I Was A Porter

job seeking (1)


Seungho repeatedly stretched the screen of the smartphone in his hand and turned it off.

I learned from my father all last night, but I still tapped the awkward smartphone touch screen.

Early in the morning, I walked to an office, or now called a community center, by myself touching my phone.

My mother walked too much yesterday, so she got sick, and my father asked me to take care of her.

There was still a deadline to apply for a Social Security Number for six months, but I left home as my father said it would be better to do so at least one day early.

With only 30 minutes left to work at the community center, Seung-ho wandered a quiet street.

“Cocktails, Cocktails, Cocktails”

I picked up my smartphone and looked awkwardly at it as it rang in my pocket, and it came from a democracy.

When I opened my phone yesterday, democracy was the first app called Cocoa Talk. It was said to act as a chat room.

Brother, I sent you a picture of my kids apologizing, left male, right Asian.

When I click with my fingers on a picture sent by the democracy, I see a picture of him bowing down with his long head flat on the ground.

If I didn't explain, I almost didn't know who it was.

- Seung-ho Lee:

- Immigrant: Why is the answer so short? Dissatisfied?

- Seung-ho Lee: Yerub

- Immigration:

- Seung-ho Lee: It's hard

- Immigration: It's a lot to try. It's more. You and your nephews would grow up so fast.

- Seung-ho Lee: Later

- Immigrant: Okay, next time you see the kids, be nice. It's because they think of you. Don't hate them too much.

- Seung-ho Lee: You

You snort at the democracy, and you sweat sweats that didn't leak when you caught the feisty monster.

After struggling with the touchscreen of my smartphone, I stabbed this nasty smartphone in my pocket and walked the streets with a relaxed mind.

I was walking around the street, not realizing the time, and suddenly the time had passed, and I turned to the community center later.

I opened the Residential Center door, and it was surprisingly early in the morning.

As Seung-ho entered, I began to feel a strange gaze, and I felt a strange strangeness in the strange air of the residential center.

I stood at the entrance and remembered the strangeness of the bear.


It reminded me of a rather unpleasant memory that I felt there, and I felt that look in a person sitting in a community center.

I wasn't sure, but when I looked at it, I was sure.

Seung-ho turned right around and left the community center.

I tried to expand my senses just in case, but the protagonist of the unpleasant gaze was still inside the community center.

Few people knew that they were coming to renew their National ID card.

Police officers, associations, parents, democracies and nephews.

However, it's unlikely the family reported it, so the police or the association leaked the information... Either way, it bothers me.

He had to go through the association somehow to sell the stone, and he couldn't stop the police.

I tried to calm the boiling anger, but when I got angry for the last 20 years, my habit of catching and killing monsters filled the alleyway with life in an instant.


The woman in her early twenties who was walking in front of her fell unconscious during her whole life.

Seung-ho longed for the life that flowed from his body, and ran to the woman who collapsed quickly.

I laid her down straight, but there was one thing I could tell from the sensation of her hand touching her body.

“Man down!! Help!!"

The woman's heart stopped.

Seung-ho, who knew how to kill but didn't know how to save, began shouting urgently.

I didn't feel very popular at the entrance of the alley after 9: 00, not even at work in the morning.

Immediately, a place where a lot of people had gathered a little while ago passed by my head, and I ran into the community center with a woman in my arms without having to think about anything else.

“A heart attack! Help! ”

As I grabbed the woman and pushed through the resident center glass door, the people who were sitting in the chair and the resident center staff jumped up and down.

A young man from the staff grabbed the window with one hand and immediately began to understand the woman holding Seungho on the floor, lowered his head, and secured her airway.

“No breath, no pulse. ”

As soon as I saw the condition, I looked up and saw the victory right next to me.

“How long has it been? ”

“Less than a minute ago. ”

“Please report to 119, Mr. Shua, defibrillator! Can someone help me? You should do it alternately! ”

Seung-ho took out his awkward smartphone and started making phone calls due to the chaotic instructions of the male employee. A female employee nods and runs toward the central staircase where Seungho enters.

And an intelligent man in his early 30s who was watching this scene, who was asked for help, took a step forward in his intellectual appearance that matched his silhouette glasses.

That's him.

“I'll help, too. ”

“Thank you. Then I'll start with me. ”

Kneeling next to his chest and next to his head, he began CPR.

“One, two, three... thirty”

“Tsk! Tsk! ”

Repeated several times, but the woman's heart did not show any signs of beating again.

The time to drain the blood to the seer flows endlessly, and the woman's fingertips twitch at the sound of sirens from afar.

The employee who was covered in sweat missed the view, but Seung-ho, who was watching the restlessness behind him, immediately noticed that his senses were still active.

“It's moving!”

The woman starts to breathe thinly as she fears the end of Seung-ho's words.

Everyone who was watching the scene shouted loudly, and a woman who was originally called Sua, who had disappeared, pushed her head down the central staircase.

“Suah, why didn't you bring me the defibrillator!! ”

“I was searching for what it was...”

I answered with a voice that crawled into the mourning of the sweaty male employee, but the male employee who heard it was outrageous and furious.

“If you didn't know, you should have asked!! ”

“You're alive!! Why are you yelling like that? ”

Rather, everyone was dumbfounded by Sua's reaction, shouting louder with the opposition load.

Meanwhile, the ambulance arrives, and the paramedics rush in.

No need to ask where the patient was because everyone was looking around the ice through a translucent window.

Quickly, one person rushed in, and the rescuer followed him with a back-to-back grip.

The paramedic, who found a woman lying on the ground with a narrow breath, thanked the staff and one citizen in their 30s for their excellent impulsive action.

I asked a slightly conscious woman some questions, put her on the gurney, and escorted her to the hospital.

“Sua, look at me. ”

A man with the highest rank of staff disappeared with a screaming female employee.

And the man with the sylte glasses who helped resuscitate the CPR grabbed his laptop out of the briefcase he left behind.

I studied hard on the latest devices last night (?) One Seung-ho actually saw a man with curious eyes because he had never seen a laptop before.

The man in the sweaty shirt was amazed at how many more buttons he was still sweating and tapping the elongated board.

I pressed my smartphone hard, but I felt like I was watching a show when I pressed the keyboard fluently like I was playing a piano.

“Do you mind if I interview you? ”


I suddenly spoke to Seung-ho, who was watching, and Seung-ho tried to take a step back.

“Yes, I'm going to write a little article. Can you cooperate? It would be helpful if you could tell us a little bit about where you found her and how you were planning to bring her here. If you can help me feed my bees, I'll give you a small gift certificate. ”

Seeing the figure of the man smiling with a sweaty face made my heart somewhat weak.

Since he helped this happen because of his mistake, he decided to respond to the interview without revealing his identity, and said he would.

The resident centre staff who was standing next to him gladly accepted the interview because it was beneficial to him.

“How did you think of jumping right away? How did you learn CPR? ”

Reporters sought understanding from Seung-ho and interviewed employees who needed to work first.

After a short interview, the journalist who wrote the phrase with the appropriate weight asked Seung-ho a question.

“You couldn't have easily found a fallen woman and carried her all the way here. How did you find it in the first place? ”

“As he passed by, he suddenly collapsed in front of me. ”

“She's lucky. Then, how did you come to bring him here? ”

I hesitated to answer the journalist's question, but I decided to mix it up a little bit.

“Actually, I had something I had to do at the same office a little while ago, so I left something behind, so I was on my way home. ”

At that moment, a flash flashed in the head of the reporter conducting the interview.

Early 20s, non-residential office, slightly over 6 feet tall and comfy. Awkward tone.

“What brings you here? ”

“It's a personal matter. ”

Seeing Seung-ho dodging the answer, the journalist had a narrow suspicion that only apologized.

“Very well. Have you ever studied CPR? ”

“Yes... If I had, I would have helped you. I'm sorry. ”

“No need to apologize... But have you been in the army? ”

Suddenly, I wanted to ask him why he was talking about the army, but he nodded.

Reporters may have thrown the bait too abruptly, but the common story of Korean men began with the military and ended with a soft seasoning.

“Hey, you look young, you must have gone to the army early. ”

I wanted to tell you that Seung-ho would have been there 10 years earlier than you, but he made me smile slightly.

“Where have you been? Marines? Army? ”

“I went to the Army. ”


What are you talking about? When Seung-ho looks puzzled, the reporter smiles deeply.

The mere suspicion turned into conviction.

To Seung-ho, who doesn't know why he's smiling suddenly, the reporter brings his face close to him, whispering in Seung-ho's ear so he can't hear around him.

“Seung-ho Lee, can you really interview? ”

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