I Was a Sword When I Reincarnated

143 Identity of Gilmouth

Elsa takes us up the stairs. Ursi let him into the shadows. It's a great guy's room.

"Alliance Master. I brought you Fran."

"Thank you, Elsa. And I see you again, Fran."


"I'm glad you remember."

Here he comes. The clerk's office of the Alliance Master. It was a surprise to be there.

Dada man who helped Fran out of town. Diaz stood with a grin.

"Diaz is Gilmouth?

"Right. Again, I'm Diaz, master of the Wolmut Adventurer Alliance. Greetings."

"Mmm, nice to meet you."

Were you a guild master, not a nobleman? If you are the guild master of this town with many adventurers, you know you will be.

Whoa, before I forget again, let's just appraise it.

Name: Diaz Age: 71

Race: Human

Occupation: Illusionist

Status: Normal

Status Level: 76/99

HP: 241 MP: 668 Arm Strength: 122 Health: 110 Agility: 291 Intelligence: 389 Magic: 278 Dexterity: 389


Feet Feeling: Lv4, Hidden: Lv6, Martial Arts: Lv3, Martial Arts: Lv4, Perceived Disruption: Lv6, Appraisal Perception: Lv8, Diluted: Lv7, Odd Arts: Lv8, Rapid Breaking: Lv4, Court Practice: Lv6, Sign Perception: Lv6, Sign Blocking: Lv6, Phantom Magic: LvMax, Phantom Magic: Lv6, Confusion Resistance: Lv4, Weakness Breaking: LvMax, Silence Behavior: Lv3, Condition Abnormal Resistance: Lv3, Dagger Technique: Lv7, Dagger Technique: Lv7, Soil Magic: Lv3, Handicrafts: LvMax, Throwing: Lv7, Fire Magic: Lv3, Enchantment Resistance: Lv4, Woodworking: Lv4, Untrapping: Lv4, Trap Perception: Lv8, Trap Creation: Lv7, Atmospherization, Pain, Blunting, Intimidation, Minor Magic, Magic Manipulation

Unique skills

Skill Forgotten: LV 7

Unique Skills

Thought Induction: Lv8, Gaze Induction: Lv8


Phantom Artist, Guildmaster, Trickster, Overcoming the Wall of the Ordinary, Rank A Adventurer


Dragon Tooth Dagger, Dragon Scale Suit, Dragon Leather Coat, Fast Foot Shoes, Ransom Bracelet, Oddist Ring

Hmm. You're strong. All your stats and skills are high. Sounds like magic and melee fighting can go. Plus, he has a lot of flattery skills. Without magic or oddities, it is a skill structure that can be mistaken for an assassin. Plus, I have unique skills.

Skill oblivion: the subject forgets the existence of the specified skill for a period of time. Effective time depends on the level and rarity of the specified skill. for up to 1 minute. Re-use depends on the level and rarity of the specified skill.

Isn't this messy? If you make people forget their weapon skills during battle, they can be extremely effective even in a short time.

Thought-induction: induces the subject's thought only for a moment and causes the subject of interest to be transferred to a particular object

Gaze guidance: guide the subject's gaze only for a moment and manipulate slightly beyond the gaze

If these two skills are combined with hidden skills such as dilution and blocking signs, and phantom magic, you may lose sight of yourself even in combat. He's an illusionist by his professional name. I guess he's a specialist in oddities and phantoms. That sounds harder to fight than just some guy with a strong status.

"Heh heh. You just appraised me."

What the hell was that?

"I know if they have an appraisal thanks to their appraisal detection skills. I can feel it when it's used by me. Did you see my unique skills?


"Looks like you have a high level of appraisal after all. As a matter of fact, when I met him outside of town, he made me forget about the appraisal just a little bit because of this skill so that he wouldn't know who I was. I wanted to surprise you when I saw you later. But Fran, I'm not surprised at all, and it's a prank failure."

With that said, you forgot to appraise me then. You blamed this guy for his skills! That's right. I thought it was unnatural. I thought you might be getting a stand attack from someone.

No, it's a lie. I thought it was my accident. Normally, I was reflecting on "I did it again".

"Nonetheless, Fran's appraisal is quite high. Thanks to you, this skill has been unavailable for 3 days. It failed to surprise me, and I should have done this."

"Diaz has been using his skills on his own"

"I know, don't stare at me like that. I apologize for the inconvenience while I was in town."

This guy seemed like a gentleman out of town, but did he wear a cat? Hands together and head down is totally the prank boy himself. Fran seems frustrated, too, but he didn't have any direct damage, and he owes me help. They've decided to forgive me here.

"... next time I do it, I'll be angry"

Even so, for a moment, it's like messing with a memory. Do you use your nasty skills there for the first time? I don't think it would be strange if people noticed the activation of a skill when it was considered hostile.

"Gilmouth, did you do it again? This guy is like a hobby to prank a competent rookie."

Apparently he was a habitual offender. Is this the guild master and good?

"Fran, if you're upset, you can fuck Gatsun, too, okay?


"I'm here for you. Gilmouth just needs to see it hurt someday."

Elsa, that's terrible.

"You deserve it, don't you? Mostly, I don't get exonerated, so I overdo what I want!

"Why aren't you exonerated?

That bothered me, too. I'm pretty sure you're a power man because you're an Alliance Master, but I feel a little weak to say that's not the only way you're going to be exonerated.

"There's a lot going on. First of all, be strong. I'll be in five fingers in the Kranzel Kingdom. I also have the top rank B powers, but I can't get my hands or feet out."

Is he that strong? It doesn't seem to make as much of a difference in status as I would say. I guess I still use my skills better. Elsa is power-based, and she seems weak in her hands and stuff.

"As a master of a town with a dungeon, I can tell you that's all you deserve."

Well, there are places where adventurers are so strong.

"And only Gilmouth can negotiate with the Dungeon Master."

Negotiate with the Dungeon Master? What the hell is this all about?


"Oh well. Fran just arrived. Wolmut is famous for the fact that there are unattached, live dungeons in town where the Dungeon Master exists."


"Right. Normally, it's dangerous. But in Urmut's case, it's okay."


"In a nutshell, because I have a contract with the Dungeon Master. The Dungeon Master does not fortify the dungeon more than necessary and does not let the Warcraft out of the dungeon. And acquiesce to the adventurer working in the dungeon. Instead, this one doesn't give a hand to Dungeon Master and Core. If you need anything from outside supplies, procure it. Sounds like it."

I see. If the Dungeon Master was an intelligent species, would there be such a bargain? Well, even a dungeon master would have been far more coexistent than destroyed by a high-ranking adventurer.

"It was Gilmouth on a young day who put together the negotiations."

"No, it was a series of difficulties."

"I don't know what you trust in this jizzy, but the Dungeon Masters have nominated our Gilmouth as your point of contact. If Gilmouth quit here, you didn't even know what the relationship would be with the dungeon, did you? Wolmut is a town made up of dungeons, so you can't fire Gilmouth no matter what."

"Huh. Thanks to that, I can do whatever I want with my power."

"You don't sound great!

Even though you're a jizzy and a gutty octopus, you look like a diagram of a prank kid and his scolding of it. Is that it? My eyes. Are you okay?

"Phew. I should probably get going."

"Good Luck"

"Whose fault do you think I'm tired!

Maybe we'll get along with this.

"Fran, I'll see you later. I like you so much. Call me if anything happens. Because it helps. Ugh."


"Bhaha yes. Chuh."

The last time I threw you, you kissed me! I almost avoided it. Diaz almost saw me.

(Master, what's wrong? freaked out)

'Yes, I'm fine. Nothing.'

It seems to have been passed on to Fran.

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