We were looking around the village at midnight, but we couldn't spot the anomaly. Still, Fran and Ursi seem restless.

I can't leave the discomfort of the francs, who are more wild than I am.

"Well, let's look around a little bit from the sky"



A Ursi with Fran on his back kicked the universe and ran up to heaven.

Keep looking down the perimeter from the back of Ursi. But there are clouds in the sky today. The moon and the stars were shaded, and my vision was poor.

'Hmm, what do you say?

"I don't know"

"What about Ursi?


Ursi seems really concerned about something. I was humming my nose hunshunce. But I don't even know what I'm reacting to, and I really care about my surroundings.

That was the time.


"Master? What's wrong?

'Now the clouds over there ran out for a moment and the moonlight turned on... Was something working?


"Oh, all the way up north"

A few kilometers away, a corner of the wilderness. There's nothing to block, and if it's noon, you'll see far ahead. But because of the clouds on the night, I couldn't see anything now.

Exactly at this distance, I can't even see the franc with the night's eye.

"Ursi, get closer"


Ursi turns his foot north. It was when I kept running through the sky for about a few minutes.

It was only for a few seconds, but the moon glances at his face from a slice of cloud.

"... Master, did you see that?

"Oh, I saw it."


If not mistakenly seen by us, it was the appearance of countless warcraft that swept over the earth. Not on that level, like a bunch of goblins and wolves.

As far as I can see, a tremendous number of Warcraft were moving forward to fill the wilderness. Heading south. I mean, we're on our way to Schwarzkatze.

"Get closer, I'll make sure!


"Is that, what?

"I don't know! But this isn't normal!

Five minutes later.

Running at full speed, Ursi had reached over a herd of warcraft in the matter. At this distance, you don't have to have a light.

Countless signs were felt. At the earliest, not on the scale of herds, etc. Troops. An army of more than 10,000 warcraft was marching south in pace.

This is clearly controlled by someone. I don't know how far the reign extends, but at least it seems to have enough influence to keep this number of Warcraft silent and march neatly so that they don't raise any voice.

"What do we do?

"It's tough to stop this herd on our own."

"But I can't let everyone in the village fight"

'I know that. This is the level at which the army will be deployed. "


'So go back to the village. It's a warning first. We need to evacuate the Black Cats!

"Okay. So, what do we do now? In the meantime, would you like to see a few shots?

'... no, let's not. Too many to explore individual powers. Maybe there's a mix of vicious warcraft that we can't even win. "

If they come at us like that, we'll have to run. If they come after us to the village, it's the worst.

Until the evacuation of the Black Cats is complete, you better not irritate them poorly. Fran seems sorry, though.


"Ursi, return to the village at full speed!




That's how Fran returned to the village, rushing straight to the village chief's house. Ursi howls around anyway.

Don't, don't, don't!

"Mayor! Wake up!

"Hi, are you a princess? Yes, how are you?

He was already awake with a Ursi roar, and the village chief came out of the house, rubbing his sleepy eyes immediately.


"Yes. What the hell..."

"There's a bunch of demons headed for this village."

"Yeah? Hih, is it on a scale that even a princess can't help?

"Mm-hmm. It's filling the northern wilderness. We need an army."

"Hey, my God! Such...... Shh, we're going to wake up the soldiers soon!

Prepare for evacuation now.


The Black Cats are easy and nice because they don't doubt Fran's words at all. If this were another town, it would be hard to believe.

The Black Cat tribes, awakened by the voice of Ursi, also gathered in front of the village chief's house one by one.

"Everyone! The princess discovered a herd of warcraft. That's enough to fill the northern plains!


"Oh, no..."

Screaming from all over, but the village chief drinks.

"Calm down! It's not coming right now! Let's split up and beat the villagers up first! And get ready for evacuation!

"Wow, I get it!


"Non and the others are going to the soldiers!

The Black Cats were fast inside. I heard the story by the time I went to the soldier's stuffing, but the Black Cats were used to running anyway.

Until we settled here, we wandered around and sometimes kept running away from warcraft and bandits. Even after building the village, they have been indispensable for evacuation training at least once a year.

"But what happens this time..."

Saying we're evacuating, we can't escape to a nearby village. The size of the wall was no different from this village, nor could it have prevented the armies of more than 10,000 warcraft.

"At least we have to get away to Gringoat"

If you are a fleeing villager and the Warcraft, obviously the Warcraft is faster. I didn't know how long I could keep running, even if I left as soon as I could to make time.

"Well, that's a report to each side first. We have to fly fast to the villages around here and to Gringoat, where the army is located."


From here it was a battle with time.

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