After we defeated the Demon Stone soldiers, we were exploring the Alchemy Guild. Amazingly no sign of people. The signs that can be felt from time to time would be rat or cockroach objects.

It seems that many have been made demons and other things have been treated as experimental animals and died. I saw the Zelaisse dossier in the basement and found out. There were records of follow-up observations that made chest feces worse, and the results of the dosing.

There's no demon stone left to expect, and it's really boring. Let's just put together some research material and give it to Gumd or Eugene.

"Ursi, you don't even have a hidden passage or something?



"What do you say, Mr. Fran?

"There was material."

"Really? This is something similar."

It was Eugene who spoke up. He examines the Alchemy Guild with a harsh look as to whether he feels responsible for the murder of his apprentice.

"Now you know what it is?

"Somewhat. But this material must have been left behind deliberately, and there doesn't seem to be a clue."

"On purpose?"

"Yep. Only the core part was pulled out and only the result part was left. It is impossible to reproduce research based on this. However, there is only data left to support that this result is not false"

I see. That's all a self-explanatory man. You want to brag about your research results. Is that why you deliberately left such research material behind?

"For example, this is a demon stone soldier's material. Using evil as a power, you can only remember one core Demon Stone skill. But it doesn't say a specific way. If you look at the demon stone soldiers earlier, you know it's not a lie... You won't be able to reproduce this material alone."

This is demon research material. There are different places where demon stones are embedded depending on the individual. Surely the demons I slaughtered were in different places. But it doesn't say how to discern it or how to embed it.

"What's this?

"This... is a demon stone weapon, isn't it? Hmm."

It's the material we found. Eugene explained it to me, but this was also a pretty nasty study.

Unlike regular demonic props, it seems to be a special disposable tool that allows you to use skills hidden in demonic stones, rather than just using demonic stones as a source of power. What seemed to suck was that some nuclear demon stones could also use unique and extra skills. If it was extra skill, it would only be disposable once, but it has enough use.

"If you use this talent for the world..."

Don't even know Eugene moans.

"Demon Stone Weapon, Looks Awesome"

"Yeah. If it's really happening, it must be a pretty useful tool"

It was just after Eugene said so. Suddenly there were signs of people behind us.

"The Petition of the Theft God"


Stupid, there was no sign of it! It was at the same time that Fran swung me through towards the signs behind her and the person who suddenly appeared grumbled about something.

I can see that a tremendous amount of magic has been emitted. I panicked and opened up my barrier-based skills. And look back.

It was the fucking psycho handsome, Zelaise, who was there.

What did they do? The word "petition of the thief" he muttered. Perhaps it seemed a skill in God's protective lineage......

"Well, I got this back, didn't I?

My left arm is chopped off by me, but what's on that face was a refreshing prince laugh. Place the vial in the remaining hand so that it appears to Fran.

"Mm. Why?

'Stupid, he was in dimensional storage!

Zelaisse's hand held the source of the demon soul that was supposed to have been in my dimensional storage.


"Haha. Don't look so scared."

"Mm, I can't kill you"

"Mr. Fran, it's already a phantom"

"No, it was dangerous. If it was too late to move and escape, it would have been two."

I'll empty the sky. Zelaise was already a phantom. The art of phantoms I showed you in front of my guild? When.

"But who are you really? I can't believe you didn't just interrupt our plan, you knocked out the Demon Stone soldiers so lightly. I still regret it."

"Just a Rank D Adventurer in the Black Cat Clan"

"Hahaha, you're a tough joke. My demon stone soldier was designed to blow up once and for all if he defeated it badly? You can't just be a Rank D Adventurer to wipe it out in an evil flash."

"I made what I could."

"I was actually going to let the demon stone soldiers stop me, look at the gaps and steal my demon soul. There was no gap at all because I would take it down in such a flash. You've been following me ever since, haven't you? Yet it doesn't show any gaps. You ended up with an extra injury. But I could take this back, and I guess the result is O'Rei?

"How did you steal it?

"I used a skill called the petition of a thief with a demon stone weapon. Absolutely stealing anything in the range of effects. If I let you gather your information, you'll be the user of space-time magic. Maybe it's for dimensional storage, so I gave it a hit. No, if it wasn't for the petition of the Theft God, you'd have had to give up. Yeah, sneaking up on a demon stone weapon that seals its entirely hidden form."

A crack enters the armor that was on the left hand of the falling Zelaisse and the pendant on his neck, smashing and scattering. Right, is that the Demon Stone weapon? Was it still a dangerous substitute? Even disposable, sucks enough.

"Oh, the keepsake is broken. They were both my wife's hands. They cost me 100 million gold for two, right? It's a huge deficit."

"That's it, you wanted that?

"Sort of. I'm grateful to you, aren't I? Because if you hadn't gotten it back from the pirates, you wouldn't have come back to me. I've been interrupted a lot, but now I'm going to write you off."

"What is it?

Oh, Eugene, who's been silent, has come into the conversation. I guess I couldn't ignore the mysterious demon soul I've seen myself.

"Didn't my master know what this was either? Ha-ha-ha, listen. Surprise me, huh? Oh, my God, this is Chimera's demon soul!

"Then, stupid! Ki, Kimera...?

"Is it unusual?

"It's not a level of rarity or anything like that! It is a sealed designation super dangerous material, said to exist in the world as well as five!

"Haha! Surprised? Isn't that amazing? No, when I checked into Laidos' Alchemy Laboratory under the name of Barbora's Alchemy Guild, he gave it to me for a billion gold. Well, it wasn't my money, and it was a good buy."

"What is the purpose?

"Then you will produce the most powerful warcraft! Enough to destroy the world!

That's a mess. Or was it an item that could have done such a great thing?

"You've accomplished your purpose, and now you're really goodbye. Baba."

"Oh, wait! Zelaise!"

Eugene screams, but there was already no sign of Zelaise.


"What's a chimera?

"Oh, Mr. Fran. Chimera means the worst artificial warcraft."

It seems to be a demonic soul originally created by research that produces heterogeneous mixed types of warcraft like Kimyra.

But what was produced as a result was a biological weapon with a threat A-over, which was completely different from what was originally planned - a force that greatly exceeded what was originally planned. Moreover, it accepts no control at all and destroys several cities.

Studies continued afterwards, but did not lead to control, and after several countries were annihilated by chimeras, the consultation of the nations of the world determines that their demonic souls will be sealed. Thereafter, the research materials were discarded, and all the researchers were executed, apparently.

The creation of the demonic soul of Chimera requires very rare materials, including those of already extinct organisms. Currently, it shouldn't have been possible to get...

"The Reids kingdom is in turmoil today. Perhaps the devil's soul was brought up by those who were not aware of the danger."

"Reidos in disarray?

Don't listen to that. It's an enemy country for us.

"It was about 10 years ago that the king died suddenly, and then a power struggle broke out by four Grand Dukes. Are you saying that the feud is now appalling and half civil unrest? It's so strange that it hasn't developed into a big battle yet."

"I see."

Was it? So you're saying that Salute or Rich's mastermind is some grand priest? Or are each of you plotting whatever you want? That's where I want to know more, but Eugene seemed to know nothing more.

"I report to the Lords and Adventurers Guild about Zelaise. You can't leave me alone when I say I've got the demon soul of Chimera."

I'm sure there will be arrangements around the world. But Zelaise is going to be happy. But I can't help it. I agree that you can't leave me alone.

There doesn't seem to be any more clues, so why don't you join Amanda and the others?

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