I, the only superpower on earth

Chapter 135 Confession

With the action of the FBI picking up the arrest warrant and pointing the gun at him, although Robert's heart was full of anger and irritability, he did not choose to resist at the first time, but raised his hands obediently.

Reality is not a movie, and there will be no end-of-life heroes who have the physique of ordinary people but can escape from the hands of a group of FBI policemen with guns.

From the moment the group of people took out their arrest warrants, if Robert resisted, he would undoubtedly give them a perfect reason to shoot.

So Robert just raised his hand—submissively, obediently, without a trace of anger, watching those federal agents in blue jackets come forward with guns raised, and touched his clothes from head to toe. Jing, with a kind smile to the team leader of the detective, the man who held the arrest warrant at the beginning, said softly:

"fuck U, wait, Agent Duncan."

The team leader looked down at the badge he hadn't taken off, and also smiled slightly, without showing any fear, but put his face close to Robert's ear:

"I'm waiting... Mr. General."

As he said that, he waved his hand again, and the expression on Duncan's face instantly became fierce:

"……take away!"

Accompanied by the "clang" sound of the silver-white handcuffs, Robert's hands were cut behind his back, and under the pull of several federal agents, his body involuntarily walked towards the direction of going out.

The moment he left the hotel, Robert turned his head and glanced at the high-end suite that had been in this room for several days, and the decoration was lacklustre.

It is obviously a commonplace, even a bit boring environment, but he is about to leave here completely, and he may not return from now on——Thinking of such a thing in his heart, Robert actually felt some inexplicable panic from the bottom of his heart.

...Because what the road ahead is, it is something that I can no longer control.


When the FBI agents broke through the door of the hotel suite, entered the room, and announced that Robert would go with them, Robert had a vague premonition that the next period of time would be very difficult.

But even though he exhausted his imagination, he never imagined that it would be such a torment.

Robert was not taken to that kind of special detention facility, with other suspects who have not yet been tried in court.

When he was taken back from the hotel, after a long drive, he was dizzy and exhausted and almost passed out, and was sent to the "Spann Base" directly under the Pentagon.

Robert has heard about the "Spann Base" in the past, and he knows that it is a place used by the United States to deal with the imprisonment of certain "key people".

There are two "Spann bases" in the United States, and nine other bases around the world outside the United States.

It is a mysterious area that does not exist on the map or in the intelligence, like Calvino's "invisible city". Currently, any content related to the government's lifting of the ban will not mention its existence.

Generally speaking, the persons imprisoned at the "Spann Base" fall into the following categories:

1. Important foreign personnel, such as senior government officials of certain small countries, or diplomats from other countries who are suspected of being spies in the United States, such people cannot be detained and tried justifiably. "base" for detention;

2. Persons who are suspected of being spies within the U.S. government or military, and the internal situation of the incident involved needs to be kept strictly confidential and cannot be released to the outside public;

3. Other personnel considered by the Pentagon to be processed through the "Spann Base".

As the general with the highest rank among the surviving senior military officers in the United States, Robert had no special interest in "Spann Base" in the past. Although he knew about it, he didn't know it in detail.

But now, Robert himself has become a resident of "Spann Base".

And——he is also the most senior officer who has lived in the "Spann Base" since its establishment.


On the first day of entering the "Spann Base", that is, the day he was taken to the "Spann Base" by the FBI, Robert, who was physically and mentally exhausted, was taken to a four-square-meter all-white room.

The four walls, the ceiling, and the floor of the room are all covered with soft and foamy materials, and there are large and small light sources all over the inside, so that the structure of the entire room can be seen at a glance, and it seems that the lumens even exceed Thousands, as soon as he entered it, even though Robert was so sleepy that he could hardly open his eyes, but facing the invisible light, he still felt that even if he closed his eyes, his eyelids were transparent.

There is no small bed in the room, only a fixed toilet and floor, because it is a constant temperature central air conditioner, there is no room for temperature control.

Robert tried to lie down in the room, but after he lay down, he realized that the structure of the room was very vicious. No matter lying upright or reclining, he couldn't completely put down his body, so he had to curl up a part of his body.

Moreover, not long after he lay down, even though he was always under the strong light, because the drowsiness became more and more serious, Robert gradually fell into an uneasy sleep-but as soon as he fell asleep, a "creaking sound" "Crackling", the restless noise, like scratching a blackboard with fingernails, rang throughout the room.

Robert could bear it no longer.

He sat up from the ground and shouted loudly to the investigators who must be watching him all the time outside the prison cell:

"Stop! Turn off the light! Turn off the sound! Let me out! I want to see a lawyer!!"

The light source is still on, and the noise is still ringing, as if it was not disturbed by Robert at all.

Robert yelled frantically, as if trying to drown out the noise, but until his throat was about to ooze blood, the noise was still output steadily and continuously.

"FUCK! How to let me out! Do whatever you want!"

Robert yelled at the people outside the room in despair.

The noise finally stopped.

But the strong light in the room still maintains the previous lumens.

And suddenly a small gap opened on the door, the gap opened, a thin piece of paper, and a ring retractable pen specially used to prevent suicide were sent in.

Robert picked up the paper.

There are a bunch of testimonies written on it, but the most important testimony has two sentences:

"1. I admit that I have a connection with the outbreak of the 'Blood Tides', and I have colluded with the 'Blood Angels' beforehand; 2. I am willing to take all responsibility for the failure of the US East Asia strategy."

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