I Was a Sword When I Reincarnated

102 Preliminary qualifying breakthrough sometime?

Fran, derogatory of Curry, slammed a gastronomer's old man with enough kill to show him even during the battle.

Wait, wait, wait! The intimidation's on! If you hit an average person like this, it could be the worst fainting, incontinence, or worse!

"Curry is the best in the world"

"You're pretty sure it's delicious. But I refuse to accept this as the best in the world."

Wow. This old man is amazing! I didn't move one eyebrow in front of this franc! It's not a level where the liver is sitting. That's right, you're not half the master of that path in any world.

"Fran, calm down"

(Calm down!

'Cause I'm not calm. In the meantime, ask why! Huh? That might convince me. So get your hands off my pattern!

"Mm-hmm. I'll ask you why"

That sounds great. To Fran, this old man looks like a complete enemy certification. Don't just put your hands on me!

"As for flavor, while there is room for improvement, it is a medium degree of completion. It is also unusual and even I ate it for the first time. I'll admit it. But I can't feel the cook from this dish!


"You can call it motivation, passion, or pride. A cook naturally has it. And what you can put into the dish. But this plate doesn't have them. Carefully made, but nothing more than home cooking"

No, you don't have a choice. I tried so hard to feed Fran some good food. One of the big pot dishes I've made in large quantities. I made it politely so it wouldn't fail, but I said, "I'm gonna cook you the ultimate dish! I didn't think at all."

I told you, it's amateur cooking with cooking skills. After all, this old man is awesome. That's how you spot it. Fran's hostile, but I don't hate him that much. Something's cool.


I've never seen anyone roar like that before.

"Well, passing is passing. Let's admit to joining that master and his alliance. It's just not what I expected."

"... I won't admit"


"Curry is Ultimate! Never! Next time I'll make you admit it!

"Funny, but I'm busy looking like this. You just came to see me, didn't you? Not until tomorrow."


No, I got a pass. It's okay, isn't it?


'Cause he says he's busy.'

(Curry is the strongest! I can't give in!)

"Oh, I'll do that"

"How can I see you?

"I don't... If you want me to eat the food, why don't you show up for this?

The old man gave it to Fran was one flyer. What? Hosted by Barbora Culinary Guild, culinary king contest?

Primary qualifiers are brought in for screening. Secondary qualifiers compete in stalls. The final is the supreme plate of battles?

"I'm in the middle of a primary now. If this flavour and rarity qualifies for the second qualifying round. If you win there and get to the finals, you can feed me the food. One of the judges in the finals."


"Hey, Fran? On your own!

You're gonna have to make a curry to get out, aren't you? Besides, it's a street fight. I don't even think Fran can sell it. Most importantly, if you go to the finals, there's no way you're just not going to show your face. Fran's out instead, cooking? I don't even think I can deceive this old man. If you just decide on momentum, you'll definitely regret it.

(Absolutely out)

'By and large, cooking pride is coming together, isn't it? We don't even know if we're gonna make it to the finals, do we?

(Bullshit. If you're a master, you're definitely a winner)

"I'm glad you said that."

If I think about it normally, it's unlikely I'll make it to the finals. I'm sure he's been a cook for decades, and there's gonna be some amazing guys out there.

(This is a battle you will never lose. not finished with the curry licked)

"But no."

I have zero confidence, to be honest.

(Fine. I believe in my master)

'I can't be so confident. Even with your skills, you're an amateur.'

(Can't believe my tongue?

'No, I believe in Fran's taste, don't you?

I love eating, and I don't flatter you. I also have LvMax cooking skills and enhanced taste. Fran tells me it's delicious, so it's definitely delicious. Just that I don't think it's the best in the world or even the supreme.

(Then trust me, I believe in my master)

"Oh, that line."

# 3 Dialogue Ranking I'd like to say by the time I die. "I believe you, trust me! ♪ Oh, my God! Ugh, I envy you. I can't believe that line comes out with vegetables...... Fran, horrible girl!

"Ku, if you say so, refuse!

(So, can I compete?

'Oh, let's do it. It's a winner!


"What's going on? Scared. Did you notice?

"Huh. I was just in the mood. I'll definitely win."

"So can we just say we're going to compete?


"Then let's have a look at the terms and conditions and get them signed here."

Later, I asked the clerk who was called by the old man for more information about the contest.

Over 2,000 entries to the primary qualifying round. Twenty of them are chosen from among them to proceed to the second qualifying round. Are we glad we made it to the second qualifying round so easy?

The second qualifying round is a three-day street battle. As the name suggests, they pull stalls, sell food, and compete for that money. At this time, I can see the size of the contest because I can get 100,000 gold as a commission.

It is also possible to bring ingredients. Some of them compete in dishes that use rare ingredients, and it seems that there may be a shortage of just 100,000 gold.

Therefore, you can use it if you declare the ingredients prepared by yourself in advance. That said, I can't even say it's definitely advantageous because the value of the ingredients I bring in will be calculated rigorously and drawn from my money. It's not about sales, it's about making money.

And four of the top performers in the second qualifying round will go to the finals, where they will be judged for the best plate.

The winner will be awarded a prize of 100,000 gold. It's the same amount as the payment, it feels a little pungent, but he says the honor of winning is multiple times more important for the cook. Anyway, the winning cook's shop promises absolute prosperity, and his name goes off nationally and internationally. They even have some of them promoted to royal cooks.

"The second review starts in three days. The finals are April 7th."

The Lunar Banquet Festival lasts one week from March 31. You mean the finals on the last day?

"Will you be ready in time?


'I'm fine. Do something.'

"Mmm. Perfect."

"Fine. So, this is 100,000 gold on the commission. Like running away."

"Of course. You're the one, wash your neck and wait."

"Hmm. Let's look forward to it."


So for some reason, I was supposed to compete in a cooking contest.

The cooking area will lend us the facilities, but people will see us. Somebody, we need to find a place where we can cook in secret. And I need to think about what kind of curry I'm going to make. I have to procure the ingredients to go with it. Are you fortunate to have spices? I want to show my face to the Adventurer Guild and also listen to the Alchemist. I need to go play with the twins somewhere!

Yeah, I'll do something about it. I cut it off, but I guess I'll make it...

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