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Chapter 097 Ancient Mysteries


The sky above the continent is still cloudy.

Several days have passed since the giant appeared, and only now has the giant’s figure slowly disappeared.

After the sky returned to normal, everyone discovered that the appearance of the giant had accelerated the rise of the Atlantis continent!

At this time, the continent is already very close to the surface of the sea!

God knows what will happen after the continent really surfaces!

Now, every day, countless people pray that Atlantis will not move after it completely surfaces.

While these people pray that disaster will not come, many are discussing another issue.

In the forum, netizens were the most active.

“Will the gods come, good or bad for us?”

“It should be good for us, otherwise why would so many people believe in God and worship?”

“But if you think about it from another aspect, just like a gangster, if the gangster violently rules a certain community, and the people in the community dare not speak out, will they also show favor when they encounter the gang?”

“Upstairs, your parable is too dark, we are talking about God!”

“Yes, it seems that since ancient times, God has bestowed blessings on mankind, right?”

“That’s all just a legend, we have to think more comprehensively now, you also said that from ancient times to the present, it has been so long, what if there are some other ideas?”

“I don’t believe in God, and what gods have come, I always feel too exaggerated.”

“It’s all now, and the upstairs still doubts the authenticity of the matter? I think your brain can be rebuilt, but I also envy you, there is no pressure at all. ”

“If I want to see, God will surely come, because doesn’t it mean that the heavens and the earth are going to change greatly? Guess what, is the continent of Atlantis the place where the Shen gods will come in the future? ”

On the Internet, many netizens have opened their brains, and even what conspiracy theories, dark theories, cosmology have been made out, I have to say that netizens are indeed very powerful.

And just when there was a heated discussion about the giant’s words on the Internet, a video attracted everyone’s attention.

In the video, a teenager, in the world-famous demon tower, easily killed the demon beast on the first floor!

Such an understatement kill shocked people!

“Is this a monster?”

“A hero is a young man, but it looks like a foreign cultivator?”

“So what’s the matter, don’t we still have Lu Shen in Huaxia, Lu Shen’s strength will definitely not be weaker than him!”

While netizens were talking about strength, another news came from the Internet, like a bombshell, detonated the world!

This news comes from a video.

The person who said this shocking news in the video was the teenager before!

The Internet suddenly exploded!

“He turned out to be a reincarnation? Lived for tens of thousands of years? ”

“Fake, tens of thousands of years, didn’t all the middle humans become extinct once, how did he survive?”

“Stupid is not stupid, people are reincarnators, that is, the memory reincarnation is on the new body!”

“He actually said that the gods have been controlling the earth?”

“Okay, don’t you see how many people worship God every day? There are not many worshippers in China, but it is very exaggerated abroad. ”

“I can still understand controlling the earth, but how can he still say that from ancient times to the present, human beings have been fighting against God? Aren’t God and man on the same front? ”

The content in this video has brought countless people a huge cognitive impact!

Especially people from abroad, all have incredible expressions.

The gods they worshipped for so long were actually opponents of humans?

Is this true or false?

Many believers couldn’t believe the video and began to lash out at the boy, the reincarnation.

But this video is from the official website of the American cultivation, and there is no need to doubt the authenticity.

Moreover, the strength of the reincarnation has been fully demonstrated in the previous video.

Telling such lies is not beneficial to anyone, and there is no need to create such rumors at all.

Some folk gods even found the records of gods in ancient records in the materials, and after they published these materials on the Internet, everyone was in an uproar!

In the “Gleaning Notes”, there is such a passage in the record of the Qin Dynasty: There are people of Wanqu, who came by spiral boat, the boat is shaped like a snail, sinking to the bottom of the sea, and the water does not immerse, a “Ronbo boat”, whose countrymen are ten zhang long, weave the hair of birds and beasts to cover the shape, and the first emperor and he saw it when the heaven and earth opened.

Qin Shi Huang called these people gods!

This record was an eye-opener for everyone.

Why does it look more like an alien account!

Isn’t that spiral boat like a flying saucer? It can also sink to the bottom of the sea, and the water does not immerse, which is a water-air amphibious machine!

But why did Qin Shi Huang call them gods again?

Could it be that our understanding is biased? _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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