The second largest region in Wano Country, Hakumai.

This place has undergone a special transformation of the Fish-Man tribe and has been built into a mermaid settlement similar to the mermaid bay of Fishman Island.

With the collective migration of hundreds of thousands of Fish Terrans to the Land of Wa, in order to allow the Fish Terrans to live here stably, although it will not cause large-scale ecological damage to the Country of Wano as in the original book.

But drastic changes are inevitable.

But it doesn’t matter, anyway, the natives of the country of Wano are almost dead.

And out in the bay of the mermaid in the white dance.

Kaido was shirtless, half-lying in the hot spring.

Many mermaids will surround Kaido, stick their tender skin to him, and wipe their bodies with petite rods.

In front of Kaido, a translucent virtual panel appeared that only he could see.

[Host: Kaido].

[Current Dragon Soul: One Piece Kaido].

[Completion: 100%].

[The first Dragon Soul: Kaido has been completely completed


[The second Dragon Soul has been unlocked: World of Warcraft, Deathwing, Nesario! ] 】

[Second Dragon Soul: Deathwing Nesario].

[Completion: 14.1%].

It is clear that he killed Renly, but the growth value is not as high as expected.

Is it because the current strength has gradually approached the apex level of this world, so the growth rate can only be like this?

Leave these thoughts behind for now, and after the battle, you should enjoy it.


A mermaid came up with a tray containing a glass of Fishman Island’s special wine.

Kaido picked it up and poured it into his mouth, taking a look at the pearl behind the mermaid’s shell.

“Yay! The captain is good or bad! ”

The mermaid coquettishly said.

Just as Kaido was drinking wildly, a baby’s cry planned Kaido’s pleasure.

After a while, the very few old women of the former citizens of Wano Country, who belonged to the flower capital Qinglou, who were not thrown into the sea, sat on a marmoon dog with a baby in her arms, rushed to the hot spring pool, and trotted to Kaido with the girl in her arms.

“Kai, Lord Kaido! Born born! It’s a girl! ”

Wow! Wow! Wow!

The small one in the coat was not the size of Kaido’s finger, as if it would shatter with a light touch, and the monkey-like baby girl kept crying, as if she didn’t know what a terrifying figure she was in front of.

Light Moon Day and.

Daughter of Mitsuki Ota and Mitsuki and sister of Mitsuki Momonosuke.

In the original work, he changed his name to “Xiaozi” in order to hide his identity.

“What about the woman?”

Kaido’s gaze only lingered on Hiyori before he withdrew his gaze and asked while sipping the wine.

The old woman’s face suddenly darkened a little, and she did not dare to answer.


Kaido’s gaze swept over, and the old woman was suddenly frightened, her hands trembled, and she almost fell to the ground in her arms.

“Hug, report, Lord Shi, oh no! At the time of the light moon, he had died in childbirth. ”

The old woman bowed her head and promised.


Kaido rolled his eyes, his tone slightly surprised.

The old woman explained in a trembling voice: “Yes, because her mood has been in a very unstable state recently, coupled with the excessive energy consumed by childbirth, we have done our best to save it, but still…”

“Oh, that’s it, that woman, it’s okay to die.”

Kaido withdrew his gaze and put down the wine glass in his hand, and several mermaids next to him quickly poured wine for him.

Originally, Kaido was interested, but only the light moon day and one, how about the light moon, he was not interested.

It’s better to say that this woman is a problem.

If she takes advantage of her lack of attention and escapes to the future with the ability to activate the Time Fruit, even Kaido will not be able to deal with it.

Originally, Kaido was still thinking about what the woman would do with Guangyue Day and after birth.

Now that she herself is dead, it is also a good result

“Lord Kaido said,”

The old woman in charge of delivering the baby did not dare to complain a little, and immediately nodded and replied, then looked at the Mitsuki Riwa in her arms, and said: “Then Kaido-sama, this child…”

“Don’t you understand me?”

Kaido glanced at the other party coldly, and scared her half to death again.

“I’m looking forward to this little girl’s future confrontation with Momonosuke, and raising her to be a good child for me to die, so you should understand, right?”

Kaido said word by word.

“The old body understands, the old body understands!”

The old woman nodded again and again and retreated.

In this way, the matter of Mitsuki Riwa is temporarily over.

However, the guy from Mitsuki Ota was lucky not to die, and the dissolution of Roger’s pirate group is almost a sure thing, how will they act next?

Thinking of this, Kaido held the hot spring water in one hand and wiped his face.

“Captain, Lord Ember sent someone to deliver today’s newspaper to you~”

A blonde curly-haired mermaid twisted and brought a newspaper to Kaido’s side.


Kaido succinctly uttered only one word.


The blonde mermaid opened the newspaper and said softly:

“The navy crusades against the One Piece King Gor Commanded by D. Roger, the world’s strongest pirate group, the Roger Pirates, won a comprehensive victory, first killed the deputy captain Silbaz Reilly, arrested Douglas Barrett, Sikar…”

“Don’t read the whole article if the Navy is boasting.”

Kaido interrupted impatiently.

He didn’t think the government would publish the truth, but listening to this kind of thing was really disgusting.

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