I use deputy job plus talent

Chapter 202: The Way of the Other (Updated for 1150 orders)

Among the batch of mandatory tasks that Baiyun Sect received, the most difficult one was the task of rescuing the Dirt Elephant.

Dirt Elephant is located in the south of Yuzhou, at the junction of north and south. It can be said to be one of the gateways guarding the north. The county where it is located is called Shuize County.

The strength of the Dirt Elephant is similar to that of the Baiyun Elephant more than a thousand years ago, and it is probably ranked around ninety in the Vientiane Sect. Although there is no supreme god sitting in charge, there are a large number of Jindan real people guarding it.

The status of the Dirt Elephant in Shuize County is similar to that of the Baiyun Sect in Baiyun County. However, the status of the Dirt Elephant in the Wanxiang Gate far exceeds that of the Baiyun Elephant. This is because the Dirt Elephant guards the gateway to the north of Yuzhou. One of them is one of the Thousand Elephants of the Wanxiang Sect. It is not like the Baiyun Elephant where the entire elephant was rushed to Baiyun County.

In addition to owning Shuize County, Dirt Elephant also has its own station in the third ring road of Vientiane City. It can receive a lot of resources and treasures every year. This kind of treatment is far better than that of Baiyun Elephant back then.

But in just a few decades, the fastest group of demons and monsters have reached Shuize County. After Shuize County, they will reach the wealthy northern counties.

This is a test and an unprecedented provocation. If there is no counterattack, more monsters will come from the southern counties, and the situation that has been balanced for several years will be reversed again.

Therefore, this mandatory task was assigned to Baiyun Xiang, which has the super magic war god Song Fulu. The purpose is self-evident, which is to let Song Fulu give the enemy a head-on blow and show the Wanxiang Sect's attitude.

In addition to rescuing the Dirt Elephant, Song Fulu also needs to protect Shuize County, which is also one of the gateways to the northern counties of Wanxiang Gate.

Song Fulu couldn't stand the Wanxiang Sect that kept retreating step by step, so this move was in line with his wishes. If it hadn't been for this unexpected news, Song Fulu might have gone right away.

But after learning the news, Song Fulu immediately changed his decision.

It turns out that the Wanxiang Sect assigned a mandatory task to rescue the White Cloud Elephant back then. Even if the White Cloud Elephant could not be saved, it would try to bring back the essence of the White Cloud Elephant as much as possible.

The one who received this compulsory assignment was the Treasure Hunting Elephant, an elephant ranked thirty-ninth, only three places lower than the White Cloud Elephant at the moment.

Because the punishment for the compulsory mission was large, Treasure Hunting Elephant quickly sent a small god with a concentration level to rescue him. If nothing unexpected happened, even if Baiyun County could not be saved, nearly half of the monks from the Baiyun Sect could be successfully brought to Wanxiang City. , and will not be slaughtered by demons and monsters in vain.

But when the treasure-hunting little god passed by the Dirt Elephant, he was attracted by the Dirt Elephant with a treasure map. He postponed the rescue of the White Cloud Elephant and instead took the Dirt Elephant's people to hunt for the treasure.

By the time he came out after searching for the treasure, the White Cloud Elephant had been destroyed by a thousand demonic dragons, leaving only a pile of broken bricks and ruins, and there was no need to rescue him at all.

However, this treasure hunt has yielded a lot of rewards, and Dirt Elephant has also gained a lot. Therefore, Treasure Hunt Elephant did not take the punishment for failing the mandatory task at all.

And according to the information investigated, the Dirt Elephant had a conflict with the White Cloud Elephant hundreds of years ago. At that time, the Dirt Elephant wanted the White Cloud Elephant to provide them with a batch of precious dirt items, but the price given was too low. Even the market He paid less than 50% of the price, and even claimed that he was a member of the Wanxiang Sect and hoped that Bai Yunxiang could take care of him.

However, Baiyun Xiang didn't pay attention to it at that time. The rankings of both parties in the Wanxiang Gate were almost the same. You are not the Shangzong Shangxiang. Why did you let me sell the dirt to you so cheaply? So the Dirt Elephant hated Baiyun Xiang.

The treasure hunt could have been postponed, or other gods could be asked for help, but the Dirt Elephant chose that time to find the Treasure Elephant. As a result, the Baiyun Sect was destroyed, and tens of thousands of formal disciples were left alive. Ten thousand.

This time, the mandatory task was assigned to Baiyun Xiang. It was not an accident, but another elephant did it deliberately and affected the Hall of Reward and Punishment when assigning tasks.

Although we don’t know which elephants they are yet, they are just some elephants that have a grudge against the treasure-hunting elephants. As for the elephants that have a grudge against the dirt elephants, except for the white cloud elephants, none of them have such strength.

As the name suggests, the Treasure Hunting Elephant mainly focuses on treasure hunting. Its Qianxun training system is famous for treasure hunting, tracking, and escaping. It is somewhat unscrupulous in order to obtain various treasures. In many treasure hunts, the latecomers came first and took away the other elephants first. of treasure.

The eating appearance is too ugly, and even some soup and water are not left for other elephants. There are too many elephants offended, and it is not easy to find the person behind the scenes.

After understanding the situation, Song Fulu immediately returned to Baiyunding and continued to learn the new magical secrets. At the same time, he asked everyone in Baiyun Elephant to declare to the outside world that the Elephant Master is currently coming to the heavens, and it is still a high-energy world, and it is temporarily impossible to go to the rescue.

However, in order to show the unity and friendship among the elephants, Baiyun Elephant sent ten true elders to Shuize County to rescue the Dirt Elephants. These ten true elders are all real people in the middle stage of Jindan or above, and they are almost the most elite group of Baiyun Elephants. Jin Dan is a real person, and he is full of sincerity.

However, on the way to Shuize County, the ten true elders suddenly discovered a treasure map, so they decided to go treasure hunting and sent a message to the Golden Elixir disciples of Treasure Hunting Elephant. Soon a large number of Treasure Hunting Elephant Golden Elixir disciples swarmed over. , went treasure hunting with Bai Yunxiang’s true elders.

A few months passed like this, and by the time the ten true elders appeared near Shuize County with only a few treasures, the Dirt Elephant had been defeated by the Crimson Earth Dragon, and none of the Elephant's disciples remained.

After hearing the news, the ten true disciples of Baiyun Xiang resolutely returned to Baiyun Xiang after mourning. After all, how could a group of Jindan elders be the opponent of a demon god.

Soon after, good news came out about Baiyun Elephant. The elephant owner returned from the high-energy world and went to Shuize County in person, preparing to avenge the dead disciple of Dirt Elephant.

Shuize County, where the dirt elephants reside.

The so-called dirt phenomenon, the core of its system is to collect all kinds of dirt between heaven and earth and integrate it into the exercises, so that the exercises have strong pollution power and can pollute all things.

There are swamps everywhere in Shuize County, and dirt is everywhere in the depths of the swamp. It is one of the most suitable places for the Dirt Elephant Kung Fu system.

Losing Mizusawa County is definitely a very heavy blow to Dirt Elephant. Whether it can make a comeback in the future is still unknown.

However, if Song Fulu recaptures Shuize County, Wanxiangmen will most likely allocate this place to the Dirt Elephant, so he must find a way to deal with this place properly so that even if it is recaptured by him, it will not be allocated to the Dirt Elephant. , it is best to give it to Baiyun Xiang.

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