“Stop you?”

At this time, Uchiha Ye pretended to be stunned, and then as if he saw the other party’s shock and puzzlement, he immediately smiled and shook his head: “Stop the water, I was also shocked at first, but then I didn’t think so.”

“Big Brother Night, what do you mean by this?”

At this time, the water stop was obviously frowning, after all, human testing is a strictly forbidden existence in the ninja world.

However, Uchiha Ye smiled and shook his head with a look that you didn’t understand and sighed: “Stop the water, just like your existence as an elite ninja of the family, you naturally know a lot of things in the family, but I don’t know, and I followed Orochimaru-sensei during this time, obviously passed the teacher’s test, and some things are naturally not shocked when I see them.”

“Second generation Hokage-sama knows, right?” After hearing this, Uchiha

frowned, and then nodded slightly, and Uchiha Ye looked around with a cautious look, and after confirming that there was no one, he whispered: “Orochimaru-sensei is in charge of the village’s confidential research mission, which is the unfinished human experiment of the second generation Hokage.”

“Also, the first person in charge of the human test in the village is the second generation Hokage-sama, followed by the leader of the root, Shimura Danzo, and now Orochimaru-sensei.”

At this moment, Uchiha stopped the water shocked, he naturally knew some darkness in the village, after all, there is light in the ninja world, there is naturally darkness, but he really did not expect that the village verbally shouted the slogan of prohibition, and secretly it has been continuing, really depends on this situation or Naruto-sama led, or the second generation Hokage-sama.

Looking at the shock of stopping the water, Uchiha muttered secretly at night, I didn’t lie to people, this is all true, as for what you think, that’s your business.

“Don’t talk about our Konoha, other villages have always had it, but it’s all kept secret, and I’ll tell you another news!”

When he said this, Uchiha Ye’s expression was obviously a little more solemn, and he said in a deep voice: “The Mudu ninja experiment that was once banned in the village has not stopped, and it has even succeeded.


It is obvious that the Yuzhibo Shuishui family is a descendant of the Uchiha Realm, and under the different status in the family, they naturally know some secrets, at this time, his eyes widened, Mu Dun planned that he had heard of this horrific human experiment, he really did not expect that the village had been secretly carried out, and even succeeded.

Looking at the shock of stopping the water, Uchiha Ye gently shook his head and sighed: “Orochimaru-sensei is because he has seen too many tragedies happen, so these human experiments are completed using enemy ninjas, and the root of the danzo!” Forget it, don’t say it, I’m afraid you can’t accept the water stop, after all, the human experiment was secretly planned by the second-generation Hokage-sama, and the wooden ninja plan was completed under the leadership of the third-generation Hokage.

He didn’t lie to people when he said this, wasn’t the wooden ninja completed during the reign of the three generations of Hokage Ape Flying Sun, as for the three generations do not know, who can be blamed, you can only blame your old Jiyou for concealing it, but to say that you don’t know this secret research, that’s.

Under your nose, you don’t know?

And after a brief shock, he calmed down, human experiment! Mu Duan’s plan was completed under the leadership of the three generations of Hokage, and even Big Brother Ye didn’t want to mention it, I am afraid that the success of this plan was very tragic. Looking at the

self-brain supplement Uchiha stopped the water, Uchiha muttered secretly at night, I am telling the truth, as for what you think is your own business, anyway, he doesn’t believe it, you now know the darkness of some villages, you can also turn your head to the three generations of blind worship.

The original book suspended the trust of water blindness, I am afraid that the source is that Uchiha panicked for a period of time after losing power, and could not be at ease, and this period of time must have experienced the defection of the Great Snake Pill, after all, the Nine Tails Rebellion did not take long after.

In this case, Shisui bears the burden of the family, and Hokage is a three-generation leader who is extremely good at buying people’s hearts, and naturally the hope of Shisui is placed on the three generations of Hokage, which is what led to some tragedies. Hope can only

be placed on others, hope can only be placed on oneself.

And this time it is obvious that with his appearance, Uchiha caught the line of the big snake pill in advance, and the big snake pill is definitely a hot figure in this period, the proper future five generations of Hokage, you said that Uchiha’s hope can not be placed on the purpose of the next five generations. In this way, Uchiha

Shisui naturally pinned his hopes on Orochimaru, and unlike in the original book, he has a partner Uchiha Ye instead of being alone, in which case there will be mental dependence.

When Orochimaru defected, and the three generations were not as beautiful as they imagined in Shisui’s mind, heck, when he thought of this, Uchiha couldn’t help but laugh in his heart, this time he wanted to see how you Sandaime and Danzo would treat in the face of the monolithic Uchiha.

That’s right! There is also a two-five weasel, but it’s okay, according to his plan, before the big snake pill defects, he will first send the family fool to the front line, naturally he will help this lost two-five boy find the right goal in life.

“Okay, I’ll secretly lead the elite squad to capture the target.”

This time when the water stop heard the secret news of this subversion, although the heart was shocked, but more helpless, the village has been secretly engaged for so long, and also completed the Mu Dun plan, what can he say with a little upper patience, and this human test is still the second and third generation Hokage,.

He could only pinch his nose and admit it, but Shuishui did not find that the tall and brilliant fire shadow in his heart did not seem to be so dazzling.

After seeing that Shuishui promised to secretly capture the human test target, suddenly Uchiha Ye smiled and nodded at the same time: “Okay, I will go then.”


Under Shuishui’s doubtful gaze, Uchiha Ye shrugged with a smile and said, “Isn’t the psychic beast that Orochimaru-sensei taught me to better complete the task, not to mention that this is a confidential mission, or a task for the next five generations of Hokage.”

After hearing this, Shuishui was stunned, and then a far-fetched smile appeared on his face, but he comforted himself in his heart, it’s okay, anyway, they are all ninjas of enemy countries, even if they don’t do human experiments, they can’t escape death, it’s all for the family and the village.

And Uchiha Ye is also secretly meditating, the big snake pill is still very cunning, this is obviously through the wooing and confirmation.

The amount of tasks given to him can only be completed by Uchiha’s elite dispatch, and as long as Uchiha does it, he will get on his ship of the big snake pill, and naturally the two sides can trust and cooperate.

And the psychic beasts that were also taught to him were obviously used to complete the task, so that they were not afraid of being secretly discovered by people with intentions, after all, the group of snakes in the Dragon Earth Cave can swallow the mobile fortress of ninjas, how secretive.

When he thought of this, Uchiha Ye secretly warned himself to be careful, today’s big snake pill is not the boss who is completely crazy and obsessed with immortal life and writing wheel eyes after becoming a rebel in the later stage, and today’s people are the hottest candidates for the fifth generation, the one who plays politics is clean, and that is a simple color. Well, it

seems that he needs to be more cautious about the family funds that pass through his hands in the future, fortunately it is not long, and fortunately he knows the future, otherwise he will make the difference and eat kickbacks once it is broken, then there is really no turning back.

For a while, Uchiha muttered secretly at night, be cautious, when the time comes, as soon as Orochimaru defects, everything will become headless, naturally all dangers will be lifted, he just needs to be careful during this time.

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