Nanga Shrine.

In the dark secret room, at this time, the faces of Uchiha Fugaku and Elder Shuna were flushed, they had not heard such good news since the Nine Tails Rebellion.

“Haha, if it’s true, then the fifth generation Hokage is just around the corner.”

“Yes, although the Hyuga clan is not as good as our Uchiha, it is also the second largest family in Konoha, and the strength of the branch family far exceeds that of the sect family.”

“Hmph, what clan family, a group of ninjas who rely on the division of families to protect the battlefield, will only enslave the divided families, don’t look at the clan high, but seventy percent of the combat effectiveness of the Hyuga clan is in the division, when the time comes, hum!”

At this time, the elder showed a look of disdain, and he Yuchiha had never looked down on the concept of the Hyuga clan’s clan division.

Uchiha Fugaku looked at the night, and the staid dead man nodded with a rare smile on his face: “Well, although our Uchiha clan is big now, it is too lonely, if there is a Hinata family to join, it is just right.”

Even the elder couldn’t help but smile with satisfaction and nodded, “Yes, the Hyuga family is a group of elites, and I have never seen the Hyuga family who is afraid of death on the battlefield, and Uchiha can be regarded as an ally in the future.” ”

Uchiha has always been isolated, it’s not that they haven’t tried to find allies, but since the incident of the founding of the village, the Uchiha family has naturally been unable to win over allies, and finally there are allies to woo, they still want it, isn’t it a little resource interest, where is it important to hug each other to keep warm.

Uchiha has been lonely for too long, if the Hyuga family can really come out, it is almost the same as betraying, and then rely on them Uchiha to give up some resources to re-establish the Hyuga clan, then the two clans will be natural allies, and they will advance and retreat together in the future when playing with the Hokage high-level.

As the patriarch and the elder, none of them are fools, naturally they can see the benefits in the future, although at the moment they want to cut out a part of the interests, not to mention the great cause of the Uchiha family, let’s say that even if they want to cut off the benefits in exchange for allies, no one has come ah, this is sent to the door, they really have to grasp it.

“Fugaku, this time you must pay attention to Hinata’s separation, in the future, you will be an ally who can safely deliver your back, and the old man can imagine the picture of Uchiha and Hinata fighting together in the future police department or battlefield.”

The elder showed an even more excited look when he was relieved, and Uchiha finally had a true ally. And Uchiha Fugaku also nodded firmly after hearing this: “Don’t worry, Elder, Hinata’s reconnaissance melee combat can be combined with our Uchiha’s Sharingan, and it will definitely not be inferior to the three clans of Pig, Deer and Butterfly.”

Seeing that the patriarch and elder decided to cut out a part of the interests and prepare to help the split family re-establish a new Hyuga clan without the slightest hesitation, Uchiha Ye sighed in shame in his heart, I didn’t lie, I just hid the news, when Orochimaru-sensei had an accident, this Hyuga family separation was the richest part of his inheritance to receive from his teacher.

“Patriarch, elder, this is the “caged bird” that I studied together with the teacher of the big snake pill, although the caged bird is a means of controlling the separation of families, but I have to say that there is still merit, and this spell seal may be a godsend for the existence of our pupil art family. ”

Uchiha Ye solemnly took out the perfect version of the sealing scroll of the caged bird, and Uchiha Fugaku and Elder Shuna also solemnly took it and looked at it.

“Wonderful, wonderful, this is simply born for the pupil family, this “caged bird” is rather a perfect version of the caged bird, after cutting off the means of control, then it is a prison, a sealing technique that perfectly protects the pupil technique. ”

“Elder, if all the eye-opening people in the family cast this sealing technique, there is no need to worry about the Sharingan being lost in the future.”

Hinata’s caged bird has a keyhole, and this key is kept by the Soka, and this perfect version of the caged bird is directly welded into it, without any gaps, perfectly connecting the brain and the pupil nerve together.

It can be said that it has lost human control, but it is also a seal that protects his chakra eyes and brains.

Uchiha Fugaku and Elder Shina really didn’t expect such benefits, and suddenly the two showed a smile, although they were a little chicken, but at least it was a kind of protection.

The main reason why Uchiha’s Sharingan has not been left behind for so many years (except for Danzo) is the domineering and super repulsive nature of Sharingan, Kakashi can only be said to be an accident, but no one can guarantee that anyone in the ninja world is secretly studying something.

And Uchiha Ye looked at the smiles on the faces of the two, but sighed secretly in his heart, this seal may be the icing on the cake for Uchiha at the moment, but when the kaleidoscopic ability thunder of the Uchiha family is completely spread in the ninja world in the future, then this seal is the existence of charcoal in the snow.

Later, the three began to discuss how to distribute the benefits after Hinata separated.

Under the moonlight, the people of Konoha fell into dreams of a peaceful future, but this night, a black shadow flickered out from the embassy hall from the Land of Thunder.

And Uchiha carried his tired body into a research base at the mouth of a serpentine cave at night.

In the dark study, all kinds of information scrolls that were once piled up were this time a little more messy, and it seemed that there was a lot less information.

It was obvious that the big snake pill had prepared for the worst, and had begun to transfer some important research materials, and all that remained were useless.

“Hehe, the Night Lord has made a lot of movement today.”

Don’t look at Orochimaru has been hiding in the research base and not going out, but all the movements of Konoha have not escaped his eyes.

Uchiha Ye has never thought of lying, at most it is just hiding some information, after all, he never thinks that lies can deceive a person for a lifetime, but the truth is the highest lie.

“Orochimaru-sensei, isn’t it just right to prepare some research funds, after all, the teacher has made great contributions to Konoha.”

Looking at Uchiha Ye’s calm and unashamed appearance, Orochimaru suddenly showed a hoarse laugh, his apprentice has powerful political means, and the means of making money are even more powerful, it seems that since they became master and apprentice, he really hasn’t worried much about research funds.

After his apprentice came, he came forward to pull funds for him, which was also the most gratifying point for him, because in this way he could study unscrupulously.

“Yejun, can’t wait to start preparing to receive the teacher’s inheritance in the village?”

The hoarse laughter echoed in the dimly lit study, but Uchiha did not feel the slightest threat, but shrugged his shoulders and chuckled: “If the teacher is in Konoha, this is naturally all for the teacher, but if the teacher is gone, as an apprentice, I should naturally accept it, after all, the nine-tailed man pillar is a lesson from the past.”

Nine-tailed man pillar force?

After hearing the contrast of this image, Orochimaru suddenly showed an interesting smile, yes, the inheritance of the nine-tailed imp seems to be only that nine-tailed.

Indeed, if Konoha did not have a place for him, then his power in Konoha would be a passing cloud.

“Hehe, so this is the reason why you desperately want to calculate the division of the Hyuga family, with the Hyuga separation as the main backbone, Night-kun, if you were born in the Warring States period, the five powers of the ninja world would have a place for you.”

The big snake pill rarely showed a high evaluation, and he couldn’t help but praise, almost every step was calculating, but it was so seamless, and he was in and out freely.

If he becomes the fifth generation Hokage, Uchiha will naturally rise to the top of the night. If he leaves Konoha, he will be able to rely on Hinata to split the family as the backbone, and he will have his own power in his hands, which is a power of his own outside the family.

Once the Hyuga family is separated, then it is a traitor, and only the big snake pill can be attached, and as soon as the big snake pill leaves, then the separation will be very embarrassing.

The separation is a knife, and the big snake pill is branded with the mark of the big snake pill, and at this time it is a hot potato, but Uchiha Ye, who is a disciple of the big snake pill, is the best heir.

“Hehe, don’t stay overnight, you have to be ready, although the mind is important, but in the ninja world, strength is still respected, what if there is no strong mind.”

When he said this, the corners of Orochimaru’s mouth slowly hooked into a playful smile, Nara Shikaku’s brain is smart enough, but as a result, it is not always possible to rely on others, the mind may be able to obtain temporary benefits, but the strength can make him stand on his feet.


When he heard these two words, the corners of Uchiha’s mouth slowly hooked into a proud smile, “Orochimaru-sensei, I’ll let you see it then.” ”

Now he just needs a stage for a battle to prove his strength, and isn’t this stage already set up, hehe, it’s time for him to take the stage.

Calculate! He never liked it, because he was too tired, but he could only fit in, not change, before he could push Konoha’s strength.

When your strength is strong to a certain point, you can change all the injustices you see, but if your strength is only to wrestle with a group of strong people, then you need to integrate and learn to use your strength to fight.

“Hehe, I’m looking forward to seeing how strong your strength is, Night Lord.”

Orochimaru let out a hoarse laugh under his evil smile, his apprentice became more and more interesting, it seemed that his strength had grown a lot during this time.

How strong?

When he saw the big snake’s meaningful smile, Uchiha Ye also showed a smile, Orochimaru-sensei, I will give you a surprise when the time comes.

At night, the Hyuga clan suddenly became noisy.

In the dark, Hinata Hinata was holding his daughter Hinata at this time, his face was full of solemnity, and at this time, there were guards around who rushed to hear the news.

Directly in front of him, a black-clad masked ninja had been killed, lying on the ground, slowly unmasked, and his face was revealed.

At the moment when his face was revealed, Hinata Hinata’s calm face suddenly showed shock.

It turned out to be the leader of the envoy of the Land of Thunder who had just concluded a treaty with the village, his forehead was wearing obliquely, his pupils had spread, blood flowed from the corners of his mouth, and the appearance of a pinch of beard was all a face he had seen with his own eyes.

“Patriarch, this is!”

Among the guards who rushed in, there were also people who recognized the identity of the person who was killed, and they couldn’t help but show shock, knowing that in the face of the messengers of the Land of Thunder, they Konoha were greeted by each other, and many ninjas had seen it, so they clearly knew the identity of the other party.

At this moment, Hinata Hiashi instantly knew that the matter was in order, and there was a hint of panic under the shocked look, the country of thunder is so planned.

That night, the Hokage office building was brightly lit, and the high-ranking officials who had just signed a peace treaty on their front feet got up in the middle of the night and hurried to the office building.

In the brightly lit Hokage conference room, the three generations of Hokage Ape Flying Sun, Shimura Danzo, Koharu, Mito Menyan, and Konoha’s high-level F4 gathered, and their faces were gloomy and terrible, which shows that this time Konoha is going to have a big turmoil.

“We just signed a treaty with Lei Zhiguo, and as a result, tonight the leader of the envoy of the Thunder Country secretly went to the Hyuga clan to rob the daughter of the clan Hinata, which was obviously premeditated, and the other party did not plan to succeed from the beginning.”

The sophisticated three generations of Hokage directly pointed out the key problem, the means of the country of thunder is clearly to disgust them, don’t say that you are a messenger, even if you thunder shadow comes, you see if you can walk out of Konoha Village with your whole body, a messenger really should be the god of the ninja world.

“Using this means to create diplomatic contradictions, Yunyin Village is still as despicable as ever.”

It was obvious that Shimura Danzo was full of anger, and he was originally thinking of waiting for this group of messengers to secretly let people impersonate the ninjas of Iwahide Village on the way back to engage in a wave of tricks to plant blame, but he was confused at the door.

As one of the high-ranking people, Xiaochun frowned and shook his head: “Now is not the time to think about this problem, but how to provoke Yunyin Village, it is a war!” Or continue talking. ”

I have to say that this wave of operations in Yunyin Village is not to say how clever it is, but it is indeed disgusting enough, after all, this is a diplomatic accident, people have to sue the evil person first, then Konoha can only suffer this loss.

You said to the outside world that the messenger of the Yunyin Village has come to your old nest of Konoha, and you can still sneak into Hinata’s mansion in the middle of the night? Also robbed the daughter of the head of the Hyuga family? Finally killed by your people?

Let’s not talk about this statement, if you say it or not, it is a joke that people can sneak into the Hyuga family’s mansion under your nose.

Careless! They were all careless.

Mito Menyan frowned, at the moment Konoha is not afraid of Yunyin Village, but where is there a casual war, that war is not for interests, there is no benefit at all in fighting now.

“Ape Fei, tomorrow the people of Yunyin Village will definitely come to make trouble, but it is an eventful autumn right now, Yunyin Village is also the opportunity for our Konoha turmoil, if there is friction with Yunyin Village at this time, under the tense situation, once the border falls into a glue, I am afraid that only the big snake pill in Konoha today will come out.”

Mito Menyan pointed to the point, and in an instant, the faces of the three changed in an instant, and Xiaochun shook his head even more after listening to it: “Ape Fei, it is still safe at this time, the village has experienced too much turmoil, but it is as Menyan said, if the big snake pill makes another battle merit, at that time, I am afraid that no one can stop the big snake pill from ascending to the top of the Hokage.”

“After the war, if Konoha welcomes the Great Snake Pill again, hey, the Great Snake Pill is indeed a qualified candidate, but at this time, Konoha can’t withstand the turmoil.”

Perhaps there are interests in this, but more often they are old, and they are afraid that the Konoha prosperous era they created with their own hands will end up in their hands.

Their minds have become narrow-minded to the point that only their thinking is right, once Orochimaru comes to power, the forces of all parties in Konoha will be reshuffled, and a Konoha who has just experienced a series of wars will experience political turmoil, will the enemy take advantage of the void? Just like in World War II, after the death of the first and second generations, the entire ninja world began to be chaotic.

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