I Was A Porter

Start at 71.00 (2)


“There's no rush!! ”

But now that the gate core has been destroyed, how many people can recover their coolness?

“Ten!! ”

The overloaded tent eventually got hit in the head and flew away. Wangjin grips his teeth, but he cannot face it alone.

“Khan! Support here! ”

Kahn, who was serving as a potential role against the common monsters, quickly stepped out of the formation and joined the ranks because he was rated as somewhat difficult to deal with.

The common hunters tried to fill his position, but it was quite a struggle.

Luckily, the Khan's joining didn't miss any monsters, but the tent that bounced off the battlefield was either dead or alive.

One of the back-up attackers pauses and runs to check for life. Luckily, he circles over his head with a bright face to see if he's alive.


Wangjin insisted that he was okay to be alive, but as a Wangjin who had no experience matching his breath with Khan, he had to sweat.

* * *

King of the Serpent Demibeast. You cut his throat. But there was no time to rejoice. The situation was very busy.


“I know! ”

Valdro urgently calls out the name of Canoe. He was also aware of how rapidly things had changed. Draxi misses her cub. And the gate core was destroyed.

The Dracsch who lost his cub had no way of finding it, and the destroyed core could not be undone. Blood flows from his tightly clenched lips instead of tears.

“Things have changed strangely, but they're retreating! ”


“Listen to me! ”

Valdro was startled and tried to say something, but Carnegie didn't even give him a chance to say it. Once the core is destroyed, there is no reason to risk your life to proceed with the subjugation.

When the word "retreat" comes out of Canoe's mouth, the ringing of bells popping out from all over your ears.

“Back off! Keep your distance! ”

“Don't be alone in front of me!! ”

Falling back from the current situation that is spreading around the monsters is not as easy as it sounds. However, if I missed my time, I would have to be trapped here. I never wanted to do that.

With the fierce workshops of monsters trying to catch and hunters trying to root, the almost magical flurry of oil barely calms down and rises up.

Meanwhile, I finished off the vampire rhinoceros road and approached the emulsion, stealing the sweat flowing on my forehead.

The complexion of the emulsion that looked like it was showered with sweat was pale, so I couldn't stop fliing.

“You okay?"

I barely nodded my head to see if I could even open my mouth to the question. I threw the bag of nuts in my lap, and the emulsion grabbed and tore it with trembling hands that hit my chest and fell on my thigh.

A total of three monsters were caught in the five rivers as we looked around. I caught them on three teams: Hong Kong, Eid and Canoe, and I thought the flow came to the hunters.

However, the two gazes met at the sound of a whistling announcement of retreat heard at that moment. Immediately, you head to Seung-ho, who is facing Baloch and his cub alone from afar.

Yoohwa stood up vigorously like when she was sitting helplessly and looked for Yeongho. Yeong-ho was also busy preparing to retreat.

“Ouch! Slowly... ”

“Guild Master!”

He looked at Azin from afar and grabbed Yeong-ho's shoulder, using evil over the radio.

Yeong-ho was surprised by the sudden contact, but after checking the face of the emulsion, there was a white color floating around.

“Well done. Let's work a little harder. Those monsters... ”

“What about you, sir?”

Yeongho was flabbergasted by the words of Yoohwa and looked at Seung-ho who was still holding out.

We've been holding out for all the attacks while avoiding a gap of about a mile, but if it goes that way, it's clear that we'll collapse someday. However, all the excitement had to be pierced to get to Seungho now.

What is a leader, indeed? Is it right to go for a win in this situation? If we go to the rescue, how long will we survive?

I thought of tens of thousands of thoughts in my head, but I decided to think of one. He had to save at least one more.

“I'll leave it. ”

“This…. ”

The oil flowing to the tip of the head of the painter opened his mouth and tried to spit it out, but he immediately blocked his mouth and pulled it back.

“It's impossible to penetrate through our guild until there. If you go to Canoe and talk to him, it won't matter if you talk to the guild leader. ”

At the words of the rhinoceros, the emulsion rushed around trying to find the canoe, but it was hard to find it in a confused atmosphere.

“It's over there. ”

The sledged-eyed rhinoceros found him first and ran, and he suppressed the painful muscles, wanting to preserve at least a single ounce of magical power to help him win. The rhinoceros stood in front of the canoe shouting with a radio one step ahead of the oil painting.

“Canoe, where did Draxi go? And you're just gonna leave Seung-ho? Just a little help.... ”

“I can't. It's absurd to go through these monsters in the current situation. You don't know that, do you? Can't you hear me dying even when I'm talking like this? If you don't like the decision, I won't stop you from running off and helping. And not only does he abandon Ascendant, but Draksh, as well, is now missing. ”

His words seem to be prepared, and his mouth is stuck. There were no wrong words one by one, and there was no reason to argue. Canoe turns his horse around again and looks carefully to see if there are any stragglers.

When he arrived sweating, he saw the look on his face and bit his teeth tightly. As long as I read his face, I didn't have to say anything. A cracking sound comes from between the lips of the AndaMoon.

I thought I had no choice but to give up, and I thought of something I could do to help.

No matter how much I thought about it, I couldn't think of a way. Shaking her head off, she stands tall and grabs the arm of the emulsified deep thought, but she doesn't even flinch.

“We have to go, too! ”

The distance from the potential to deal with the monsters is closer to the location. The noisy sound woke him up from his thoughts, and he took a deep breath.

One thought that passes through your mind.

“Help me. Let's help the captain. ”

Although not the desperate eyes of Yoohwa, he had a debt of heart to Seung-ho, of course I wanted to help him. But there was no way.

“There's no way through there. ”

I shook my head, but the burning eyes of the oil didn't fade.

“You don't have to go through it. I just need a little more time. ”

The words puzzled her eyes, but her eyes were filled with certainty.

* * *


The sound of Seung-ho's voice split like a parched rice field in drought.

However, this would not have happened if it had appeared because of the distressing call.

While avoiding suddenly, I took a moment to look around, wondering if reinforcements might be coming from the school, but they seemed to be busy.

As long as it was hard to expect support, I had to overcome the situation alone.

“Can you let me go? ”

Seung-ho groaned and asked, but the answer did not come out of his mouth.


Seungho twisted his side and barely let go of the attack until he cut down a few trees and disappeared. Lee Manmuo was excited from the start and would give me a smooth ride to Seungho.

The cub behind his back was holding back instead of an aggressive attack, but that alone brought a tremendous burden to Seung-ho.

The gaze had to be dispersed, and the concentration was rapidly consumed. The magical forces that were consumed began to become burdensome.

The sound of the fight grows further and further away. As Seung-ho turned to look behind him, he could see the attackers retreating slowly.

“If I stay here again, I'll kill you if I die. If you don't want to search.... Back the fuck up! ”

As the attackers got farther out of sight, Victory's heart became desperate, and he was forced to attack. I opened the street as if I knew the feeling of such a victory.

While it was not narrowing down, I received the heat as I received it, and I searched my heart as I gripped it. In Seung-ho's hand, he quickly pulled it out, and it was shrapnel.

I could feel the energy coming out of the debris in their hands as well. I could feel them flailing a little.

“The Draksh couldn't beat you with this power before, but he did. If I eat now, I'll leave you two alone. But there's only one reason I don't eat. ”

Draxi is furious with this, so he never would have eaten it unless it was a desperate situation. He bluffs.

I couldn't understand it anyway, but I wanted to get out of here with a fragment.

“If I eat this, you will surely die. Don't stop me anymore. ”

You flap your wings to see if the warning from Seung-ho's mind works, but the attack stops. I slowly turned and passed by the calf in the back loudly, and the sound of a beating heart spread to my eardrum, but I didn't even feel that relief.

I didn't think the fragments I had would be so helpful. You thank the gods and try to catch up with the distant attackers, but you quickly dodge from the attack by Baloch flying behind you.

I had a slight tingling in my calf to make sure it wasn't completely avoided.

I was thinking about eating the fragments in my hand for a moment, but I slowly turned around and glared at Baloch.

There was no arrogance in his eyes as if the blurriness didn't work. He probably won't eat unless it's a real crisis, but he doesn't know the story is different if it's this desperate.

He stood in the way of Seungho trying to escape again.

“This is insane.”

I began to sweat in my hands holding the fragments, and I was wondering if I could handle them when I ate them.

I felt like eating and wanting to kill them right away, but in the case of Draxi, I decided to eat in the worst situation and put them back in my arms.

At the same time, their attacks were even more aggressive, as if they knew it was going to happen. The fleeing attackers have already crossed the rocky mountains, and the pursuing monsters have already concealed their appearance.

Time was no longer on the side of victory, and after a delay, the attackers had to face the remaining monsters alone. As time came to choose, I picked up the fragments again.

It seemed like Baloch was bluffing again, but this time he was not bluffing. The fragment in his hand entered Seungho's mouth and was swallowed by his neck.

You can see the debris swallowing under the collar, and Baloch and his cubs rush forward. However, Seung-ho did not conquer them easily, and vice versa.

As time went by, Seungho felt a little warmer in his body, and it became easier to stop the attack as much as the sound of his atrial beats getting stronger.

And at some point, Baloch's attack didn't work at all.

Seung-ho closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath, then opened his eyes and stared at Baloch full of life. His eyes were as red as life itself, burning with thirst for Baloch's blood in front of them.

“Son of a bitch. Three rounds. Let's get this over with. ”

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