Gododarfa, who rushes over, slaps the axe to the ground again.

"Grand Shaker!"

Not again! But I saw that once. Sure, the attack after this was fast enough to say divine speed, but the Grand Shaker itself before that isn't that fast with a big swing. Enough to equip a physical attack disable in the meantime.




It's not just Gododarfa, there's been a twitch from the audience. Anyway, just before Gododarfa's onslaught against Fran's torso - no, it's stopping him from moving as if the attack he's supposed to be hitting is being held back by an invisible wall.

I'm not just saying it's hard. It was also unusual that Fran was not freaking out in Gododarfa's attack, which greatly exceeded his arm strength.

Fran and Ursi turn to the offense in that gap and start cutting magic into the tunnel again. Gododarfa was greatly diminishing his magic because of his successive major moves. The magic will run out in less than a minute.



Gododarfa is also responding with small moves, but he can't catch Fran. And finally, Gododarfa's magic ran out.

"Gu! The magic...!

The awakening is lifted, and the magic that was protecting itself disappears. You have to decide before the effect of the armor restores your magic!

"Short Jump!

We flew behind Gododarfa. I was going to let him eat the opening blow again...


"Come on!"

It wasn't Gododarfa's defenseless back that came into our eyes that metastasized, it was the beauty of the battle axe looming in front of us. The metastasis is momentary, but there is between disappearing and appearing.

Even though Gododarfa is losing his super-response skills, he read that we were going to get behind the metastasis, and at that moment, he didn't even respond. Is that your experience as a warrior? Or the wild inquiry of the beast man?

The moment I metastasized, Gododarfa bounced me off. You managed to take it on me, but it was a terrible shock.

What are we gonna do, aim overhead this time? Or left or right? But what if they deal with it? Leave Physical Disabled Always? If I had hesitated for a moment, Fran would have informed me of the decision immediately.

(Master, go! See that you can't stop it even if you understand)


(Ursi stays grounded!


"Long Jump!

We moved far above the stage. Gododarfa was looking for Fran, who suddenly disappeared, and looked around. You don't seem to realize it's just empty. Naturally I haven't even noticed the audience or the reality.

"Oops! Suddenly Fran disappeared! What the hell are you talking about! You metastasized? The ability to be transparent? Did you dive into the shadows again?"


There was a strong wind blowing over us. Standing in the stomach of my floating mind, Fran is controlling multiple skills while increasing his concentration.


Looks like Fran's ready.


Flying out Fran grabs me without rushing through and runs straight down.

Air compression and recoil using demonic yarn generation, flan accelerated by aerial leap and penetration skills, wind magic thrust at divine speed from the sky to directly below. He's also prepared to double his power with his weight gain skills at the moment of impact, and the attribute sword is double-activated with flames and lightning.

Until this point, it was the same air blade extraction technique from the fall I showed you at the Linford Battle. But today the starting point is even higher altitude. And space-time magic is also accelerating over use. Moreover, the sword king technique had increased the sharpness of the knife extraction several steps, and thanks to the qi control, the effect of the skill had also increased. Power far outweighs that time.

"Flash Thunder!

Finally, Fran activated the unique skills that he had just learned the other day. Thunder wraps around Fran's entire body, further accelerating its advance.

Fran, transformed into a spear of light, attacked Gododarfa directly from the top with the impetus to say that the meteorite was also heavy.


"From where..."

And with the dazzling flash, an awesome shock runs that rocks the entire arena, and a roaring noise echoes in the core of the body.


I could hear a growl that couldn't be a scream or a roar of Gododarfa.

"Short Jump!

On the verge of Fran clashing to the ground with a rampage attack from above, I move to the edge of the stage with a transfer.

The place where Gododarfa was supposed to have stood was heavily submerged and massive amounts of earthen smoke were rising. Seeing that sight, I think again of the power of the blow now. Anyway, the attack just halved my endurance. But soon the magic builds inside, and the earthen smoke blows up.

It was us who surprised Gododarfa and the audience with the invalid physical attack, but now it was our turn to be surprised.

"Stupid! You're not supposed to have magic! How can a wound heal!

It was Gododarfa on one knee on the spot, but his right arm was cut off, and the rest of his right half was crushed and shaken with red armor, and a tremendous amount of fluid flowing out of that gap. My left half is not safe either. His left arm is crushed, and his left leg appears to be broken. There would have been considerable damage to the gut as well.

But the wound recovers at an incredible rate.

It is the healing power of instant regeneration. Moreover, even heavily damaged armor plays at the same time. A few seconds later, there was an intact figure of Gododarfa, as if there had been no such thing as the fact that he had been attacked.

"Ha... ha... I didn't expect to be saved by this armor soon..."

That's what Gododarfa stands up for slowly.

"The name of this armor is Immortal Bird Armor. Super resilient."

I can see it! I didn't expect to heal that wound in an instant... but even Gododarfa, whose defenses are growing exponentially with armor, has even more super healing power? A nightmare.

Besides, can you use that ability as many times as you want? I don't think it can be used indefinitely, but I also think it can only be used once. Anyway, it's an armor made by a divine blacksmith. I couldn't imagine how much power I had.

(Master! Again!

'No. He already had a story for me. You do the same thing, you get intercepted'

(... ok)

I haven't used a lot of metastatic magic so far because once I was seen, I threatened to be dealt with.

In fact, Fran also showed it in response to a shadow dive in the battle against the devil. If they were much stronger than Fran then, they would be intercepted unless it was even a first glance.

Moreover, unlike the surprise attack in the short jump, the knife extraction technique from the fall threatens to become targeted. Oh, and I couldn't do it in a row.

And most importantly, it was Gododarfa who stunned us.

"Awakening state?

"Oh, and the magic's all over the place."

I've shredded my magic because of it, and all that hard work is water bubbles! On the contrary, our depletion is progressing too far.

It's not what I'd call a cheat-equipped line if you saw it from someone else, but it's sloppy! What's with the approximate armor!

(If this happens, I'll have to use arr (...))

'... you have no choice'

Even if you deplete your magic again with magic absorption, you will end up in jail if you are restored with the power of armor.

Besides, there was a moment in activation when I said super recovery. Then, sharpen the life force before activating it and defeat it. It's simple, but that's the only way.

'I'm just not used to my body yet. Look, we're going fast. Fran's body won't last long. "

(I know)

"Don't expect a physical attack to be invalid? In that speed, you can't put it on or take it off '

(I intend to do that from the beginning)

Be prepared, okay. Then I'll be ready to go along with it. If I say this, I have no body or lid, but this is an undead battle. Then it's not a bad idea to make a bet you never usually do.

"Ursi covers from the shadows"


"Bye, go"

We're going to do everything we can before the tournament. I accumulated Demon Stone values for Rank Up.

And Fran...


Naturally, evolve.

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