
The footsteps stopped.

The burly and majestic body of the Tie Kuangshi suddenly stopped and stiffened there.

The "Tie Family" who passed by bowed and saluted him, and he did not hear or see it at all.

At this moment, a cry suddenly sounded in his heart: "Go back! Go back! Go back-!!"

Tie Kuangshi turned around stiffly and looked at the direction of Ji Changting's tent...

Where to go back?

Of course, go back to Ji Changting's tent!

At this time, Tie Kuangshi felt inexplicably that if he rushed back at the fastest speed, he might see the truth!

the truth……

the truth?

the truth! !

Tie Kuangshi gradually gritted his teeth.

go back?

Still not going back?

The choice that should have been easy to make is suddenly extremely difficult at this moment.

go back!

Still don't go back! ?


What should I do if I really see an unsightly picture?

Killed the dog man and woman?

But what's the use of killing them?

Do not!

Will not!

"It's all my own conjecture."

"Changting will never betray me."

"I don't think I'm sorry for her, she won't betray me--no!"

He took a sudden step...

He wants to go back and see, he wants to confirm his conjecture!



"what are you doing here?"

The voice of the iron water column came, and the Tie Kuangshi suddenly returned to his senses.

"Water column..."

"What's up?"

Iron Shuizhu looked at his father with a "???" face, and said, "It's nothing. Dad, are you not feeling well? Your face is so ugly?"

Tie Kuangshi said: "Dad's face is ugly? It's okay. What are you doing?"

Iron Shuizhu said: "Oh, it's fine. I'm going to talk to my mother. If my father has nothing else to do, then I'll go first."

Iron Crazy Lion: "Oh, well..."

He just stared blankly at Tie Shuizhu walking towards her mother's tent...

[Author's digression]: It is done! 7 updates a month in a row! I tried my best. . . Nothing matters at this moment. I have successfully challenged my limits. That satisfaction trumps all.

Chapter 688 What happened must be what happened (one more)


"Water column—"

Tie Kuangshi suddenly made a sound and called out Iron Shuizhu.

She's going to her mother's tent?

Wouldn't it be possible to see some kind of ugly picture...

Although Iron Mad Lion madly told himself "impossible", "impossible", "absolutely impossible".

But his sixth sense kept telling him loudly—something bad was happening in the tent!


At this moment, Tie Kuangshi is very conflicted in his heart!

He just subconsciously called Iron Shuizhu, but he actually didn't know what he was going to do after calling her.

Therefore, when facing the stopped Iron Shuizhu and asked himself, "Dad, what's the matter?", Tie Kuangshi hesitated and was speechless.

After a while, he said, "I just came back from your mother's tent. She doesn't seem to be feeling well. If you have nothing particularly important, go to her next time."

That's all he could say.

At this moment, he really wanted to slap himself - Tie Kuangshi, Tie Kuangshi, look at you now, you can be considered a man! ?

Iron Shuizhu said: "Mother is not feeling well? What's wrong?"

Tie Kuangshi said: "She...it must be a cold. She gave me the power of her bloodline. Now the body is at the weakest time. So she caught a cold accidentally. You should let her rest for a while. ."



How did I forget about this?

Ji Changting gave me her "blood power"!

How could she betray me?

How could she have another man?

"I think too much."

"I must be thinking too much..."

Tie Kuangshi seemed to have received great comfort again.


A dark cloud in my heart, for some reason, is always condensed - **** it! Why am I just worried? !


A question mark at one end of the molten iron.

Xin said: "Even if mother gave her blood to father, she was already a powerful 'cultivator of the original gods', so why wouldn't she catch a cold? Also, father's appearance doesn't seem right..."

She had nothing to worry about about her own father, so she asked, "Father, you seem a little... Did something happen?"

Tie Kuangshi said: "No! No! What can happen if it's good? In short, don't disturb your mother for now. Dad still has important things to deal with. Let's go first."

After speaking, he turned and left.

He didn't want to face his daughter's questions anymore, because he was so upset and didn't know how to answer.

Iron Crazy Lion didn't want his bad side to be seen by his daughter.


Looking at Dad's back, there were more question marks on the head of Hot Metal.

what happened?

I have never seen my father so flustered.

All along, no matter what happened - even yesterday, when the sky seemed to be falling down, my father's face didn't change.

why now...

what happened!

Something must have happened!

And the one who can shake the father's mood seems to be the only mother in this world.

Did something happen to the mother? ? ?

"Go and see!"

"Be sure to figure it out!"

How could Tie Kuangshi know that the more she stopped Tie Shuizhu from seeing Ji Changting, the more she wanted to see it, the more she wanted to see it.

So, she walked in the direction of Ji Changting's tent.

Compared to before, her pace has sped up significantly.

When approaching my mother's tent...

The Iron Mad Lion suddenly froze!

She heard voices...

She heard some kind of sound that she felt she knew even though she was unfamiliar!

After all, she is already so old, not to mention she is married, so she naturally understands some things.

That voice is clearly the voice between a man and a woman...!

However, the voice came from the mother's tent.

One of those voices is...that's...



"Mother... how could my mother find someone else... I must have heard it wrong!"

When the shocking facts are in front of them, people are often reluctant to believe that it is a fact, and even refuse to accept the fact!

This is what the molten iron column looks like at the moment.

As a daughter, she heard a certain voice from her mother... a voice that foreshadowed her betrayal of her father, how could she accept it! ?

For a moment.

There were two impulses in Hot Metal's brain.

One, rushed forward in big strides to see what happened!

The other is to turn around and stride away, escape this place, escape the truth!



Iron Shuizhu thought of his father's previous strangeness, and a thought suddenly appeared in his heart: "Could it be that my father became so abnormal after hearing this sound or seeing the pictures inside the tent?"

For a time, the heart of the molten iron sank to the bottom of the valley, and he was upset.

How could this be?

Okay, how could this happen?


Mother is not that kind of person!

Who is it?

Who is the "other half" who let mother betray father and do such unbearable things? !

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