After finishing our clothes at the Guild Tavern, we were visiting a place before heading to Orrell's mansion.

I also know Grandpa Garth, a Dwarf blacksmith's shop.

"Whoa, isn't that the lady I know from Garth? Hey, what's up?

"I'd like to ask you to repair my gear."

So far, I've managed with the Black Cat Series self-repair feature, but it was just too hurtful in the ballbug game. It's not healed yet. Besides, I've never done anything like maintenance since I received this protective equipment.

There's a martial arts tournament, and I thought I'd leave my gear in perfect condition before that.

"Whoa! Let Zeld be the best blacksmith in Urmut!

When Zeld observes the Black Cat series for a little while, he begins to prepare his magic formations and demonic crystal stones. The rest was fast. Repair magic fixes it in an instant.

It cost 100,000 gold, but it can't be replaced safely.

"That's it. Show me your sword next time."


"No, this is the only piece of protective equipment with automatic repair, even the sword must be pretty damaging, huh?

Well, would you normally think so? In my case, I have self-repair and regeneration, so I don't have a problem with that.

But when Fran pulled me out of his back, he handed it to Zeld.

"Well, please"

'Oh, hey. Fran, I'm fine. "

(But if you can get an expert to see it, that's better)

Hi, he got anxious when he heard what Zeld said. It's hard for Fran to identify my condition, so I have to believe in my self-declaration.

"Well, okay."

As Fran says, it wouldn't be a bad thing for an expert to see it. Maybe there's something wrong that I don't even notice.

"Hmm, that's a strange metal. Which one"

When Zeld observed me from various angles, I put it on the table and started beating Concon with a small hammer.

The vibration of the hammer that sounds at the same intervals on the body. But I don't like this. Because the craftsmen are taking this seriously for me? It's more comfortable.

Next time you stick me in a box with water, it moves gently. At the end of the day I started polishing her cuckoo with a beautiful cloth.

No, this feels good. My voice went out unexpectedly. But I enjoyed it. Because Zeldo can talk to me, that's a trivial reason. 'Cause the contents are over 30 old men, stroked by muscle mucky old men, gasping, they're gonna want to die, right?

Well, saying it feels good doesn't mean it feels sexual at all, it feels good in a massage sense, and I don't mind anything else. I had myself somewhat in the mood.

But the atmosphere I endure eating up my teeth has been passed on to Fran.

(Master, what's wrong?

'Yes, no. Nothing.'

(But... Something's wrong)

I'll tell you why, to reassure Fran who looks worried. Um, I let you worry about it for no reason.

It feels good nevertheless, usually because Fran wipes it to take the dirt, but never so comfortable.

Maybe your blacksmith skills are affecting you. That's all I see when I say the difference between Fran and Zeld. It would be the difference between an amateur and a blacksmith.

"Look, it's over. There were no scratches or distortions, so I only polished them."

That polish was amazing. It's been a while since I've come to this world to refresh myself. I was in super hot water for half a day, and the morning after I came home with my last massage? Anyway, I feel refreshed.

Originally in 100% condition but now in 120% excellent condition. No change in visible status, but it's a mood issue. Plus, I feel like the magic flow or activation of skills is just a little better. Are you out of your mind?

"Mm-hmm. Blacksmith awesome"

"Ha ha, what the sudden"

Fran also sees me full of shine, and he's raising his admiration. I knew you were doing fine subtly. Let's get maintenance more often from now on. Never because it feels good. No, a little, but my good condition means that's all I can do to help Fran.

"See you later"

"Whoa! There are martial arts tournaments, and the maintenance is limited to keeping it perfect!

There was a lot going on, but the time itself didn't take long, so don't go to Orrell's mansion at your leisure.

Go for the mansion on the hill while buying and eating on the road.

'That's a town with two dungeons. We usually deal with warcraft meat in outdoor stores. "

Even Barbora, the warcraft meat was a luxury. Ordinary pork skewering sensation, warcraft skewering was sold. That's multiple types, too.

"Mm-hmm. Yum."


Apparently there are many warcraft suitable for consumption in the western dungeons for beginners. Is this also the result of negotiations with the Dungeon Master?

Fran and Ursi buy dewstore food from one end. However, it was not a sight to say that my arms would be blocked because I bought too much as usual. It disappears in my stomach the moment I buy it.

Through the commercial compartment, Orrell's mansion was in front of him.

"You've got some kind of crowd."

"Mm-hmm. Lots of people"


Ahead of our gaze. In front of the gate of Orrell's mansion, there were about a dozen hedgerows.

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