In the gloomy underground research institute, the imaginary humidity was not it, but dry and bright, but the winding serpentine passage was a little too much. With a

crunch, the door of the research room slowly opened, and the medical ninja wearing protective masks were busy, when a figure intercepted the comer.

“Lord Night, the person behind you needs to sign a confidentiality agreement.”

A guard wearing a protective mask respectfully walked up to him and stretched out his arm to intercept them, and Uchiha nodded with a smile when he saw this, “Okay.”

“Kakashi, you come to sign the confidentiality agreement.”

Signing a confidentiality agreement, which would only be carried out when stepping into some kind of secret base in the village or attending a secret meeting, Kakashi, who saw this scene, was even more shocked in his heart, this was actually the secret research base in the village.

Although he has a mission, he knows that if this is really done privately, he will definitely not be allowed to enter, so this is definitely the research base of the village, which is formal and legal.

If it is private, don’t say whether he can come, even if he can, it will not be a non-disclosure agreement.

Kami-Shinobu is eligible to participate in various secrets in the village, and because of some needs, it is possible to enter certain secret bases after signing a confidentiality agreement.

“Okay.” Kakashi respectfully took the pen and scroll, and when he signed his name, he left his fingerprints at the end to allow him to enter.

“Kakashi, Orochimaru-sensei now belongs to the root department, since you have been in the dark department, then you should naturally know, so I won’t say more.” Taking Kakashi

towards the inside, at the same time Uchiha Ye said with a relaxed smile, as if the two were confidantes and friends, and Kakashi deeply remembered his mission, and couldn’t help but feign a puzzled look, and said indifferently: “Then what is the research here?”

In the face of Kakashi’s inquiry, Uchiha Ye showed an apologetic smile and waved his hand, “The secrets of the research cannot be said, but the rest are not classified either, and they can be told to you.”

“The research here is responsible for cultivating limbs and organs, making limb organ transplantation technology more mature, and even achieving the purpose of self-cultivation, so that there is no need to do it to those death row prisoners and spies.” In the upper ninja stage, the

transplantation of limbs and organs has long been no secret, after all, if an upper ninja breaks his palm or loses an organ because of a battle, it would be a pity to directly reduce the number of personnel without fighting.

On the contrary, it is normal to find an organ and limb that also has Chakra without rejection, most spies, traitors, and death row prisoners will end up like this, and even in times of war, captured ninjas of enemy countries will be included in the target, after all, cutting each other’s flesh to nourish their own side, for whom they will do this.

It’s just that these are the unspoken rules tacitly agreed by the five major powers of the ninja world, and they will not be moved to the table, and the rest of the small countries can achieve this technique too little.

Kakashi looked at the dazzling base, where there were petri dishes everywhere, including arms, thighs, and even hearts, as if some kind of cruel culture experiment was going on here.

“Night, you are!”

At this time, Kakashi Kiki was a little silent, it seemed that he felt that the other party wanted to pull him into the water, after all, although he was a pure ninja, but his brain was not stupid, how could he not see that what the Seventh Police Detachment did recently was to represent that Orochimaru was sending a signal to the village, a signal of his political intentions for Orochimaru.

Kakashi’s appearance was naturally seen by Uchiha Ye, he directly showed an apologetic smile, and then when he looked around and found that no one was paying attention to them, he couldn’t help but slow down and whispered in Kakashi’s ear as the two walked parallel forward.

“Kakashi, no way, if you don’t suppress this Sharingan, it will consume your Chakra all the time, in this case, if you don’t adapt to the Sharingan, you will almost be wasted, even if you adapt, your cultivation will be affected in the future.”

Kakashi has a chakra eye that automatically consumes Chakra all the time, in this case, he can hardly concentrate on cultivation, it can be said that there is almost only one direction of Kakashi’s cultivation today, that is, control!

A genius, dragged down by a chakra eye, will drag the former genius into the abyss.

Especially at this age, which is the explosive period of every ninja’s development, Kakashi almost stopped because of the chakra eye.

Looking at Uchiha Ye’s apologetic smile, a warm current rose in Kakashi’s long-sealed heart, and he couldn’t help but bow his head and whisper, “Night, thank you.” “Hehe,

Kakashi-sama, don’t worry, I won’t make it difficult for you, when the time comes to solve your eye problem, you won’t have to worry about anything.”

Uchiha nodded with a smile for his old classmate, as if to say that although he had a short time in school, he still had feelings.

But Kakashi had another sense of guilt in his heart, he would never be soft on his enemies, even if it was a rebellion of the same village, but this time he wanted to use his companions.

At first, Kakashi thought that his old classmate was going to drag himself into the water to join the Orochimaru series, after all, there were some things he could still see.

One is the name of his flagwood, eight years later, the prestige of the White Fang is still there, especially when he became a shinobi at the age of twelve, these invisible things and connections, for ordinary ninjas, may be nothing, but for politicians are very important.

The other genius ninja himself was Konoha, a twelve-year-old upper ninja, enough to attract some young ninjas.

The prestige of his father White Fang, the fourth generation of Hokage’s students, and his own genius ninja, these three together are some invisible political accumulation, and whoever gets Kakashi can get these three political investments.

So Kakashi thinks that Uchiha is trying to drag him into the water, but that doesn’t seem to be the case right now.

“Don’t talk later, leave everything to me, you can rest assured, Sensei Orochimaru’s chest will not be small.”

Uchiha smiled and winked at him, as if to say let’s take the benefits first, and you don’t have to worry about the rest.

However, this scene in Kakashi’s eyes, there was a feeling that the other party did not want him to be involved in this muddy water.

Kiki Kakashi joined the seventh police detachment, one is cultivation on the bright side, and the other is also a political investment, but this is the same as Inuzuka and Oil Girl, it is an ordinary political investment.

And Uchiha and Hinata are a little different, and they have already bet directly on Orochimaru and made their position clear. Therefore, in

Kakashi’s eyes, Uchiha Ye seemed to not want him to be completely involved in this muddy water, and it was precisely because of this that he felt even more guilty in his heart.

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