I Was A Porter

23rd Piece (1)


“All day long, it's all about Draksh. ”

As I was driving by the fire bridge to sell by-products to the association, I turned the radio around to hear about Seung-ho's life, but on the radio, only Draksh's story was leaking.

Seung-ho sighs as Draksh's story circulates everywhere.

It was an intermediate time to spin another gate, but I pulled my phone out of my pocket to find a nearby, low-grade gate.

“Well... I think gossip is a great material. I've resigned from the ranks of the best hunter, but I will rise again... Don't you feel uneasy? ”

Se-hyun smiled slightly and asked if Se-hyun thought it meant something else as he sighed, but Se-hyun snorted at Se-hyun's words.

“There's nothing I wouldn't be nervous about. Focus on driving."

Seung-ho felt a bit uncomfortable thinking about the Draksh, but soon he cleared the Draksh out of his head and looked through the list of gates with his phone.

“There are no gaps at Incheon Airport because of the fans of Draksh who have gathered since 9am to see the Draksh leaving Korea via Incheon Airport as soon as 3pm. Professor, why do you think you're so obsessed with Draksh? ”

“It's simple. The typical rivalry motivates the fans. I don't know if Draksh will continue to retire, but even though he knows Lee Seung-ho's measurements for a long time are higher than his previous measurements, he seems to have set the fans on fire again. ”

“That's right. Let's move on to the next story. Have you heard the story about the monster museum being built in Korea this time? ”

“Of course. It is said that the most circular monsters are stuffed to create awareness for the monsters, while exhibiting rare stuffed monsters that are hard to find even on the Internet. ”

“I'm very curious. What kind of monsters are there, Professor? ”

“The most famous individual is Werewolf, a monster we call a werewolf in our country, and it's so overwhelming that it looks so terrifying. And the next most famous thing is being a vampire, but unfortunately, in order to make the monster feel more natural, a vampire is going to be in the adult box. Young students are cautioned not to be punished for stealing their Social Security Numbers. Next…”

“Must really care about the Monster Museum."

While driving, Se-hyun spoke to Se-hyun once again, whether he had missed the words coming out of the radio.

“Focus on driving, what...”

Seung-ho looked at his cell phone, not paying attention to Seung-hyun, but suddenly stopped speaking and shut up whether he was thinking.

Se-hyun was curious when Seung-ho suddenly fell silent, but when he saw that, he drove straight to the western part of the coalition.

Seung-ho, who had been worrying about his face for a long time, barely got out of the thinking swamp until he arrived in the underground parking lot in the west.

“I don't think it's a good time, let's just sell this and go home. ”

“Yes, I'd like that."

Se-hyun's face lit up at Se-hyun's words.

Among the conditions of the meeting with Draksh, there was also a statement that the Association offered to buy the by-products of the increase by 10% to the general market price.

The Association bought Se-hyun's byproducts, so I was afraid to tell her to increase the duration or number of times, but lucky for me, Se-hyun was not such a bad employer.

I parked my car near the freight elevator and pressed the staff call bell. Before a few minutes passed, the man who appeared to be an employee stepped off the back passenger elevator and approached.

The approaching staff looked a little surprised to see if he recognized Seung-ho, but found the by-products of the car parked next to Seung-ho.

“I'm here to sell some byproducts. ”

“Ah... I'm sorry, but if you're on a freight elevator, I'll call someone to make the payment. ”

Asking if he was not the person in charge, the employee expressed a slight embarrassment, seeking understanding and returning to the elevator.

“Se-hyun is on her own, I'm going to take care of business at the association. After the settlement, go first. ”

Seung-ho instructed Se-hyun and followed the employee to the elevator.

“Yes, I'll see you next week."

Se-hyun, who was moving the by-products, boarded the elevator with Se-hyun.

“I'd like to see the branch director. ”

“If you go down to the seventh floor and tell the staff in front of you the purpose of your visit, we'll let you know. ”

At the end of the promotion, the staff kindly pressed the seventh floor button, and an awkward atmosphere passed until they reached the fifth floor. The employee lightly greeted and landed when the door opened on the fifth floor.

As I continued up the elevator and down the seventh floor, I saw the front desk just as the staff said.

As Seung-ho approached the guide, one of the female employees stood up and greeted him.

“What can I help you with? ”

“I'd like to see the branch director. ”

“Did you promise to meet in advance? ”

Asking Seung-ho, she carefully looked at her face and slightly widened her eyes to see if she recognized her face.

“No, I'm not.”

“Seung-ho Lee, right? Tell us the purpose of your visit and we'll let you know as soon as you leave. ”

“The purpose of my visit is to ask you about the gate. ”

The woman who lowered her head in response to the answer and wrote down the purpose of the visit, smiled and pointed to the back of the call.

“Gate, got it. Sit over there and wait, and I'll call you. ”

While Seung-ho was sitting and waiting, the concierge lady approached and asked him which coffee or beverage to offer, and Seung-ho asked for a coffee mix.

As I was touching the cup, I heard the door open at the end of the hall, sipping all the coffee she had brought me.

Along with him, a marble floor echoed, and as I heard someone walking out, the concierge reached out the hallway and saw someone approaching.

Fortunately, after confirming that the approaching person was a guest who had visited the branch manager, I pressed the call button to connect with the branch manager.

“Tell me.”

“Director, Lee Seung-ho is waiting for you. ”

“Seung-ho Lee? Is that the Lee Seung-ho I know? In the news?”

“That's right. I'd like to ask you some questions about the gate. Do you mind if I come in right away?" ”

“Yes, yes, tell them to come in. ”

She stood in front of the woman who was about to call Ascendant, and the woman left behind the concierge desk to take Ascendant to the post office.

The person who came out of the branch office was just ahead of me, and I stopped walking and stared at him.

Eid, who was watching him until Seung-ho passed by, shuddered as if he was going to follow or just take the elevator down, then bit his lip slightly and turned around.

Knock, knock.

“I brought Seung-ho Lee. ”

A woman slowly opened the door with a knock, and an impressive, robust man stood up in his seat in his late 50s behind a desk full of documents.

“Seung-ho, welcome. Would you like to sit here and have a cup of coffee? ”

“I've already had a drink. ”

Seung-ho waved the cup that was still in his hand, and when he opened his eyes to the woman next to him, he read Seung-ho's mind and sent her away with a gesture.

As she left, Seung-ho approached the sofa with his hand pointed and sat down, as well as the station chief stepped behind the desk and tried to sit on the couch, paused for a moment, then took a step further and sat across from Seung-ho.

As soon as his butt touched the couch, he stood up and asked for a handshake after hitting his forehead.

“My name is Magitae, Director of the Western District of Seoul. ”

“Lee Seung-ho.”

Seung-ho got up from his seat and took Magithae's handshake lightly, and he sat down again and began to get lucky to tell the story in earnest.

“Every branch of the association is this big. ”

“Well, I don't feel a bit overwhelmed to show that the association is this much." Thanks to you, my office is also quite spacious. ”

It was a clear waste of money just to see more than 20 square feet of space alone, but that was not important to Seung-ho.

“I think the money from the association incidentals is good. ”

“Haha, most people now make money by investing. The money you earn from gate by-products is very small. ”

“Is that so? But since the gate is getting stronger, isn't it okay to earn a commission on high-grade magic stones? ”

“… I don't know what you're talking about. ”

At the end of the victory, Magithae barely swallowed a dry saliva or bludgeoned, but Seung-ho's guess turned into certainty.

“When did you become stronger? ”

“I don't know where you heard the rumors, but they don't exist! ”

Even though the strong denial was a strong positive, Margaery's appearance of shouting, "No," gave me even more confidence.

“20 years ago… when do you expect to create a last gate of Grade 1? ”

“No... ”

“Tell me the truth. Aren't we both going to help? ”

When Seung-ho spoke loudly, he tried to calm his trembling eyes and look at Seung-ho. However, his eyes were constantly shaking as if he wasn't easily calm down.


Seung-ho does not look away from the Station Head, but the Station Head eventually turns away his anxious gaze.

Seeing Seungho so tired, the branch commander sighed loudly as if he had finally surrendered.

“Don't tell your parents what you're talking about now, as it's not official at the association. ”

“I'll keep that in mind.”

I wetted my dry lips and opened my mouth slowly, even though it was awkward to say the answer.

“Restful but quick hunters already know a little bit... We're looking at the signs from six months ago. I wish it was temporary... but the final gate came through this sign, too."

“History repeats itself… Does the Association consider such a first class gate to be a sign? ”

“Yes, we don't know right now because we need a bit more data to get an accurate view of the velocity… if it's short, we think it's four years. ”

He nodded slightly at Seung-ho's words and the color of Magithae's face indicating positivity became somewhat darker, and the face of Seung-ho who heard him became darker.

“… damn it. What the fuck?"

“It is likely that destroying the nucleus will not solve this phenomenon. ”


“You must kill the Gate Master. The majority anticipates that the gate will be repeated indefinitely unless we capture Vallock, the last gate master. ”

I didn't expect Seung-ho's mouth to shut in a more desperate story.

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