8 hours after leaving Rose Raccoon.

Thanks to Ursi's tenacity and deception, a large city, thought to be the king's capital Bestia, was already in sight.

It's already night, but it's fantastically raised in the darkness of night by bonfires and magic lights that burn brilliantly in the city.

Come to think of it, this is the first time you've visited a king's capital in a country. The biggest one I've ever been to was Barbora, but the king's capital, Bestia, was well above them.

Thick walls over 20 metres high and a vast town surrounded by its walls. The royal castle, which rises in the middle of it, was the tallest building I have seen since I came to this world. The spires protruding from the roof will be visible from far away.

Can we get inside?

(Also good in Nojuku)

"Worst of all."

In some towns, the gates close at night. to prevent the invasion of warcraft and bandits, but what about the Wang capital?

I went to the front of the gate and it still seemed open. Merchants and adventurers line up. Can we not go in without thorough procedures? That's the king's capital.

We lined up for about 20 people to go into the capital. Ursi is miniaturized in front of the Wang capital. But even at night, while people are being hypersensitive to the Warcraft, if a giant wolf-sized wolf suddenly appeared, there would certainly be panic.

I was going to line up quietly, but Fran still seems to stand out. They look amazing.

Of the Black Cat tribe, who should be weak, there is a girl in line alone, not to mention with the devil. You'll wonder if you've traveled in the darkness of the night. Besides, if you look closely, it's evolving.

"Huh? Why?

"Am I losing my mind?

"Fools, rumors -"

"That's Princess Black Thunder."

"Princess Black Thunder? Who..."

Merchants and adventurers are whispering at each other with surprised faces. You didn't care about Fran or Ursi at all because it's something you're used to already.

Stay in line for a few minutes.

"Uh, is it the Black Thunder Princess?


"We're a party called Six Beards... I'd love to meet Princess Black Thunder once, working with only cat beasts!

It was the Red Cat youth who came to speak up. Behind you stands the Red Cat sister and the Blue Cat uncle.

"Really, you're evolving"

"Oh, the rumors were true"

I was a little wary of the Blue Cat Clan, but I don't have the bare hands to make fun of Fran. Instead, I'm looking at respect.

Perhaps because the Beast King is protecting the Black Cat Clan, there are many decent Blue Cat clans in the Beast Nation.

He was more interested in Fran, who evolved in the same cat clan than he said he needed anything in particular. I was a little anxious to be asked about the evolution, but I think it was answered without difficulty.

I also told him about the evolutionary conditions of the Black Cat Clan, and it was a good time to crush it.

Almost our turn, there was a shadow approaching us again. I'm definitely on my way to Fran. Pretty big. He would be over 2 meters tall. However, things were different with the adventurers earlier. Obviously, I can feel hostility.

"Hey, are you a kid named Black Thunder Princess?

"Hmm? Yeah."

"Ha ha! How dare you lose to a chick like this, Ojiki!

A big man who suddenly starts laughing big. It still doesn't feel right. From what I'm saying, did Fran beat this guy? Who is it?

In the meantime, when I did the appraisal, the race had become the White Rhinoceros. It looks like it hasn't evolved. His name is Gwendalfa. Now you know who Ojiki and I are. The names are similar, and I've only met one White Rhino in the first place.

"Fran, this guy, maybe a relative of Gododarfa."

Rank A Adventurer with the Guardian of the Beast King. And defeated by Fran in a militant tournament, he's a rhino beast.

"... do you know Gododarfa?

"Ha! You're calling me off to such a little girl! No! Fine, I'll tell you! My name is Gwendalfa! The hipster Gododarfa is my father's brother, or uncle! Unfortunately!


Fran asked back with a slightly irritated face. I thought it appeared all of a sudden, and I'm annoyed at this guy with my attitude from above, and angry at him for saying bad things about Gododarfa who fought and passed through.

"Oh! Gododarfa has chosen to abandon the seat of the chief and become the hipster of the Beast King!

"I'm not a hipster. He was a strong and brave warrior."

"Ha ha! Don't make me laugh that the mutton fish you lost like you were strong! You can beat the shit out of you right now and prove he's really a mutt, right?

"... where I want it"

'Hey, Fran. It's good to beat this guy up, but let's not start here. If we make a scene, we may not be able to get into the King's Capital'

"Mm-hmm. Then I'll move the place"

"Huh? What are you scared of? Did you notice? Just call me. Little girl."

"I don't want to make a scene"

"Come on, it's good! Ooh!"


"Fran? Shall I discourage you for a moment?

(It's okay, you just have to kill him instantly)

Farewell, it never stops.

"It's all right, Lord Black Thunder! Because we testify that this Rhinoceros is bad! Do it!

Oh, don't burn it! I hurried to use Stonewall and surrounded myself with dirt walls. Now we're at a dead end, and I don't care, I can make an excuse!

"Awakening - Flash Thunder - Knock it off"


It was a blow with Fran's fist. Hit through the stone wall I made and Gwendalfa blows away. The iron armor peeled and dented, and from his mouth he was blowing blood bubbles.

"... slap me in the mouth to that extent?

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