Fran, who took on the goblin exorcism, was running to the sighting point while erasing signs.

(Master, how do you find the nest?

"Look for signs or follow the goblins."

(I see)

"For now, Ursi is acting differently, find me a nest around here"


If it's a Ursi nose, you might be able to spot the nest with the smell.

"We'll slap the goblins."


"So, let some of them get away on purpose and let the nest guide you."


We quickly got to where the goblins were hanging out. It's the rock that took down the Goblins last time.

(That, what are you doing?



"No, something's wrong with that."

Looks like he's checking the rocks. What the fuck is goblin doing?

And there's another strange thing. These goblins were just as armed as the last one we defeated. No, say the same, or the exact same gear.

I'm sure it's the same herd as the last one. But if you appraise, you're weaker than the last Goblins. The numbers were small, and it seemed to be the lower end. But until you're at the end of the herd, how can you be so beautifully equipped to consolidate yourself? Goblins?

I'll come closer and observe. Looks like the goblins are still checking the rocks. Flipping rocks, checking blood trails. Besides, I felt strangely controlled.

"There may still be superiors"


I definitely want to find out about this nest. We decided to defeat the leader first. That's how they lose control and escape back to the nest.

'Including the leader, seven defeats. There are three of them to let go.'


'All right, let's go!


I activated the metastasis. And Fran truncated the leader from behind and instantly killed the left and right goblins too with a knife to return.




Two more into the noisy goblins. Defeat 3 more with my flame magic.

The remaining goblins look at their fellow fallers with a blood splash up before they look at their fellow turners into ashes. We must have repeated that a few times and finally realized that we were the only ones left.




It's hard to tell, but he screamed. I ran away, showing my back as it was. It's full of gaps, but we don't attack.

We turned down the signs and started tracking them.

Don't even look back for a while, keep walking as hard as you can. Less of a fear, I guess, but urine is also drooling while running.


Give Fran a dirty sight! Never later! I'll definitely disinfect the filth!

However, after a while, I guess I decided Fran wasn't following me. I can't feel any sign of this.

I slowed my gait about walking early from my running feet. Still, you remember the fear of your people being killed, never trying to stop you.

He is desperately walking forward, alerting himself to the chitin and surroundings. We spinned and drank water bags among our companions, and the tricks seemed strangely human.

I knew it was uncomfortable. Before I met Fran yet, I had tracked down the goblins on the Devil Wolf plains, but the goblins were more stupid then. I started playing along the way, taking a nap, and it was terrible.

At least not as intelligent as these guys were.

(Master, over there)

"Is that the main unit? I see, there are some superior races. '

What we found following the goblins was a herd of about 100 goblins. I can also see things like Goblin Fighter and Goblin Sheaf.

Observing the herd, Fran pointed to a certain point.


Goblinking! I knew you were here. '

Looks like he came out of the nest. It is convenient.

"Nevertheless, they all have the same gear."

Isn't that why you attacked the mercenaries? But I don't know why.

(Together if you destroy them)

'Well, do you?

But it makes sense. The mystery remains, but if you finish the goblin ', the rest is goblin'.

Three of the guys I was letting swim are reporting to King as "gagging". I don't understand Goblin, but I'm sure you're reporting to Fran that one of your people was killed.

"Oh, you're getting better."

After hearing the report, King summoned the surrounding goblins before him. I guess he's going to lead the herd to the scene.

"First, do you want to surround yourself with a cage so you can't escape?"

(Mm-hmm. Okay)

"Thunder Wall! Thunder Wall! Thunder Wall! '

"Thunder Wall! Thunder Wall!

LV2 Thunder Magic, Thunder Wall. It is a wall magic that can also be used to push enemies, burned by electric shock just by touching them.

Besides, we were activated by expanding the walls with more magic. The five electric walls produced shape the pentagonal cage and surround the herd of glurine and goblins.



Ho ho. King's cool. I ordered my men to launch an attack on the wall. But Goblin Soldier, slashed on the wall with an axe, electrically shocks and falls to the spot. He's not dead, but he won't be able to move for a while.

All you have to do is keep tapping thunderbolt magic from above into the goblins in the cage and it's over. After Thunder Wall unravels, there's goblins lying dead.

'That's it. Do you want to absorb only demon stones in this place for now?'


"The weapons have been damaged quite a bit because of thunderbolt magic, but some of them can be used."

"Well, I'll keep it"

"Let's take it back to the village"

Even the goblins, they got a good deal of experience if they killed 100 of them, including King. The level of the franc was rising.

"46 levels. You did it. '


The cap had been liberated by evolution, but it is emotional to exceed the original cap in this way. You just want to raise the dong level at this rate. And someday I want you to be strong enough to beat the Beast King class.

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