"Mogmog, mogmog!"

"Mommy, mommy, mommy!"

"That's good eating ~"

"Sister Fran, wow!

"And Ursi!

Called to an orphanage dinner, Fran and Ursi had put Io's curry in their bellies with tremendous momentum. Feeling good or something, it's a momentum to worry about your stomach.

Besides, I was worried about eating so much food from the orphanage that I would be fine, but Io smiles all the time.

"It's worth a lot of preparation. Don't eat it."



"How long is it?



Well, I'll give you some food later. No matter how much better management you say it was than before, there will be limits.

In the end, Fran and Ursi ate as many as five curries at the super grand feast, with a little respect from the kids and a subtle grudge. If the curry stays, they can eat it tomorrow morning, but the francs have eaten it all.

And some of the kids were betting on how many Fran could eat. I'm being looked at with resentment by a kid who's had one less breakfast tomorrow.

"Thank you very much."


"Thank you very much. I'm glad you're happy."

"Mm-hmm. It was delicious"

Fran is satisfied enough to get a little jealous. Io's curry must have tasted pretty good. He is satisfied with his swollen stomach on the bread.

But the spices and ingredients I use are just normal objects, and there's nothing noticeable about them. The reason why Fran brought out so much deliciousness to his satisfaction was purely because of Io's arm. I haven't seen all the occasions to cook, and this just doesn't seem like it could be imitated. Too bad.

The children after the meal scattered in their respective rooms and playrooms, leaving only the Frans in the dining room. Fran also strokes her stomach gently, standing up.

"Bye, I'm going home"

"Oh? I'll make some tea, so take it a little slower."

"Io will brew you tea?

"Yes. There's some tea treats, too, right? Easy baked sweets, though."

"I'd love it."

Eat baked sweets made by Io while sipping Io's brewed tea. There's no way Fran, the eater, could have missed that chance.

Fran moves like a flow and sits back in the chair softly. Next to it, Ursi sat with a soaked face.

"Because there's also Ursi's share"


Baked confectionery was a simple thing that used only flour, sugar and eggs for ingredients, but it still seems delicious. It would be obvious if you looked at Fran and Ursi's expression. Tea also seems to be a cheaper tea leaf that is faster to count from the bottom, even though it can be bought on the market, but it seems to be superbly tasty. Fran and Ursi have their eyes narrowed and a blissful look on their face.

It was Io smiling at those francs for a while, but I guess I made sure Fran drank his tea and took a breather. With an unintentionally serious face, he bowed his head deeply against Fran.

"Thank you"


"Fran will be here today, so I'm a little excited... But a fun, smiling meal like today is a daily sight in this orphanage."

Fran listens to Mr. Io in silence.

"Previously, I lacked a daily meal, and both me and my children had some anxiety in the back of their minds. Not that I didn't have a smile, but I don't think it was funny from the bottom of my mind"

When the orphanage might crumble. In that, you won't be able to laugh at the potent weather. Even the kids are not stupid. A worn out building that never gets restored to a lesser meal. Debt taking showing up on time. If you look at them, you should be able to understand what the situation is in the orphanage.

And by putting extra worry on the kids to protect, the adults are heartbroken again. It is a vicious circle in which children's anxiety is increased more when they see the adults like that.

"Thank you for getting the kids' smiles back"

"Amanda was the one who helped the orphanage"

"Surely, it must have been Amanda who saved the orphanage. But it was Fran who inspired me to do so. So we thank you from the bottom of our hearts"

That said, Io lowered his head even deeper.

1 hour later.

After Io's sudden thank you, he said it was slightly giddy or weird air in the light of each other...... Originally favored. Immediately such an atmosphere had blown away and allowed for a soothing chat.

"Well, now it's time to go home"

"I'm sorry I pulled you off"


Ask Io to escort you to the entrance. Yes, I have to give you my meal bill. But Io doesn't try to accept the money that Fran took out.

Today's curry was a thank you, so you're not supposed to take it.

(Master, what do we do?

Hmm. Would it be rude to give them something to thank you for? In the end, we thanked Io and decided to leave the orphanage. If Io and the others didn't feel better about being forced to give them money and ingredients, I'd rather feel worse about it.

On the way back to the inn. Fran is in a good mood. Rarely does he mumble his nose or anything like that.

"Curry, was it that good?


I still need to be more sophisticated!



"Everyone seemed to have fun. Kids, Io."


"Mm. Good."

That's what Fran said, his eyes narrowed and he laughed. I guess the figure of the orphans who live hard even with the loss of their parents is no other HR for Fran. He seemed sincerely pleased with his current happiness by overlapping himself with them.

'Right. Good for you.'


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