I Was a Sword When I Reincarnated

296 Determination and Preparation

Flying from Gringoat to the night sky on Ursi's back again, we were discussing the future.

Neither the army nor the adventurers can move quickly. But if you sit back and watch, the Black Cats will be caught up and swallowed up by the armies of the Warcraft.

Whatever you think, the legs of the Warcraft are faster than the speed at which the Black Cats travel.

For example, if only young people are transported in carriages or the like, they may be able to escape. In exchange for the death of those who remain. But there was no way Fran would have made that choice. That village is one of Fran's dreams.

Indeed, the village, the village buildings may be destroyed. But as long as there are villagers, we can rebuild as many.

"... Still, this time..."

"What's going on? Master."

"Fran. We're the only way to let the Black Cats get away with this. Reinforcements don't come from anywhere. '


You know it's dangerous, right?

"I know."

Fran nodded with a serious face.

'I only want to get Fran away this time if I can. I want you out of the Beast Nation now.'

"Sorry. Master. I can't do that."

I can't help my words, Fran, and I'll give you an immediate answer. The look was more straightforward than anything else in the world.

'Huh. What can you do?


I know. There's no way Fran would ever abandon the Black Cat Clan. Still, I couldn't help but put it in my mouth.

It was horrible. The fact is that if it were for the Black Cats, Fran would fight for his life. I'm scared. I think I might lose Fran.

'I'm sorry. I said something stupid. Forget it. No, I can't.'

What would blunt Fran's resolve...

"Yeah. No master. Awesome sword!"


Yes, I am, Fran's sword. It's a sword for Fran. Fran decided to fight. Then all I have to do is do everything in my power to make that determination come true.

'I'm sorry. It's okay now. "

"I know my master is thinking of me. Thanks, but I help my people! Master, help me."

"Oops. Leave it to me!


'That said... it will be difficult to destroy all warcraft'

"I know."

I don't know if they're all goblins, but it wouldn't be that sweet. Among the armies of warcraft I just saw were several shadows with bodies that clearly exceeded goblins.

Instead, we should assume the worst. It is also possible that there are multiple interlocking Warcraft of Threat A and B.

"Confuse the beginning first. No matter how many, if the lead stops, we have to stop. '

Well, it is possible to say that you will not stop at all and will move on over the previous Warcraft...... We'll have to stop there. If you build walls with magic, there will be a way.

Besides, it's only after that that that matters. If you interrupt the march of the Warcraft, they will naturally embark on this elimination.

At that time, it's important to know how much you can hold out. The ideal is to confuse those who are manipulating the armies of the Warcraft and pull the armies once... That won't go so well.

In addition, if they cannot be pressed, they must switch to the annihilation of the Warcraft on their way to the Black Cat evacuees. At that time, how much can you fight while protecting the Black Cats?

We don't have much experience defending ourselves, even if we're used to attacking. We ourselves were unknown how much we could do.

"Still do it. I definitely have to do it."

'Oh yeah!

If Fran wants it, I'll see what I can do.

"Everybody was there."

"All right, you're safely starting your evacuation."

I saw the Black Cat refugees moving under our eyes as they solidified. We get off in front of them.

"Oh, princess! You're back!

"Mm-hmm. Everybody there?

"Of course."

The village chiefs, who were leading the way, greet Fran with a hospitable look. I guess I was anxious that Fran wasn't here. And then they even showed me Fran's body.

But you evacuate faster than I imagined. Worst of all, I thought you were still in the village.

Listening to the story, the Black Cats were ready to evacuate and left the village before dawn. Everyone doesn't have big household tools or anything, they carry just enough wealth to carry and just a few days worth of food. The children seem to be getting inside the adult walls and protecting them from the Warcraft. You seem really used to running away.

That said, that walk, mixed with old people and children, is very slow. I didn't know how many days it would take to get to Gringoat.

"I can't go with you. Are you okay?"

"I'll be fine. The princess has already handed out the weapons."

"With this, we can handle the extent of the Warcraft around here!

"Rest assured"

The men are indeed armed with weapons. I'm still low on individual abilities, but I'm motivated, and the extent to which I get rid of lower monsters didn't seem to be a problem.

"I'm going"

"... be careful"

Neither the village chief nor the villagers ask where they are going. I know. He said if Fran didn't fight the Warcraft, we wouldn't be able to escape ourselves. And I also understand that Fran is consolidating his readiness to die.

So they quietly dropped off Fran. Because we know that we stop the franc because we are going to water its readiness.

We broke up with the Black Cats. We went further north.

Underneath you can see the unmanned Schwarzkatze, as quiet as the fire went out. It's like ghosttown. Until a few hours ago, I don't think I was drinking and singing with everyone in this village. The village, which was supposed to be surrounded by people's laughter, now only sounded windy and lonely.

"... we protect you all"

"Oh, you're right."


'I'm going to get ready. It's too reckless to stick around like this no matter how much'


That said, I want to carry out preemptive attacks while the Warcraft are on the plains. If they get into the woods, they're gonna miss it. If it is a plain with no place to hide, it is easy to grasp the movements of the Warcraft.

The problem is we have nowhere to hide. But it is also an easy place to deal with unintentional strikes from a highly hidden warcraft, depending on what you think. You can't hide anywhere.

"Signs of the Warcraft are going south most of the time."



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