I Was A Porter

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Of course, it was not just the two of them, so passengers were increasingly looking at the window.

Whether the gas tube burst or not, the blazing flames and the blooming smoke rose fairly high.

Enough to know that something happened on Livif from 10,000 meters above.

“Oh, my God, what is that? ”

Another passenger who was watching this scene looked up at Livif with a worried look at his face against the window.

I keep looking for an accident caused by a gas explosion, but I get confused when I see a small building collapsing.

“Don't let the plane go down there! ”

The passengers stood up and tried to tell the crew, but they didn't have to.

The captain, who heard the news from Livif from the tower, immediately began to reroute.

This plane was supposed to land at Liviv Danilo Romanovic International Airport, not to go to the afterlife.

Seung-ho and his group panic as the gas going down to the ribbon begins to rise again.

Seung-ho got up and walked down the hallway to the cockpit ignoring the unhinged crew while calming down.

Eid starts walking behind him, and the crew notices he's heading towards the cockpit, blocking his way.

“Please take your seats. ”

“Turn the plane around again. That city needs us. ”

Instead of winning, Aid stepped forward and told the crew.

However, she doesn't recognize Seung-ho and Eid, but doesn't seem to be able to move on.

Even it was a waste of time to argue, so Eid pushed the crew in front of him and approached the door of the cockpit.

There is no way a layman could stop her, and she reaches the door and knocks on the door.


“…. Who are you? ”

As soon as she knocks on the door, someone replies with a vigilant voice beyond the door.

The noise that Eid was making was spread far beyond the door, and I had to worry when the plague knocked on the door of the cockpit.

Fortunately, it was not the terrorist who judged that she heard her voice and the voice of the crew holding her together.

“My name is Aid. Do you understand what the Primero Guild ID is? ”

Maybe there was someone who didn't know her face, but there wasn't anyone who didn't know her name.

And they included the pilot who was now fighting her.

But I couldn't open the door separately.

“What happened? ”

“Turn the plane around as fast as you can with a ribbon. Now, that city needs us. ”

“Passengers cannot be driven to their deaths. ”

“If you don't go back! ”

Eid urgently summoned his magical strength because he didn't intend to make it this long.

I tried to break through the door, and Seung-ho felt the sensation of that child and grabbed her shoulder.

We could have solved it by force, but coercive action did not lead to the right answer.

I lowered my voice and began to soften my gaze.

“The people on this plane right now can stop the catastrophe in that city. Think about it. We don't know how many people are going to die while we're so far away from the city. ”

“If this plane lands and monsters attack... ”

“If he's coming! He'll be able to catch monsters faster! Behind me is Seung-ho, Khan, Valdro and many other hunters in the world! ”

There was no answer beyond the door to Eid's words, but immediately the balance began to shift to one side as if the gas were turning.

Her desperate voice seems to have been conveyed. Thanks to that, Eid's expression turned bright, looking back at him.

Soon after, the door to the cockpit opens, and a figure appears to be a pilot walks out.

“Thank you for your trust. ”

“I'll take your word for it. This is the man who's called Ascension. ”

He looked at the helmet behind Eid's back and looked at him as if he wanted to make sure it was right for him.

She nods to confirm that Seung-ho is right. She reaches out and asks for a handshake.

“I don't know about anyone else, but I don't think you'll lead us to our limbs. Cheer up, and we'll have the plane at the airport soon, so keep your passengers calm, and we'll send out an announcement shortly. ”

As Eid relayed his message to Seung-ho, he told the crew in the back.

He gives a brief HR instruction and immediately turns around and goes back into the cockpit.

Seung-ho, who bowed his head and thanked him for entering, returned to his seat.

He sat in his seat and watched Livif smoke rising from all over the city, beyond the shoulders of an oil painting that could not take his eyes off the window.

* * *

Watching the falling buildings and the rising smoke from everywhere, people could see the monsters attacking.

Screams erupted from all sides with the sound of the building collapsing, and the voices of those who desperately sought help resounded throughout the city.

The house was no longer a safe haven while powerful monsters were destroying cities.

However, there was no safe place to go, as if you were going out of the house.

However, the citizens were surprised by the collapse of the building and left their homes.

Ironically, it was inside the building that those citizens moved to.

Those who went to the church to restore their peace of mind were praying earnestly to God.

If God could see their desperate desires, he would devote himself to the earth and protect them.

Their appearance was that desperate, but there was no response at all to whether there was an unreachable distance.

“Mom, those sisters are crying in prayer. ”

Larissa grabs the statue of the Virgin Mary and points her fingers at the wailing, praying sisters.

The words that were murmuring in my mouth barely flowed out of my mouth, but I couldn't understand the words that were blurred.

Even if it happened suddenly on the day of war, I wouldn't have been so afraid.

There's no reason to attack a civilian without going crazy.

But the monsters were different.

I was busy piercing the creature in front of me, tearing it apart, and putting it in my own mouth.

They were brutally slaughtering it, as if they were going to wipe it off the face of the earth.

There were already torn raggedy corpses all over the street, and the last refuge from panic was inside the church.

“Don't worry about it. It'll be fine if you keep quiet. ”

Larissa's mother hugged her daughter, muttering hypnotically.

Her tightly embracing Larissa's back, held in her arms, seemed to show her eagerness to protect her.

Fortunately, no monsters appeared near the building where the cathedral was located with the child.

It was a selfish thought, but I was praying in my heart that it would not appear here, even though I don't know where else.

By Larissa's mother's side, the elderly woman could not stop reading her prayers.

If I lose my prayer, I keep on talking, forgetting if I thought monsters would come and breathe.

“Our Lord in heaven. Please don't let that evil horde of monsters get to me. Have mercy on this poor lamb with your almighty power, and take away the glory that is still at your side. In the Lord's presence, I pray that you fill your person with someone other than me. Living for a lifetime.... ”

Larissa's mother, listening next to her, shuts her ears in case the child hears her prayers.

I said it nicely. I didn't want to die, so I asked you to kill someone else.

It may not have been a sinister prayer, but it was never a prayer to tell the child.

“Larissa, shall I pray with my mother? ”


Even though the insecure adults' feelings could have seeped into Larissa, the darkness could not rest in her mind because she was so bright.

“Lord, thank you for the crispy toast this morning. But I hated the broccoli this morning. My mom gives me broccoli every morning, and she says if I don't eat it, God's gonna kick my ass. But the Lord is good, so he won't scold me. And I ate half a carrot yesterday. Now you can have a cup of carrot juice, but you'll be able to see him soon, right? And my mom... ”

It looked like a child's adorable diary, but no one could point it out.

Ordinarily, the adults around him would look at it lovingly, but he couldn't afford to pay any attention to others' prayers at the moment.

During my personal prayer for a long time, the priest climbed up to the top of the lecture.

“I'll pray with you all. ”

Everyone looks up at him as his voice spreads solemnly inside the rather noisy cathedral.

“Lord our God, today we are here to be protected in your arms. God created us, and all the while, we were able to enjoy the joy that we loved and loved each other in God's care. I have no complaints about taking the life you have given me at any time. I am ready to run to your country at any time. But I still want to tell the world about you... ”

Although prayer may be effective, monsters do not seem to be able to come in the direction of the cathedral.

No, I thought so.

At first, I thought someone in a chair was trembling.

However, the voice of the bride reciting the prayer gate slowly subsides.

As everyone was looking down at the floor of the church, the vibrations were only getting bigger.

‘Of course not,‘ ‘of course not,’ 'but God did not give me hope.'

Guava light!

“Queek!! ”

As she hung up on the Virgin Mary statue, the girls who appeared to be praying bounced off the ceiling along with the statue.

While praying, I managed to cover Larissa's eyes, but she watched the scene with her own eyes.

People try to get out of the church, avoiding the rocks and monsters bouncing around, but they start to feel a vibration on the ground as if something was coming up from the entrance.

The man who ignored the vibration and flew away in pieces.

Larissa's mother turns away from the horrific sight.

One of the first chicks bounces into the air while the frightened find a hole to escape to falls to her left.

Her dead eyes were stained with fear of death.

“Everyone…. We're all gonna die... ”

The last words that the frozen priest barely uttered became a testament, and his head burst out like a ripe tomato at the hands of a monster.

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