anyway? Is it bad enough to use it for young people? - Flash Thunder!

"Kuha! Nice! No matter how weak you are, it's fun to deal with someone who's willing to die!


That's how the battle of the triplets began. The steel wolf is persistently targeting the enemy in front of him, that is me and Zero Thread.

And Zero Thread was after me and the wolf again, too. No, it's more like you're enjoying the fight than you're after. But if I hadn't collapsed like this, I would have been able to keep stopping the two threats.

"Problem is, I'm everywhere..."

Sick. Yeah, there's been a lot of fighting since last night. Regrettably, hours of combat would be impossible for me right now. The best thing is to attack once and for all and kill these guys instantly......

I can't do that. Zero lead that even withstood the attack of the Divine Sword and an inorganic wolf that doesn't even know if it can be defeated. It was unlikely that it could be wiped out in the short term.

So what do we do?

"... Ha!

"Just don't make a good move!

"Gao Oo!"

He dared to turn his back on the wolf, while launching an attack on Zero Thread. The sword and black thunder inhibit Zero Thread's movement, while critical to deflecting the wolf's attack from behind. I can't stop sweating cold. I didn't expect you to attack me with your tail like a whip. I wouldn't even have been able to react if I hadn't woken up.

But as we were aiming, the attack of the steel wolf hit zero lead. Only slightly plundered, but I could see zero lead evil shredded. This means that the evil pronouncement with that sword is still valid.

"Looks like you can go with this."

Yeah, this is the only way I can take it. Even me, there's only one way I can defeat Zero Thread. Wolves honestly can't help it. Then defeat the one who can defeat first. That's all.

"Come on, attacks like now, don't think you're gonna eat it again and again, huh?

"Really? Then let's try it."

Focus on speed and avoidance and run. You rotate your brain fully, you read and direct the actions of wolves and zero-threads. Naturally, both attacks focus on me. But what happened to it? Desperate to this extent, we cannot live until this year.

The wolf's attacks get more intense, but they didn't hit me, causing Zero Thread to accumulate damage. You tried to re-divide it, or the zero lead tries to get a distance once. But I won't let you get away with it. I follow the Zero Lead with all the help of the Black Heavenly Tiger. Whatever, take the wolf behind your back.

"You Baba!

"Gao Oo!"

"Ha ha! Perhaps! What happened to the momentum just now! Evil man!

I keep torturing my body, which is attacked by severe pain, and I keep dancing. With a circle among the mighty. Sharpening my life. Scratch the wolf's fangs with a piece of paper, drain the Zero Thread sword, and throw up blood reflexes.

Almost mutually at speed - no, are wolves faster than me? Attack is overwhelmingly defeated, defense and regeneration are even comparable. But there are still a number of factors that we can fight for.

One is that zero lead is still playing. I dare to ride these thoughts to enjoy the thrill of battle.

Furthermore, the wolf moves slightly less. The speed is tremendous, but the movement is slightly slow. Apparently you haven't been able to handle your body perfectly.

An even biggest factor is the large difference in experience. Both Zero Thread and Wolf will certainly have something of a gift in addition to being very strong. However, I had a slight intuition and had difficulty moving too much. And it's experience to counter those intuitions. Predict how they want to move and where they're after each other as they watch each other move.

He continued to fight solemnly, shrinking his nerves and using his brain badly.

"Oh no! Come on, fuck you!


"... hmm"

Neither looks tired at all. I don't like it. This one, he said he's going to be able to handle it already with fatigue and severe pain. But I can't take anything out of my hands. If you shake it slightly, you'll lose your life in no time.

"Ha ha..."

"Grandma! You're breathing, aren't you?

"Well, where can't you see Baba?

Provoke and squeeze the last force as you avoid turning your consciousness toward the Frans. But the equilibrium that was kept critical suddenly collapses from the unexpected.


When the steel wolf screamed loudly, it collapsed on the spot. My body collapses like worn out and sand. What happened?

Me and Zero Thread didn't show each other, but once we got our distance, we observed a steel wolf. No, it's not a steel wolf anymore. Because the figure had completely collapsed and disappeared, no longer merely turned into a mass of metal.

But the collapse will not stop. Rather, it's even accelerating.

And after the steel wolf collapsed and vanished, Fran's sword was rolling. There's a crack in the whole thing, a blushing sword on the verge of disposal. Both the red aura and the black magic have already disappeared, making me wonder if they are the same as the sword that had unleashed such a vicious presence that until earlier I thought they were divine swords and woods.

Looks like this one really stopped moving. I can't even feel the shards of magic. He'll be dead by now. Zero lead to stay. I had to attract this guy. But Zero Thread looks boring and solves the problem.

"Hey, why the sword down?

"What? 'Cause I guess I'm not bored. No more swords. Grandma can't fight as soon as she's left alone. Then it's better to live -"

"Let it go!

"Oh? How are you still? But it's clearly slowing down, isn't it?

Naturally. With severe pain and eyesight, it's so strange that my legs are no longer moving. But I will never let you go further.

I don't care about the future of the Black Cats or the future of the Beast Kingdom or anything like that. But take those girls. I will never let my grandchildren who have no blood connection do it!




What? Somebody's voice. Is this a reading?


'I'm a master... you've never had a conversation before. Well, I know it unilaterally.'

(Why? In the first place, where are you?

'It's right in front of you. I'm the sword rolling there. Intelligence Weapon. "

(Holy shit!)

But could that possibly be rampant by maniacization skills? You don't know what life is like to meet a legend when you die.

(Talking is helpful. It's a hundred million years to open your mouth.)

"Chiara. Firstly, solve Flashing Hua Xun Thunder. Otherwise, don't give me another minute. '

(No. At the time of solving the flashing Hua Xun Thunder, it ends with being slashed)

'But... you're really gonna die like this!

I was told I was going to die, and while I realized it was true, I was horrified. to the fact that Fran was not alone.

There are many around Meir. Quina also has a father who is a Hanatare kid but should love his daughter a lot.

But what about Fran? In the other Black Cats, you won't be able to follow Fran. If I die, won't I be alone? I thought so, but you had a good partner.

We just had a conversation for a dozen seconds, but I can understand that the Lord of this reading is someone with a firm heart. With this guy, Fran's not alone. I felt my shoulder load come down.

Now I can hang my life without worries.

(The old man is dressed because of it. Why don't you let me get right to the end of this?

'... right. Okay. So, can you just lend me a little of that life? Defeat Zero Thread'

(Huh, that's good. What am I supposed to do? The rest of my life, use it as you please!

"First -"

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