
Is this really just a matter of effort?

Perhaps in his eyes, even if he has put all his strength and needs to bet on his own life to accomplish things, he will only smile and say to the people being helped in the end-this is just a matter of effort!

Like the sacrificed Kamen Riders, Wuma Youxiang thought this way in her heart.

However, she could not continue to delve into this issue because there was already a person in her sight.

A person who makes her feel nervous subconsciously.

God on behalf of the sword!

Unlike Ji Ming and Tong Yao who were recognized by Kamen Rider and then gained power, Wuma Youxiang had never seen God Sword before, she was recognized directly.

It was the unicorn fairy type strengthening device that can travel through time and space that brought the transformation sword to her side, allowing her to transform into Kamen Rider Sasword.

She was directly recognized by Sasword!

Due to Zecter's particularity, she felt that the relationship between herself and Shendaijian might be very unpleasant.

However, to her surprise, Shendaijian was not as arrogant as she had guessed before, just glanced at her.

"Do you want to stand at the top even when you are in hell? No wonder Sasword chooses to recognize you." Shendaijian said proudly, but just said such a sentence and didn't speak any more.

Kaga Mishin showed an apologetic expression at Wuma Yuka, while Shishima just noticed the strange atmosphere for the first time, and then asked Hino Eiji as if to change the subject:

"Eiji, what's the next plan?"

"The plan hasn't changed much." Hino Eiji smiled, "because in fact, no matter how the situation changes, our purpose has not changed after all, and the approach is correct."

This sentence made other people's faces bewildered, and in the next second I heard Hono Eiji's words again.

"It's always been for them to see our hands reaching them."


Hino Eiji and Shindaijian met, but not everyone who rushed back after learning about what happened in Cyprus happened to ran into each other.

With the convenience of the wizard's ring and the power of Phoenix, the "Phantom" that has become the source of her magic power, Tong Yao was the first to return to Cyprus.

Similarly, she also noticed the consequences when the "parasites" got together.

Tong Yao is not hostile to these "parasites", because she once belonged to the monsters in people's eyes, and even brought misfortune to her closest people, and even the people who really saved her were sacrificed for it.

When the Shendaijian descended in this world, Tong Yao had a wave of hope in her heart.

She feels that since the Godsword can descend in this world, then the real Kamen Rider Wizard Cao Zhenqing may also come to this world, so she may be able to know what she has always thought from Cao Zhenqing's population. The name of the person you are looking for.

Even if the other party is really dead, she still wants to find any clues about the other party.

Not only her, but also her younger sister Tong Fei.

But to Tong Yao's regret, Cao Zhenqing did not come into this world, but she was not discouraged because her hope was lost.

She had already decided, just like Mr. Wizard who rescued her, to become the last hope of those who are about to fall into the abyss of despair.

The "parasite" may be different from her at the time, but if she continues to succumb to desire, she will also fall into the abyss of despair, and such signs have gradually begun to appear.

So ordinary people who flee because of fear of them, take their houses for granted and occupy other people's property?

This is no longer their "desire"!

After observing for a while, Tong Yao was about to leave first, but the second after she turned and left, she noticed a familiar figure in the corner of her eye.

"It's him..." Tong Yao frowned slightly as she looked at a pale youth who seemed to endure some pain.

Tong Yao recognized the other party. It was because she and Shendaijian had spent a lot of effort before to strip the monster called "Dark Envoy" from him. After crawling out of the abyss, he was kicked back by desire to become a drug addict again. youth.

Although Shendaijian made her feel uncomfortable, she actually claimed that in the future, she would surpass Mr. Wizard to stand at the top in magic, but Tong Yao obviously would not put such prejudice on this young man.

What she was puzzled was that this young man had clearly got rid of the identity of the "parasited", why did he come here?


Toks, the former "parasite" who was saved by Tong Yao and Shendaijian, felt like insects crawling in every bone in his body, making his spirit trance, and he brought everything with him. Ghosting.

After walking a few steps, he sat on a bench by the roadside, panting heavily.

But even in a trance and physical pain, he did not choose to succumb again, nor did he hesitate to come to Cyprus.

He has been saved, saved by Master Sword and Kamen Rider Phoenix.

He obviously didn't need to be here, but after learning that other "parasitic people" kept pouring into Cyprus, he realized what was wrong.

It is definitely the monster who kicked their unfortunate people into the abyss ready to do it!

So Tokes came, he wanted to prove with himself that these "parasites" did not lose their future, and at the same time, they need to rely on themselves to fight for the future!

As long as you go to the Kamen Rider for help, you will be rescued!

Sitting on the bench, Tok stared at Venus, and even had a desire to vomit, but when he almost passed out in pain, a voice rang in his ear, but Tok in this state In Si's ears, this voice seemed to be indistinct as if it were coming from a long distance, as if...

Asking if he needs help?

He opened his eyes with difficulty and looked to the right hand side, and then saw a familiar figure.


During this period of time, Jessica has been following Wuma Youxiang’s instructions, trying to get forgiveness from other people. Some people think she fell badly and then yelled at her for what she did, others because she still did. People with special abilities pretended not to care for fear of inviting revenge, and some, like Pemi, really chose to forgive her.

After seeing Pemi, everything seemed to be fine, and the names on the list she drafted at the beginning were also crossed out one by one.

But after learning what happened in Cyprus, she returned here without hesitation.

Because Jessica knew very well that Wuma Youxiang did not apologize to make her apologize, but wanted her to realize that it was wrong to hurt others because of her inability to control her desires!

As a "parasited", she is unfortunate.

But as the person who was pulled back from **** by Wuma Youxiang, she was lucky again.

So she chose to return to Cyprus, wanting to use her experience to tell the "parasites" and ordinary people, telling them that if the "parasites" can return to normal, they will definitely go to atone for their actions.


She met someone who came to Cyprus with the same idea.

Maybe this is just an ordinary person, but Jessica feels that the other party is stronger than her in the peak state!

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