I Was a Sword When I Reincarnated

154 One-screen exhaustion

30 minutes after Elsa left like the wind.

We were on our way to the Alliance as quickly as we could.

I learned the way, and if it was just us, it would be about five minutes, but now the soldiers are with us.

If it suited them, it would have cost them this much.

"Finally, you're here."



A soldier is breathing on his shoulder with Zeezy. Maybe I ran a little too fast. But me and Fran both wondered if Elsa had gotten Solas' people well.


"Hey, help me!

Yeah, I understand that Elsa must be raging flashy.

"Oh, Fran, welcome home."

"Mm-hmm. They did?

"That's right. I was in the middle of a maneuver because I already had the back."

"I'll tell you anything!

"I also plead guilty, so help me!

Three men in tears squat with their inner thighs and one is falling on his back holding his butt down for some reason.

"So you were attacking other adventurers in the dungeon?

"Oh, yes!

"Who's the mastermind? The first one I told you to do. There must have been a guy who was giving directions as a leader, right?

"Yes, I am."


"Oh, that's..."

"If we talk..."

"Oh? Is he scarier than me? Sounds like you didn't get enough punishment, huh?

"No, no, no, no! So, it's Solas! Rank e adventurer solas is the leader!

"He's hiding his strength! The truth is, even a Rank D opponent is strong enough to win from the front!

"We'll be killed in no time!

He's afraid of the bottom of his heart solas. Well, on top of strength, he's the one who does the dirty imitation fine. Besides, before you met us, you seemed to have worked a lot of evil around you. Wouldn't it be surprising if it seemed like a great evil that could never be measured in its magnitude?

"It's okay. Solas is already caught. Right, Fran?

Whoa, did Elsa notice us? The moment the story shook, the gaze throughout the guild turned to Fran.

"Hey, that 's--"

"Rumor Rank D -"

"Why the Black Cats?"

"Or cute -"

You don't have a lot of favorable gaze. Curiosity, suspicion, and just a few more favorite colors.

"Mm-hmm. This"


As Elsa rips the cloth off Solas' face, his fellow men scream. A man who was tying himself up with fear was carried in a pitiful way. The impact will be immeasurable.

"Oh, that's Mr. Solas?

"E, did Mr. Elsa catch you?


"No, I'm not. Fran caught you."

"Mm-hmm. Return"

"Because I'm a Rank D Adventurer even when I look like this. Besides, if you fight, you're stronger than rank, right?


"What are you talking about?

"There's no way Mr. Solas is going to get caught by such a little girl."

Well, you don't have a choice. As far as we're concerned, you don't have to believe me. If only I could get a prize.

But Elsa seems to be unforgivable.

"You can't believe what I'm saying?


"Oh, that's not true!

"Right? Right! Shall we ask Solas as well? Who got you?

"F., it's Fran."

"Look! It was true, wasn't it?

"Ha, ha"

Elsa has a tight chest, but you don't believe anything around her.

"Where do I turn this guy in?

"Wait a minute. Because Gilmouth is supposed to be here."

"Mm-hmm. Okay."

"What do we do while we wait? You want some tea?


"These guys... you guys, keep an eye out."


Depositing Solas and his companions with the adventurers there, Elsa leads Fran to the Guild Tavern.

I thought you'd be okay to leave me alone, and the adventurers Elsa ordered are looking out for me seriously besides my thoughts. Well, if I let you get away with this, Elsa's punishment would be awesome. Well, shall we keep an eye on him seriously?

Besides, this is the Adventurer's Guild. Surrounded by dozens of adventurers, it would be impossible to escape.

Thirty minutes after Elsa and Fran started tea, 20 plates of cake are stacked in front of the two. Elsa talks unilaterally and Fran just hammers, but they both look like fun. Elsa has a lot to talk about, and she's a good talker. Now even a decent appearance would be hot. I don't know if it's from a man or a woman.

Because of this, Ursi got a big cow bone and was enjoying biting it.

"Hey, you said there was some noise?

Diaz is finally back in the guild.

"Whoa, man. What have you been up to?

"I'm looking around. Sounds like you're having fun, huh?

"Yeah, that was fun, wasn't it?

"Ha, right. So, you're the traitors?

Oh, that's so killer. Even if you look comfortable. That's Rank A Adventurer and Guildmaster. It would mean I would not condone an adventurer guild against an adventurous opponent.

"Hmm. I see. You're working a lot of bad things, aren't you?

Are you using your reading mind? I think I'm probably using it, but I just can't feel it. It's not directed at me, it's a highly covert reading system skill. I guess I need to improve my sensing and sensing skills more to be able to feel this.

"And this is the mastermind?

"Yeah, that's right. His name is Solas. Looks like you've been hiding your strength."

"Right. I think it's pretty amazing that I can't even remember my face. You have a lot of interesting skills, don't you?

I guess that's what he was trying to be so thorough and discreet. He has kept away from the powerful and fed the weak under the guise of a plain and harmless man.

"What happens to this guy?

"Right. Do some research for a while, sentence him to death, or slave him to forced labor. But even if it's a slave, it looks bad. You seem to have troublesome skills. Is letting go of the wild dangerous? Probably going to be a maximum sentence. I don't know if the method of execution is euthanasia or torture."

Is there torture death or something? It's a noisy world again, isn't it? But I agree I can't let this guy go wild. Even if he was bought somewhere as a slave, he's going to be freed somehow.

Soon the bandits, who were bitten by the adventurers by monkey mouth rings, are about to sue Moomoo for something, but their surroundings are completely ignored.

I just have one problem. Is it a problem or a shame?

Solas' unique skills. I think compulsory affinity is a pretty strong skill. If I used it as much as Solas, I might be able to use it someday, but if I use it in the necessary places, I would have less chance of exposing it. In the case of Solas, I think he's the one who kills him right away, and I guess he overused him in good shape.

But it will take nearly two more months to re-use the skill taker. Exactly telling me to keep you alive until then would be unacceptable.

So what I recall is the presence of a negative action reducing drug x3. With this, the skill taker may be reusable immediately.

"Mm-hmm. That's okay."

"Thank you. That'll help."

"But I want to see Solas once somewhere. I need to ask you a few questions."

"I don't mind that much. But before the martial arts tournament starts, I'd like to take care of the troubles. It's time to get ready and ready, so I've got more work to do."

"Then I'll be there to see you in 10 days. Is that okay?

"Well, I guess that's critical. Okay, I'll talk to the Alliance."


"Oh, Fran and Elsa have rights to these men's possessions, but what do we do?

"I just helped Fran, so I don't need it. Do you like Fran?


'If you want me to, I'll take it. I think Elsa would be more than happy to have dinner.'

"Mm-hmm. Don't hesitate. Instead, Elsa will have dinner."

"Yikes! Really? I'm so glad!

He was right. He's screaming with joy as he kneels the giant.

All right, and then you go back to the inn and experiment with negative action mitigation drugs.

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