"Classmate Xu, what are you drinking?" Su Ming turned to Xu Tingxue and asked.

Xu Tingxue recovered from the shock, "Ah? I'll just drink plain water."

"Two glasses of plain water!"

"Okay Mr. Su! Please wait!" A few minutes later, the saleswoman came over with two glasses of warm water.

After putting down the water glass, she handed over her business card with a smile on her face.

"Mr. Su, this is my business card, you can contact me anytime if you have anything."

In her opinion, even if Su Ming didn't get the house in the first phase, but after making such a good client, is he afraid that he won't be able to earn money in the future?

Taking [-] steps back, she was quite confident in her appearance.

just in case……

"Okay! I'll find you if I have something!"

With that said, Su Ming picked up a glass of water and handed it to Xu Tingxue.

"Student Su, what number are we?"

"I'll take a look." Su Ming took out the number plate and glanced at it, "Well, number 12891!"

"More than [-] numbers! It's scary! I feel like we're going to run with us."

"Run with me? Don't worry! It doesn't exist!"

With that said, Su Ming took out his mobile phone and started to operate it.

"Student Su, what are you doing?"

"I'll make a program, and it'll be fine in a while!"

After a while, Su Ming broke the wireless network password of the sales office and logged in.

Following the wireless network, Su Ming broke their router service password again.

The next step is the background system of the sales office! .

Chapter 23

The sales office is buzzing.

One by one, holding cards, mobile phones, and passbooks in their hands, they shouted over there.

"Don't squeeze! Don't squeeze, I'll come first!"

"Look at me! I brought all my housebooks! It's only [-] million! Hurry up and look at me!"

"Hey, my card dropped! Don't step on it!"

"Rang, I came to line up early in the morning, why is she in front of me!"

The sales manager stood right in front and shouted at the top of his voice.

"Don't worry! As long as your assets are approved, everyone has a chance!"

"Come, come, line up, line up, one by one!"


Those who passed the asset review and got the license plate were both happy and worried.

The happy thing is that they got the number plate, which is also one second earlier than the others.

The worry is that even though I got the number plate, I may not be able to draw, it is still unknown.

On the other hand, Su Ming's side was unprecedentedly calm.

Xu Tingxue was on the side, checking the information of the sales office on the Internet.

As for Su Ming, he was methodically invading the back-end system of the sales office.

It is very easy to invade the background system of the sales office through the router.

In just one minute before and after, Su Ming successfully entered their background system.

By simply scanning the background through the software, Su Ming quickly found the information he wanted.

Sure enough, the developer apparently released [-] high-end housing units, but in fact, [-] units have been locked.

In other words, these thirty-eight houses already have owners!

The remaining 62 houses were jointly robbed by 21769 customers.

Obviously, in addition to the thousands of customers on the spot, there are more online appointments to snap up.

Although the house price is expensive and the number of houses is few, it can't stand it. This is a high-end lake view room, and the apartment size is large, the nearby business district is perfect, and it is closer to Jinling famous schools.

In Jinling, for such a property, grab one and one less!

The second phase is much better than the first phase!

Therefore, people will desperately grab it.

Seeing everyone vying for each other and watching the sales staff maintain order, Su Ming's expression remained unchanged, but he secretly laughed in his heart.

"0.28% chance, tsk tsk tsk, it's not easy."

With a tap on the phone screen, Su Ming successfully locked his number plate.

That is to say, after a while, the background system will extract the qualifications to purchase a house, then there must be Su Ming!

After locking the number plate, Su Ming began to choose the type of apartment.

The first phase is located right on the edge of Xuanwu Lake, and each room is about [-] square meters!There is also a three-meter-extended balcony, which is very good for enjoying the night view of Xuanwu Lake.

After playing with the phone for a while, Xu Tingxue, who was somewhat bored, looked at Su Ming and asked, "Su Ming, what are you doing?"

"Look at the apartment type! Pick the location!"

"Ah? We haven't confirmed the eligibility to buy a house yet, so why did we start watching these? If we don't get it, wouldn't it be a waste of time?"

Su Ming smiled and didn't explain, but pointed to a house that faced both south and east.

"This apartment is good! It is 148 square meters, facing Xuanwu Lake, and the lighting is good!"

Xu Tingxue came up to take a look and nodded: "This apartment is really good! If you can grab it, that's great."

"Haha, don't worry."

As soon as the voice fell, a middle-aged man with a pot belly sat over.

"Little brother, are you also here to buy a house?"

"Yes you are?"

"So do we." The middle-aged man smiled and pointed to the crowded crowd not far away: "Huh? Why are you different from them? You look at them, mixed with joy and sorrow! Look at you again, you seem to be quite sure. Well."

Su Ming smiled lightly and did not answer directly, but instead asked, "You seem to be quite sure too."

"Of course I'm different from them!" the middle-aged man said proudly.

"Huh? Brother so confident?"

"Little brother, I'm not afraid to tell you! Don't look at the fact that there are only 0.3 or [-] people robbing houses on the surface. In fact, there are [-] or [-] people online!" The middle-aged man said mysteriously, "In other words, we can rob The chance of arriving is only about [-]%!"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Su Ming, wanting to get the thrill of seeing Su Ming's shock.

However, he was disappointed.

Su Ming sat there calmly, and said casually, "It's just a room grab, it's just a matter of fate."

"Little brother, you have a good attitude!" The middle-aged man said with emotion: "I can't do it!"

"Don't look at me being very casual now! In fact, if I hadn't cared about the mood of those who robbed the house, I could hum a song!"

"You don't understand, little brother! In fact, I have already made an internal decision!"

The middle-aged man looked proud.

Su Ming raised his brows, this guy has a feeling of 'Versailles literature'.

"Initial decision?" He pretended to be shocked: "Is this still possible?"

"That's not right! People with strength never need to grab it, just make an internal decision!"

"Brother is tall!"

The middle-aged man smiled and waved his hand.

"So-so! Those people who come to line up in the early morning are so stupid! What kind of society is this now? Information society! You can make an appointment online! Do you really think you can win the lottery if you line up here?"

"The reason I came here is to see the loss and helplessness of you squatters who can't get a room!"

"Little brother, don't be sad if you don't win the lottery, then go to my brother's place to sit and have a cup of tea! Meeting is fate!"

The middle-aged man was talking leisurely, while Su Ming looked at him with a light smile.

Soon, half an hour passed.

Everyone has verified their assets, and the lottery is about to begin.

"Everyone be quiet, we are about to start the lottery!".

Chapter 24

When I heard that the lottery was about to start, everyone was quiet.

Everyone looked at the sales manager nervously, and prayed silently that they could win the lottery!

"Please rest assured, the background system draws lots, absolutely fair and just!"

The sales manager said with a smile.

Immediately, he looked at the technician behind him: "Can we start?"


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