Just when Tsunade was stunned because he saw the death of the three generations from the Destiny Quest.

Bofeng Shuimen had already told Jiu Xinnai, who had been waiting for an anxious person on the side, about what he saw.

“Are you saying that our child Naruto turned out to be the crane tail of the ninja school? Isn’t that the same as carrying the waste firewood with soil? It can’t be impossible, our son is so good, how can he be the same as that idiot with soil! ”

“What? You say his current teacher is Kakashi? Hmph, I don’t like that guy, what genius ninja, are you genius? Moreover, where was Naruto when he picked up garbage to eat? ”

“Wow, do we Naruto already have a girl he likes? It’s called Haruno Sakura, listening to what you said, I think this girl is not suitable for Naruto, but the little girl from the Hyuga family you said I think is more gentle. ”

“Oh my God, it’s not true, Naruto that kid is so stupid, and he uses bitterness to tie his own hands, and he wants to use the method of remembering pain to make himself strong inside, ahahahah, although it’s stupid, but it’s very similar to me, I was just as strong back then, don’t forget my name Blood Red Chili Pepper, it’s really my son of Jiu Xinnai!”

“What? Naruto is taking the Chūnin exam? Eun, our son will definitely become a good ninja, he passed 19 smoothly, right? ”

“What? He also met the big snake pill in the exam? That guy also attacked my son? Damn, if I find him, I will definitely kill him. ”

“Konoha Collapse Plan? Orochimaru intends to collapse the entire Konoha? Even three generations died? Die is dead, anyway, I want to kill him, and a lot of Konoha ninjas? Great, I don’t have to do it myself, a group of ungrateful guys, completely forgetting that if it wasn’t for our husband and wife sacrificing them, they only remember how many people died in the disaster, but they don’t remember that they can live because of our sacrifice, forget it, I’m not interested in them, it doesn’t matter if Konoha doesn’t exist. ”

“Well? Is this plan related to the World Gate? Can changing this plan to enter the city open the door to the world? Then I’m interested, you go ahead. ”

“Death? Three generations will summon that? Great, this is what My God has explained, this time we can sacrifice it to My God, if My God sends down the divine grace, it is just right to ask My God to make Naruto a priest! ”

Jiu Xinnai kept exclaiming when she heard it.

Every little thing about Naruto’s success made her worry.

Instead, it was the earth-shattering Konoha collapse plan, she had no interest at all, and she had no feelings for Naruto since she knew about the treatment of the village.

I still heard that it can open the door to the world, and it is related to death, so I revived my interest.

The mute on the side was also surprised to hear it.

Especially Naruto’s growing smile from time to time.

She was a little surprised to hear Konoha’s collapse plan, but that’s all, she had been with Tsunade since she was a child, and she didn’t have much heart for that village, and she was just because Tsunade had a deep bond with it.

“Okay, everything is clear, you know what’s going on, let’s go find Jiraiya next, after finding that guy, we’ll go to Konoha Village, calculate the time and the Chūnin exam should not have started yet, by the way, now Naruto and Kakashi they may be in the Land of Waves, or else let’s go around the country of Waves first and then go to find Jiraiya?”

Tsunade asked towards the three.

Wave Feng Shuimon looked at Jiu Shinnai, Jiu Shinai immediately nodded, she couldn’t wait to see Naruto immediately, anyway, Konoha collapse plan after the Naka Ninja exam, they went to the country of Waves to find Naruto without delaying participation in the Konoha collapse plan.

“Then let’s go to the country of Waves, and inquire all the way about the whereabouts of that guy from Jiraiya.”

Tsunade makes a decision.

The group immediately left the border of the Land of Fire and headed for the Land of Waves.

And shortly after they left.

A group of four appeared near the small village they had just left.

Naruto walked leisurely with his hands behind his head and a weed in his mouth, humming a song as he walked.

Sasuke, on the other hand, walked silently at the back of the line with a cold face.

In the middle are Kakashi and Sakura.

“Kakashi-sensei, don’t we care about things over there in the Land of Waves? That is not cut and white we haven’t solved, is it really okay? ”

Sakura asked with some concern.

Originally, they went to the Land of Waves to carry out a mission, but the sudden news from the village halfway made them temporarily abandon the mission of the Country of Waves and turn here to investigate the affairs of the believers of the evil gods, which made Sakura, who already had some feelings for the people of the Country of Waves, a little uneasy.

“Don’t worry, the village will send other ninjas to solve the problem there, our task now is to investigate what happened here, intelligence said that some villagers suddenly have ninja-like powers after believing in an evil god, and the village attaches great importance to this matter, so we must investigate clearly.”

Kakashi said that he was also a little surprised by the sudden change of task, and what surprised him even more was the content of this task.

“Che, what kind of gods, it’s just to deceive the fools and fools in the countryside, there is no such thing as a god in this world, believing in gods can get ninja-like power is even more nonsense, it’s just a little unreasonable, I really don’t know what the village thinks, this absurd rumor must also be investigated.”

Sasuke said dissatisfied, he would rather fight the ninja named Shiro than investigate such a ridiculous thing. 670



How could that kind of thing exist?

If they also believe in gods, they can get the same power as ninjas, why don’t they say that believing in gods can resurrect all of their Uchiha family? Why don’t they say that believing in gods will give him the power to defeat Uchiha Itachi?

There really is that kind of divine word.

He was the first to rush to the letter, and he could kowtow to the gods every day!

“That’s it, how can there be gods in this world, the power of our ninjas is cultivated by ourselves, and believing in gods can get power, even children will not believe.”

Haruno Sakura quickly nodded in agreement with her male god.

Naruto suddenly became upset.

Pouting: “That’s not necessarily, if there is really no possibility, is the village a fool?” Do you want us to investigate? If you know that Kakashi-sensei is a shinobi, can it be a casual lie to be able to dispatch a shinobi? Maybe there really is some god, hahaha, if anything, I want to beg Him to resurrect my parents, it is better to treat me to another meal of Ichiraku ramen! ”

Naruto said, suddenly cheerful, looking heartless and lungless.


Sakura rolled her eyes.

Uchiha Sasuke was even more unimpressed.


Scold! _

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