[ReadyGo! 】

The terrifying fierce flame exploded on the dragon girl like magma, and then gathered on her right leg. At this moment, even if the dragon girl stood motionless, she looked like a monster that could bring natural disasters.

Everything around her is melting, whether it is the ground or the building that has collapsed not far away!

However, she hasn't kicked it for a long time!

"What are you hesitating? Are you afraid of failure?" Jon chuckled lightly.

He knew what the dragon maiden was waiting for, but it wasn't necessary.

His words also made the Dragon Girl give up waiting, and at the same time made her understand that the gap between her and Uncle Blood Latent was far more terrifying than she had imagined.


"I will never fail!"

[GreatDragonicFinish! 】

The fierce flames that had condensed into substance broke out completely at this moment, and kicked Jon's arms across his chest.


At the moment of contact between the two, whether it was Cyprus in the Mita realm or the Cyprus on the side of the normal world, they were all lit by such flames, as if the night had been dissipated!

A giant flame dragon made of fierce flames rushed out from the dragon girl's right foot, pushing Jon's body back and forth, and at the same time leaving a terrible magma channel in the spreading area.

What made people swallow subconsciously is that even if this fierce flame dragon kept pushing Jon back all the way, there was no tendency to weaken at all! It didn't stop completely until the Cyprus in the Mita realm was divided into two with a magma river.

Such an attack also made people understand how terrifying the Kamen Rider, who is regarded as proud by the people of Katsura, is really terrifying.

Even if dozens of dragon-shaped disasters are lined up in a row, they will probably be burned to ashes under this foot!

So will Evolto be defeated under such an attack?

The people swallowed subconsciously and looked towards the end of the disappearance of the fierce Yanlong.

If they can, they hope that monster will never make a sound again, but...

"Hazard level...6.7, really an amazing achievement."

Obviously the figure did not appear in their sight, but the voice was transmitted to everyone's mind like the previous reappearance when the other party appeared in Cyprus, as if it was also telling everyone.

Evolto cannot be defeated.


[EvolDriver! ] "The noise that came out is really big..." The total tone of E, who turned into a poor riding form, seemed a little helpless, the blood-red weird mist surged on his hands, and at the edge of this weird mist The place is a space that is constantly distorted and then repaired.

Unlike the dragon girl who used high temperature to warp the air, the Blood form has the ability to destroy space!

Even if the mist named Calamity Reiki hasn't exerted its true power yet, from its performance at this moment, one can see how terrifying it is.

If Douzhen is in a complete body state, he naturally doesn't need to care about this level of power, but he who appears in this world is just a clone.

He couldn't help this enemy in front of him in a short time.

It's not that the poor riding form that President E transformed into at the moment already possessed the combat power of the posture that Jon and Dragon Girl transformed into at the time.

There are three reasons.

First, the last time Jon and Douzhen fought, he didn't show his full strength at all, and he didn't use many of his abilities in the Blood form.

The second is that Douzhen needs to continue to influence the Mita realm while fighting, which involves a part of his power.

The third is that part of the power given to Jon before has caused the real power of fighting in this world to drop by a bit.

But E always did not know.

"Obviously, I also set my goal on the "desire messenger". Strictly speaking, our goal is the same. "Er always spread his hands helplessly, "Even he acquiesced. "

Dou Zhen ignored Mr. E's words, raising his hand was a shock wave that could also tear apart space.

E always seemed to have expected it, almost at the same time that Dou Zhen started his hands, he also hit the shock wave released by Dou Zhen with a punch.

Calamity aura once again showed its fangs at this moment!

When the two attacks that could easily break the space formally collided together, another roar that could sweep across Cyprus sounded, and even Eiji Hino could feel the terrible movement.

At this moment, all the clones created by the worm system have disappeared, and Hino Eiji himself is also out of breath, but the most serious thing is not the physical problem of Hino Eiji, but the three imitation worm core coins in the OOO drive!

After all, imitations are imitations, just like they quickly shattered after carrying Anku’s consciousness before, leaving only the only bird-type core coin that Anku specially kept for Hino Eiji. Their carrying capacity is the same. After all, they are limited, not to mention that before coming to this world, Eiji Hino has used them for a hard fight.

And now, cracks have gradually begun to appear on the core coins of these three worm-based imitations.

And this scene was watched by Kazzari.

"Sure enough, imitations are just imitations..." Kazzari grinds his claws, and a penetrating light flashes through the scarlet beast eyes, mockingly said.

Facing the attacks of many knights, Kazzari could not see any injuries on his body. Of course, the reason for this was that the body of the Desire was purely composed of cell coins. Even if the injuries were injured, they would only appear in the form of dropping cell coins. But I have to say that this scene makes people who are watching this battle feel depressed.

For the time being, the battle between Doujin and Killbus will not be mentioned. Kamen Rider Cross-Z is definitely not Evolto's opponent. If even this side loses, then does humanity have a future?

At this moment, people subconsciously held their breath, and then they heard a sound that rang through the horns in every corner of Cyprus.

"Don't forget, human desires can be changed!"

This sentence made people stunned.


Shamir flushed and panted.

After the battle in the Meta realm started, Shamir did not follow the Kamen Rider like everyone else, but found a countermeasure team in Cyprus.

He knows that now is his only chance!

Killbus and Evolto are all in the Mita realm, unable to control the Cyprus countermeasure team as before.

He needs the help of the Cyprus countermeasure team, as well as the help of these "parasited" companions.

The only problem is...

Does the Cyprus countermeasure team still have the idea of ​​resisting Evolto and Killbus?

At the beginning, Shamir went to see the Cypriot countermeasures team with a sense of anxiety, and then...

His will was answered.

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